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2010 FHSAA Compliance Seminar Eligibility and Compliance Boca Raton August 2-3, 2010 Ocala August 5-6, 2010 1.

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Presentation on theme: "2010 FHSAA Compliance Seminar Eligibility and Compliance Boca Raton August 2-3, 2010 Ocala August 5-6, 2010 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 2010 FHSAA Compliance Seminar Eligibility and Compliance Boca Raton August 2-3, 2010 Ocala August 5-6, 2010 1

2 Focus of Presentation General Approach to Eligibility Obligation of Membership (Bylaw 3) Eligibility and Compliance (Bylaws 9 and 10) Non-school activities / activities affiliated with a school Transferring Allegations, Self-reporting, Penalties and Due Process Off-season Activities (Policies 20-26) Recruiting (Policy 36) 2

3 General Approach to Eligibility Miscellaneous Searching Handbook Attending School (Bylaw 9.2) – First attend practice, first attend class – Enrolling does not constitute attending school Guardianship (Bylaw 9.3) – Does not establish residence – Permanent, Adoption Due Process (Bylaw 10) 3

4 Obligation of Membership 3.5.1 Administrative Control – The principal is ultimately responsible for the school’s activities and those of its representatives of the athletic program’s interest. Cooperation with Association – Schools that fail to fully cooperate with investigations, inquiries is considered in violation of Association bylaw provisions. 4

5 Obligation of Membership 3.5.5 Acceptance of Decisions – Schools found to have encouraged individuals to pursue legal action are considered in violation of this provision. – This provision does not deny a member school the right to due process. 5

6 Eligibility and Compliance Bylaw 9.2 Student must attend the school he/she is representing in interscholastic athletics (9.2.1) Exceptions (9.2.2) – Home-educated ( Must complete proper forms – Charter school ( – Dual enrolled ( – Alternative or Special School List of schools submitted by superintendent/designee 6

7 Eligibility and Compliance Bylaw 9.2 Exceptions Continued (9.2.2) Participation in Summer Athletic Activities by Students Changing Schools or Entering a Member School or Combination School for the First Time. A student may participate in athletic activities sponsored by or affiliated with a school during the summer period immediately preceding attendance in that school if the student has been assigned to or accepted by the school and no longer attends his/her previous school. The student will be considered to have established residence in that school and will not be eligible to participate in athletic activities sponsored by or affiliated with a school or competition at any other member school during that school year. A student who is assigned to and/or accepted by more than one school will be considered to have established residence in the school he/she first attends or participates in summer athletic activities prior to attendance, whichever comes first. 7

8 Eligibility and Compliance Bylaw 9.2 9.2.4 Participation in Non-School Athletic Activities Affiliated with a School. The FHSAA supports and endorses Florida’s philosophy of school of choice for academic purposes. However, if a student chooses to attend or participate for a school, public or private, in which the student participated in any non-school athletic activities affiliated with a school that the student does not attend or did not attend in the previous school year (in the case of home education students, does not participate for or did not participate for) and then establishes his/her school residence (in the case of home education students, he/she participates) at the affiliated school within one calendar year of such participation will not be eligible in the new school until the student has been in attendance at that school for one calendar year. Establishing such school residence is bona fide evidence that the student is attending the school in whole or in part for athletic reasons. 8

9 Eligibility and Compliance Bylaw 9.2 Application of 9.2.4 Students completing 8 th grade Students accepted to academy / magnet program Activities affiliated with a school 9

10 Eligibility and Compliance (Bylaw 9.3.2) Students who change schools after first attending a school are ineligible for the remainder of the school year Exceptions – Full and complete move – Necessary relocation – Student marries – Need to attend different school 10

11 Eligibility and Compliance Bylaw 9.4 “Forgiveness.” If a student repeats a course, regardless of whether he/she passed or failed the course on the first attempt in which the student earned a “D” or “F,” or the equivalent of a grade of “D” or “F,” the grade may be replaced with a grade of “C” or higher, or the equivalent of a grade of “C” or higher, provided for required courses the course is the same or comparable course, or with a grade of “C” or higher, or the equivalent of a grade of “C” or higher for an elective course and that grade will be used to calculate the student’s cumulative GPA. (s.1003.428(4)(d), note, Florida Statutes) (succeeding class) 11

12 Eligibility and Compliance (Bylaw 10) Allegations (Received from Schools / Public) – Emails – Inquiries – Investigation Self-reporting – Self-reported ($100 per occurrence) – Reported by member school ($2,500 per occurrence) Playing ineligible student in 25 bk contests ($2500 or $62,500) 12

13 Eligibility and Compliance (Bylaw 10) Penalties – Forfeiture – Reprimand – Probation (Administrative / Restrictive) – Expulsion 13

14 Eligibility and Compliance (Bylaw 10) 10.4 Due Process o Two types of appeals o Individual / Eligibility o School / Penalties 10.5.1 Cost of Appeals 14

15 Policy 20 20 Policy on Summer Athletic Participation 20.1.1 Not Regulated in Summer. – Except football – Member school principal, district school superintendent, district school board or private school governing body are responsible for governing activities of respective schools. 20.1.2 Football. – A member school shall not permit student-athletes in its football programs to wear helmets or pads or engage in physical contact in any activity sponsored by or under the supervision of the school during the summer. This shall not preclude the school from issuing school-owned equipment to a student- athlete for his/her use at a summer football camp, provided the camp is organized, operated and conducted by a third-party entity. 20.2 Summer Defined. – Begins the day following school’s last day of classes for spring semester or school’s last day or June 1 (if spring semester ends on May 31 or later) – concluding with the Saturday of Week 5 in the FHSAA standardized calendar for the following school year. 15

16 Policy 21 21 Off-Season Conditioning Guidelines 21.1.1 Off-season. “Off-season” means the period of time during the regular school year but outside the defined sport season for a specific sport. 21.1.2 Sports Season. “Sports season” means the period of time for a specific school team in each respective sport that begins with the first permissible date of practice in that sport and ends either with last date for regular season contest, until eliminated from state series or conclusion of championship game in that sport 21.2 shall only be open to participation by all students enrolled in that school. 21.3 participants shall file with the school the EL2 and EL3 Forms 21.4 Participation shall be voluntary and shall not be required, either directly or indirectly, for membership on an interscholastic team. 21.5 Supervision by school personnel is required. 21.6 Schools shall provide information in the following areas: – Proper use of weight room equipment; Proper weight training techniques; Proper nutrition; Proper cardiovascular conditioning techniques; Ergogenics. 16

17 Policy 22 22 Non-School Teams and Off-Season Participation Guidelines 22.3 During the off-season, a coach, prospective coach of any member school or any individual involved in any respect may not be involved with a non-school team in a sport unless the non-school team meets the following requirements: 22.3.1 The team must be affiliated with an outside agency promoting athletic participation opportunities such as, but not limited to (for example – See Handbook for listing): – Baseball – Babe Ruth, American Legion, city/county leagues – Basketball – AAU, USA, USOC 22.3.2 Participation must include competition in the published scheduled events of the outside agency. 22.3.3 Student athletes and coaches, where applicable, are not permitted to wear any portion of a school’s athletic uniform. 22.3.4 All fees or assessment for participation must be documented. 22.3.5 Participation shall be voluntary and shall not be required, either directly or indirectly, for membership on an interscholastic team. 22.3.6 Member schools may make their gymnasiums and other athletic facilities available to outside groups or organizations provided a fully executed usage agreement is provided and available upon request. 17

18 Policy 22 22.4 Participation by a student in non-school athletics (i.e. AAU, American Legion, club settings, etc.) that is affiliated with any school other than the school which the student attends, or attended the prior year, followed by enrollment by that student in the affiliated school, shall be considered prima facie evidence of recruiting by the school to which that student enrolled..., is disproved by the school and student to the satisfaction of the Executive Director, the student shall be ineligible to represent that school in interscholastic athletic competition for a period of 365 consecutive days from the date of his/her enrollment in that school. A team affiliated with a school is one that is organized by and/or coached by any member of the coaching staff at, or any other person affiliated with, that school; and/or on which the majority of the members of the team (participants in practice and/or competition) are students who attend that school (Bylaw 18

19 Policy 23 23 Open Facilities Program Guidelines 23.1 Member schools may open their gymnasiums and other athletic facilities only to their students without being in violation of FHSAA Bylaws. 23.1.4 Supervision by school personnel is required in a supervisory capacity only. 23.1.5 Participation shall be voluntary. 23.1.6 No sport-specific tasks or drills shall be taught or assigned to students to perform during open facility activities. 23.1.7 Open facility activities in a specific sport shall be concluded a minimum of two weeks prior to the first permissible date of interscholastic practice in that sport. 19

20 Policies 24 & 25 24 Guidelines for Conduct of Coaching Schools, Camps, Clinics, Workshops by Member Schools – Member schools, school employees, coaches may conduct camps – Must be held during the summer 25 Guidelines for Participation by Student-Athletes and Teams in Coaching Schools, Camps, Clinics, Workshops – Student may not represent school – Fees for the students who participate in the event are not paid by the school, coach or school district; however, internal account funds generated from fund- raising activities may be used. – School teams may attend during summer 20

21 Policy 36 36 Policy on Recruiting 36.1 GENERAL PRINCIPLES – 36.1.1 Athletic Recruiting Forbidden. – 36.1.2 Scope of School’s Responsibility. – 36.1.3 Compliance Programs. – 36.1.4 Academic Recruitment Permissible. – 36.1.5 Financial Assistance Permissible. – 36.1.6 Extra Benefit. – 36.1.7 Eligibility Effect of Violation. 36.2 GENERAL DEFINITIONS 36.3 IMPROPER CONTACT 36.4 IMPERMISSIBLE BENEFIT 36.5 ACADEMIC RECRUITMENT PROGRAMS 36.6 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE 36.7 COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTS – 36.7.1 Certification of Compliance Form. – 36.7.2 Affidavit of Compliance 36 Policy on Recruiting (Continued) 36.8 PENALTIES 36.8.1 Mandatory Forfeiture. 36.8.2 Disciplinary Measures. – Public reprimand; – Financial penalty; – A form or combination of forms of probation – Prohibition against participating in certain interscholastic competitions, including FHSAA state championship series competitions, for one or more years in the sport(s) in which the violation(s) occurred; – Prohibition against participating in any interscholastic competition for one or more years in the sport(s) in which the violation(s) occurred; – Restricted membership for one or more year during which time some or all of the school’s membership privileges may be restricted or denied; and – Expulsion from membership in the Association for one or more years. 21

22 Policy 36 36 Policy on Recruiting 36.1 GENERAL PRINCIPLES – 36.1.1 Athletic Recruiting Forbidden. – 36.1.2 Scope of School’s Responsibility. – 36.1.3 Compliance Programs. – 36.1.4 Academic Recruitment Permissible. – 36.1.5 Financial Assistance Permissible. – 36.1.6 Extra Benefit. – 36.1.7 Eligibility Effect of Violation. 36.2 GENERAL DEFINITIONS 36.3 IMPROPER CONTACT 36.4 IMPERMISSIBLE BENEFIT 36.5 ACADEMIC RECRUITMENT PROGRAMS 36.6 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE 36.7 COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTS – 36.7.1 Certification of Compliance Form. – 36.7.2 Affidavit of Compliance 36 Policy on Recruiting (Continued) 36.8 PENALTIES —36.8.1 Mandatory Forfeiture. —36.8.2 Disciplinary Measures. 22

23 Policy 41 41 Penalty Code 23

24 Questions??? For assistance with rulings and eligibility status: EL10 24

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