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1 PKI & USHER/HEBCA Fall 2005 Internet2 Member Meeting Jim Jokl September 21, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "1 PKI & USHER/HEBCA Fall 2005 Internet2 Member Meeting Jim Jokl September 21, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 PKI & USHER/HEBCA Fall 2005 Internet2 Member Meeting Jim Jokl jaj@Virginia.EDU September 21, 2005

2 2 PKI and USHER/HEBCA  (How) do all of these PKI pieces fit together? USHER – US Higher Education Root CA HEBCA – Higher Education Bridge CA Campus Certification Authorities EDUCAUSE contract for outsourced certificates  What should a campus be doing?  Where’s the glue?

3 3 Fundamental Decision: Build or Buy  Building your own PKI Certification Authority (CA)  Developing or installing CA software  Operating it in a secure environment Implementing the Registration Authority (RA) function  Identity proofing of individuals  Handling requests for revocation, etc. Some considerations  Early investment in staff time, likely lower per-certificate costs for large deployments in the long run  Users can have as many certificates as they need Software examples at:

4 4 Fundamental Decision: Build or Buy  Buying PKI services Certification Authority (CA)  Provided by the outsource company  Operated remotely in a secure environment Implementing the Registration Authority (RA) function  Identity proofing of individuals  Handling requests for revocation, etc. Some considerations  Quick start-up  Annual costs bounded by the number of certificates issued  Root certificate likely already trusted by your browsers and installed in your operating systems  May limit the number of certificates that each user can have Example:

5 5 Some Interesting PKI Applications  The build vs. buy decision may be influenced by your PKI applications Electronic mail (S/MIME) VPN (IPSec), Wireless (EAP-TLS), & SSH authentication Web authentication Grids (Globus toolkit) LionShare Digital signatures on documents  Applications with large numbers of users may tip the balance towards the “build” option Note that certificate management (getting the same certificate/key on multiple computers) can be hard for users

6 6 Inter-organizational Trust USHER CA Campus CA Campus A Mid-A User Campus B Campus n Mid-B User HEBCA Bridge Cross-certificate pairs User

7 7 A Higher-level View of Inter-organizational Trust FBCA HEBCA SAFE Commercial Others Campus CA Educause Verisign CA USHER CA Campus CA Campus Users

8 8 One Strategy: University of Virginia  HEBCA Cross-certify our UVa High Assurance CA  Uses hardware tokens for private key protection and mobility  Photo-id identity verification  ~600 users now with a couple hundred more in progress Applications: access to critical systems, medical research data, etc  USHER Subordinate our UVa Standard Assurance CA  Uses operating system/browser key store  Certificates issued on-line via database check  ~13,000 users with ~28,000 certs Applications: wireless auth, VPNs, Globus

9 9 Some Helpful Projects  PKI-Lite PKI-Lite  HEPKI Model Certification Policy HEPKI Model Certification Policy  Digital signature tools projectproject  S/MIME S/MIME  Software CA packagespackages Investigating a project to create a campus “make install” CA available Include software, tuned for PKI-Lite certificate profiles Document integration with campus AuthN

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