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Efficient Sequential Aggregate Signed Data Gregory Neven IBM Zurich Research Laboratory work done while at K.U.Leuven.

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Presentation on theme: "Efficient Sequential Aggregate Signed Data Gregory Neven IBM Zurich Research Laboratory work done while at K.U.Leuven."— Presentation transcript:

1 Efficient Sequential Aggregate Signed Data Gregory Neven IBM Zurich Research Laboratory work done while at K.U.Leuven

2 2 Digital signatures (pk),M,σ σ ← Sign(sk,M) 0/1 ← Verify(pk,M,σ) (pk,sk) ← KeyGen()

3 3 Digital signatures … (pk 1,…,pk n ), M 1,…,M n, σ 1,…, σ n σ 1 ← Sign(sk 1,M 1 ) σ n ← Sign(sk n,M n ) σ1σ1 σnσn i : 0/1 ← Verify(pk i,M i,σ i ) A

4 4 Aggregate signatures (AS) … (pk 1,…,pk n ), M 1,…,M n, σ σ 1 ← Sign(sk 1,M 1 ) σ n ← Sign(sk n,M n ) σ1σ1 σnσn σ ← Agg(σ 1,…,σ n ) Goal: |σ| < |σ 1 | + … + |σ n |, preferably constant Motivation: certificate chains secure routing protocols save bandwidth (= battery life) for wireless devices 0/1 ← Verify(pk,M,σ) [BGLS03]

5 5 Sequential aggregate signatures (SAS) σ 1 ← Sign(sk 1,M 1 ) … (pk 1,…,pk n ), M 1,…,M n, σ σ 2 ← Sign(sk 2,M 2,σ 1 ) σ1σ1 σ n-1 σ = σ n ← Sign(sk n,M n,σ n-1 ) Goal: |σ| < |σ 1 | + … + |σ n |, preferably constant Motivation: certificate chains secure routing protocols save bandwidth (= battery life) for wireless devices 0/1 ← Verify(pk,M,σ) [LMRS04]

6 6 Existing (S)AS schemes SchemeTypeBased onKey modelRO BGLSASpairingsplainY LMRSSASRSAplainY LOSSWSASpairingsKoSKN

7 7 Drawbacks of existing schemes  Current drawbacks of pairings (BGLS, LOSSW)  trust in assumptions vs. factoring, RSA  no standardization  implementations  Rather inefficient verification (BGLS, LMRS)  BGLS: n pairings  LMRS: certified claw-free trapdoor permutations instantiation from RSA requires e > N → verification = signing = n full-length exps  Weak key setup model (LOSSW) plain public-key vs. knowledge of secret key (KOSK)

8 8 cert 1 ← Sign(sk 1, ID 2 ||pk 2 ) cert 2 ← Sign(sk 2, ID U ||pk, cert 1 ) cert 1 cert 2 σ ← Sign(sk, M, cert 2 ) 1 2 U Drawbacks of existing schemes  Security parameter flexibility (BGLS, LMRS, LOSSW) e.g. certificate chains  BGLS, LOSSW: no flexibility whatsoever  LMRS: increasing modulus size only → exact opposite of what we need  No (S)AS schemes for currently existing keys/certificates! security level

9 9 Our contributions  Generalization of SAS to SASD  SASD scheme with  instantations from low-exponent RSA and factoring  efficient signing (1 exp + O(n) mult) and verification (O(n) mult)  full flexibility in modulus size  compatible with existing RSA/Rabin keys and certificates  Pure SAS scheme with same properties  Generalization of multi-signatures to multi-signed data (MSD)  Non-interactive MSD scheme from RSA and factoring (no pairings)

10 10 Sequential aggregate signatures σ 1 ← Sign(sk 1,M 1 ) … σ 2 ← Sign(sk 2,M 2,σ 1 ) σ1σ1 σ n-1 σ = σ n ← Sign(sk n,M n,σ n-1 ) Goal: |σ| < |σ 1 | + … + |σ n | (pk 1,…,pk n ), M 1,…,M n, σ 0/1 ← Verify(pk,M,σ) [LMRS04]

11 11 Sequential aggregate signed data (SASD) Σ 1 ← Sign(sk 1,M 1 ) … Σ (pk,M)/ ← Verify(Σ) Σ 2 ← Sign(sk 2,M 2,Σ 1 ) Σ1Σ1 Σ n-1 Σ = Σ n ← Sign(sk n,M n,Σ n-1 ) Goal: minimize “net overhead” |Σ| – |M 1 | – … – |M n | ┴

12 12 SASD scheme intuition Step 1. Full-domain hash with message recovery Trapdoor permutation π, message M = m||µ H G = π net overhead ≈ 160 bits mµ Xhm = = Σ M

13 13 SASD scheme intuition mµ Xh Step 1. Full-domain hash with message recovery Trapdoor permutation π, message M = m||µ H G m π net overhead ≈ 160 bits = ? = = Σ M

14 14 SASD scheme intuition m1m1 µ1µ1 X1X1 h1h1 H G = m1m1 = π m2m2 µ2µ2 X2X2 h2h2 H G m2m2 π net overhead ≈ 2×160 = 320 bits Step 2. Aggregating the hashes Σ1Σ1 M1M1 = = Σ2Σ2 M2M2 1 2

15 15 SASD scheme intuition m1m1 µ1µ1 G π m2m2 µ2µ2 G π net overhead ≈ 160 bits H H Step 2. Aggregating the hashes (intuition only – insecure!) X1X1 h1h1 = m1m1 = X2X2 h2h2 m2m2 Σ1Σ1 M1M1 = = Σ2Σ2 M2M2 1 2

16 16 SASD scheme intuition m1m1 µ1µ1 G π m2m2 µ2µ2 G π net overhead ≈ 160 bits = ? H H Step 2. Aggregating the hashes (intuition only – insecure!) X1X1 h1h1 = m1m1 = X2X2 h2h2 m2m2 Σ1Σ1 M1M1 = = Σ2Σ2 M2M2 1 2

17 17 SASD scheme intuition m1m1 µ1µ1 X1X1 h1h1 Step 3. Recovering any type of data (intuition only – insecure!) G = m1m1 = π M2M2 X2X2 h2h2 G M2M2 π net overhead ≈ 160 bits H H X1X1 = = Σ1Σ1 M1M1 = Σ2Σ2 1 2

18 18 The SASD scheme Step 4. Getting the details right: see paper. Theorem. If there exists a forger that (t,q S,q H,q G,n,ε)-breaks SASD in the random oracle model, then there exists an algorithm that (t’,ε’)-finds a claw in Π, where

19 19 Comparison of SAS(D) schemes SchemeBased on Overhead (– |pk|) SignVerify BGLSpairings1601 En P LOSSWpairings3202 P + 160n M LMRSRSA1024n E SASD RSA, factoring 160…11841 E + 2n M2n M SAS RSA, factoring 11841 E + 2n M2n M P = pairing E = exponentiation M = multiplication n = #signatures in aggregate

20 20 Non-interactive multi-signatures (MS) Sign(sk 1,M) Sign(sk n,M) … (pk 1,…,pk n ), M, σ Σ ← Agg(σ 1,…, σ n ) Goal: |σ| < |σ 1 | + … + |σ n | n signatures on same message M σ1σ1 σnσn 0/1 ← Verify(pk,M,σ)

21 21 Non-interactive multi-signed data (MSD) Sign(sk 1,M) Sign(sk n,M) … Σ Σ ← Agg(Σ 1,…, Σ n ) Goal: minimize “net overhead” |Σ| – |M| n signatures on same message M Σ1Σ1 ΣnΣn (pk,M)/ ← Verify(Σ) ┴

22 22 MSD scheme m1m1 µ1µ1 h H G = π Each partial signature contains part of M M m2m2 m3m3 µ2µ2 µ3µ3 m4m4 G π G π m1m1 Σ1Σ1 = Σ m2m2 m3m3 Σ2Σ2 Σ3Σ3 m4m4 net overhead ≈ 160 bits Who takes which part of M?  Fully non-interactive: pos = hash(π i,M)  Known co-signers: fixed (e.g. lexicographic) order 1 2 3

23 23 Comparison of MS(D) schemes SchemeBased on Overhead (– |pk|) SignVerify Bolpairings1601 E2 P + n M LOSSWpairings3202 E + 160 M 2 P + (160+n) M MSD RSA, factoring 160 … 1024n + 160 1 E + 2n M2n M P = pairing E = exponentiation M = multiplication n = #signatures in aggregate

24 24 Closing remarks  In summary: propose SAS, SASD, MSD schemes  first based on low-exponent RSA and factoring  outperform existing schemes in many respects  free choice of modulus size  work with existing RSA/Rabin keys  Tight reduction using Katz-Wang, or next talk  Full version: ePrint Report 2008/063

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