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National Height Modernization Program Overview January 24, 2006 Juliana Blackwell Height Modernization Program Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "National Height Modernization Program Overview January 24, 2006 Juliana Blackwell Height Modernization Program Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Height Modernization Program Overview January 24, 2006 Juliana Blackwell Height Modernization Program Manager

2 Height Modernization Overview Definition Background Needs and Benefits Outreach and Education

3 Height Modernization is … …the establishment of accurate, reliable heights using GPS technology in conjunction with traditional leveling, gravity, and modern remote sensing information. D E F I N I T I O N

4 Before you build...... inspect your foundation. D E F I N I T I O N

5 Height Modernization Objective NSRS NAVD 88 GEODETIC CONTROL Reliable Cost-effective Accurate StandardizedLegally Established D E F I N I T I O N

6 Geoid (Gravity & modeling) Ellipsoid (GPS) Orthometric (Leveling) What Types of Heights are Involved? D E F I N I T I O N

7 ? ? ? Building the System Models, Tools Outreach, Education, Expertise Guidelines, Specifications D E F I N I T I O N

8 The Roots of Height Modernization In 1994 - First meeting held in Sacramento, CA Some heights in CA in error by more than a meter GPS could be immediately used to meet some of California’s requirements Necessary for the implementation of NAVD 88 In 1998, $1.0 M was added to NGS budget to perform Height Modernization Study B A C K G R O U N D

9 In 1999, Height Modernization not mentioned In 2000, $500K added to NGS’ budget for Height Modernization planning In 2001, $2.25M added to NGS budget to perform Height Modernization in North Carolina, to support the California Spatial Reference Center (CSRC), and to support NGS related Height Modernization activities Also in 2001, NOAA is directed to work with Louisiana and Wisconsin to assess their requirements for Height Modernization B A C K G R O U N D

10 Height Modernization Appropriations (FY01-FY06) Fiscal YearAppropriationsStates FY 20012.25 MCA, NC FY 20023.75 M CA, NC, LA, WI FY 20033.75 MCA, NC, LA, WI, MS FY 20049.0 M CA, NC, LA, WI, MS, AL, WA, SC FY 20059.6 M CA, NC, LA, WI, MS, AL, WA, TX, KY FY 20069.9 M CA, NC, WI, MS, AL, SC, TX, KY, AZ B A C K G R O U N D

11 FY06 Height Modernization Funding ($ in thousands) CA933 California Spatial Reference Center at Scripps Institution of Oceanography NC933 North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources (and North Carolina A&T State University) WI3,000 Wisconsin Department of Transportation AL1,971 Alabama Department of Revenue MS600 University of Southern Mississippi TX1,600 Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi KY500 Morehead State University SC467 South Carolina Geodetic Survey *AZ500 ??? NGS233 Height Modernization Regional Expansion - NGS Implementation * New state B A C K G R O U N D

12 Height Modernization Status - 2006 Legend Spatial Reference Centers Regional Leaders Lead Agencies Height Modernization States Interested States B A C K G R O U N D

13 Why Height Modernization? NOAA’s Height Modernization Program provides the means to determine accurate (land) elevations effectively (doing the right thing) and efficiently (doing things right). N E E D S & B E N E F I T S


15 Master Plan for a spatial reference network in California CORS and traditional monuments along transportation corridors Implementation dependent on technological developments (wide-area RTK, real-time networks, and wireless communications) Complete data set of NAVD88 heights will be computed for the California CORS network. California Spatial Reference Center Tectonic Movement N E E D S & B E N E F I T S

16 CORS/Extensometers PAMs TMC Site 17 1 7 82 13 12 9 11 18 3 5 6 19 15 10 14 16 4 00 21 26 23 22 20 27 24 28 NE LKHU ADKS TMCTMC HOUSTON FORT BEND MONTGOMERY GALVESTON HARRIS Water Management Harris-Galveston Subsidence District N E E D S & B E N E F I T S

17 North Carolina Cooperative Technical State Floodplain Mapping N E E D S & B E N E F I T S

18 Transportation Wisconsin Department of Transportation Began in 1998 - Wisconsin Department of Transportation Improve height data (the vertical component of the geodetic network) Eliminate inconsistencies between horizontal and vertical Supplement control where marks have been destroyed Create network that can fully utilize GPS technologies (cost effective) N E E D S & B E N E F I T S

19 Louisiana Spatial Reference Center Subsidence N E E D S & B E N E F I T S

20 Measuring Heights Along Evacuation Routes Safety N E E D S & B E N E F I T S

21 MAP Modernization Flood Insurance Risk Maps Determining High Water Marks Elevation Certificates Dam Safety Mitigation N E E D S & B E N E F I T S

22 Alabama Department of Revenue Alabama Department of Transportation oversees surveying tasks Goals -Primary Base Network 40 to 50 km grid -Leveling to Primary Base Marks -CORS -County surveys Mapping and GIS N E E D S & B E N E F I T S

23 Water Levels Purchased equipment for 11 CORS Eight Gulf Coast counties selected for CORS Developed plan to extend CORS network throughout the State (30 CORS) USM Gulf Coast Research Lab installed National Water Level Observation Network (NWLON) station co-located with CORS –Long-term plan to install two other NWLON stations along the coast Contract survey work planned Height Modernization survey along Mississippi River (Cairo, IL to the Gulf) completed in cooperation with USACE University of Southern Mississippi N E E D S & B E N E F I T S

24 Spatial Reference Center of Washington Ensure a high-accuracy geodetic reference network in WA (GPS, monuments, CORS, VRS networks, geodetic models). Ensure that survey data provided to NGS for inclusion into National Spatial Reference System (NSRS) database. Promote the Washington Spatial Reference System. Ensure availability of time-dependent geospatial information. Promote the development of specifications and guidelines for GPS surveys Serve as an educational source for users and potential users. Foster cooperation and partnerships N E E D S & B E N E F I T S

25 TCOON Texas Spatial Reference Center Texas Coastal Ocean Observation Network (TCOON) Improve geoid model in Texas/Gulf Coast Region Co-locate GPS CORS at Water Level gauges Measure/monitor subsidence in Harris Galveston Coastal Subsidence District Texas A&M-Corpus Christi N E E D S & B E N E F I T S

26 1 st -- CORS 2nd -- GPS on BMs Improved Geoid Model Kentucky Height Modernization Morehead State University N E E D S & B E N E F I T S

27 Summary Good control produces consistent, accurate results Eliminates inconsistencies between horizontal and vertical control data Supplements control where marks have been destroyed or are deemed unusable Utilizes GPS technologies as a cost effective positioning tool Denser control can reduce survey costs N E E D S & B E N E F I T S

28 Program Management -- Congressional briefings, budget, grants management, coordination, outreach Outreach/Technology Transfer -- advisors, forums, workshops, conferences, publications, training, outsourcing Project Leadership -- project planning, specifications, guidelines, CORS management Quality Control -- training, assess techniques, survey control, load projects into NGS database Research and Development -- software development, remote sensing, modeling, investigate GPS techniques, antenna calibrations NGS’ Role and Responsibilities O U T R E A C H & E D U C A T I O N

29 Harris-Galveston Subsidence District State Agencies –North Carolina Geodetic Survey South Carolina Geodetic Survey Wisconsin Department of Transportation Alabama Department of Revenue Washington Department of Natural Resources Spatial Reference Centers – California, Louisiana, Washington Universities – University of Southern Mississippi North Carolina A&T State University Louisiana State University University of California/Scripps Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi Morehead State University Partnerships O U T R E A C H & E D U C A T I O N

30 Forums, Conferences & Workshops Height Modernization Forum, AL GPS Real-Time Networks in the Northwest, WA Height Modernization Workshop, NC Height Modernization Workshop, MO Height Modernization Forum, AK National Height Modernization Workshop, MD Trimble International User Conference, NV Height Modernization Forum, Marquette, MI Height Modernization Forum, Flint, MI Hawaii Association of Land Surveyors, HI Kentucky Association of Professional Surveyors, KY Tennessee Association of Professional Surveyors, TN O U T R E A C H & E D U C A T I O N

31 O U T R E A C H & E D U C A T I O N

32 Height Modernization Web Page O U T R E A C H & E D U C A T I O N

33 The Future Continue to investigate opportunities to modify procedures and processes to improve efficiencies. Provide outreach training and support to states interested in Height Modernization. Continue efforts to maintain and grow the program. Research new technology to enhance HMP efforts. C O N C L U S I O N

34 Contact Information: Juliana Blackwell Height Modernization Program Manager 301-713-1054

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