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Upgrading to IBM Cognos 10

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1 Upgrading to IBM Cognos 10
BA Cognos 10 Template 4/23/2017 5:18 AM 4/23/2017 Upgrading to IBM Cognos 10 Title slide option #2 Marc deLorimier Solution Architect State, Local & Higher Ed 1 Prensenter name here.ppt 1

2 BA Cognos 10 Template 4/23/2017 Agenda Approaches to upgrading Supported upgrade path to Cognos 10 The basic upgrade workflow “Failing to plan is planning to fail” Some high-level proven practices Upgrade resources available to you today Real-world upgrade - Boeing Demo of Lifecycle Manager "I am impressed with how fast we were able the upgrade to Cognos 10." John Mazerall Data Architect, Manager, Business Intelligence and Data Solutions Canadian Blood Services Prensenter name here.ppt

3 Upgrade all your content at once Upgrade in a staged approach
BA Cognos 10 Template 4/23/2017 Upgrade approaches Upgrade all your content at once Upgrade in a staged approach Move all reports to Cognos 10 quickly and efficiently: 95.2% success rate based on results from Alpha 94.3% success rate based on results from Beta 1 99.2% success rate based on results from Beta 2 41 TLC Customers: Onsite with resources 78 general customers Assess your applications and user requirements: If some users or applications cannot upgrade to Cognos 10 while others need to leverage new capabilities from Cognos 10, upgrade as needed If a new LOB has specific requirements for Cognos 10 while the rest of the organization needs to stay on Cognos 8, upgrade as needed Use the multi-version coexistence feature to upgrade part of your applications or users to Cognos 10 Two major approaches – the big bang upgrade where all the upgrade content is upgraded at once and released to the users as soon as possible The percentages here show that the upgrade from Cognos 8.4 and were very successful, 2. staged upgrade approach where the two versions of the software would be kept running- called multiversion coexistence Cognos 8 is running the reports, but cognos 10 is displaying the reports. Prensenter name here.ppt

4 Cognos 10 upgrade supported path
4 4 4 BA Cognos 10 Template 4/23/2017 Cognos 10 upgrade supported path Upgrade first, then leverage new features Use Lifecycle Manager to validate results Cognos 8 and Cognos 10 C O G N O S Move business users into Cognos 10 Accept desired results Leverage Cognos 10 New Features (e.g. Dynamic Query, etc) The supported path to Cognos 10 is direct, even if you are running Reportnet, 8.1, 8.2 or 8.3. There is no requirement to upgrade to Cognos 8.4.1 We’re advocating a 2 phased approach Phase 1 is where the Cognos 8 applications are upgraded and validated in Cognos 10 Phase 2 is where you begin to test all the new features of Cognos 10 that will benefit your users Once your applications have been validated in Cognos 10, you would move this to production and release it to your user base and would shut down Cognos 8. Lifecycle Manager, helps validate both phases C O G N O S Use Lifecycle Manager to validate results to leverage new features C O G N O S Accept desired results Promote reports to production Prensenter name here.ppt 4 4

5 The upgrade workflow 5 BA Cognos 10 Template 4/23/2017
Create the Plan Review Upgrade Resources: - FAQ - Doc’s and Release Notes - Conformance Evaluate the Current System: - Auditing - Survey’s - System Resources Create Detailed Upgrade Plan: - Milestones - Testing - Resources Development /Test System QA/Production System Prepare QA & Production Environments Prepare the Test Environment Implement Upgrade Plan Upgrade Content Store Upgrade Content Store Begin Complete Application Testing Begin Report Validation Begin Complete Application Testing Begin Report Validation Tune QA & Production Systems New Features Resolve Validation/Configuration Issues I won’t go into great detail on this slide, but I wanted to provide it as a template for you to plan step 1 is to create the plan… You prepare the environment, you upgrade the content store, begin upgrading your application, upgrade your reports and begin report validation. This is the first step in application testing that can take advantage of Lifecycle manager. Retest Complete Application Performance Comparison/Test Retest Report Content Cognos 10 Go Live Shutdown Cognos 8.x Revise Upgrade Plan Prensenter name here.ppt 5

6 Some upgrade proven practices
6 BA Cognos 10 Template 4/23/2017 Some upgrade proven practices The plan: Dedicated resources Commitment Content Store: Upgrade whenever possible Database upgrade only Don’t upgrade Reports at Startup Content maintenance task Consistency check: Before and after upgrade Like “cleaning house” Cognos configuration: Should be exported/imported Simple typo can cause delays Customizations: Cognos Connection System Files (system.xml) Create/maintain documents of modifications Be aware of new features and functionality: i.e. Go Search and content indexes Release notes APAR Search Fixlists Report validation Lifecycle Manager Upgrade website FAQ’s, demos, links etc New architecture Some upgrade proven practices The first time you start cognos 10 against the backup and restored cognos 8 content store, you’ll be presented with the option to upgrade your reports. Do not choose to upgrade your reports during this process. Doing this may result in long start up times leaving you to believe that the upgrade process has failed and then stopping the upgrade abnormally. Cognos configuration should be exported and imported for the Cognos 10 upgrade Understanding the new features guide. for instance GO Search is available to all users. However, indexes need to be created. If a user is to go into Cognos Connection for the first time and these indexes have not been created Validating all of your report content is the most time consuming of all the tasks during the upgrade this is one of the main purposes of Lifecycle Manager. Prensenter name here.ppt 6

7 Upgrade resources available today
7 BA Cognos 10 Template 4/23/2017 Upgrade resources available today Proven practice site: Upgrade information Upgrade techniques IBM Cognos Business Intelligence information center: Release notes Cognos 10 docs Lifecycle Manager: Content validation Multi-Version Coexistence (staged approach): Content continuity So let’s take a look at 3 resources that are available to you today. – Name them. Prensenter name here.ppt 7

8 8 BA Cognos 10 Template 4/23/2017 Upgrade information IBM Cognos Business Intelligence information center Proven practices site: Upgrade information Release notes: FixList: wg APAR – Authorized Program Analysis Report: nly&tc=SS9RTN&sort=desc&word=aw&wfi eld=open Installation and configuration information Deprecation notices Upgrade Site – *NEW*: proven practice site explains how to upgrade java script and how to build and maintain applications so that they can be upgraded easily. 8 Prensenter name here.ppt 8

9 Lifecycle Manager streamlines the upgrade process
9 BA Cognos 10 Template 4/23/2017 Lifecycle Manager streamlines the upgrade process Lifecycle Manager validates report content between two environments Compare large numbers of reports: Different formats (PDF, HTML, XML, CSV, Microsoft® Excel 2002/2007, and Microsoft Excel 2000 Single Sheet format) All supported languages Establish a baseline by validating content in a single environment: Perform periodic comparisons to ensure stability Verify impact on the environment after an external change or tuning operation Let’s look at Lifecycle manager. It streamlines the upgrade process and validates report content between 2 environments It compares a large number of reports quickly in any supported output type – html, pdf, etc. It also established baselines for you, baselines against a single environment, for example when you are going to apply a fix pack. Baseline before and after the fix pack to further validate Prensenter name here.ppt 9

10 Multi-Version Coexistence
1010 BA Cognos 10 Template 4/23/2017 Multi-Version Coexistence Video Allows Cognos 10 to serve Cognos 8.3, 8.4 or content: Single interface for users First release of multi-version coexistence: Aimed at pleasing the end user Allows Cognos 10 to serve up Cognos 8.4, 8.3 or 8.1 content w/in the Cognos 10 cognos connection portal. Implementation Details: In your IBM Cognos 10 portal: 1) Go to the Launch->IBM Cognos Administration page 2) Under the Status tab, click the System link 3) In the scorecard pane, click the triangle next to the System entry and choose Set Properties 4) Click on the Settings tab. 5) Click the Edit link under the Environment->Advanced Settings row 6) Add the following two advanced variables and their corresponding values: Variable: MVC_remoteWebContent Value: Variable: MVC_remoteGateway Value: Note: (a) You can get the MVC_remoteGateway value from the IBM Cognos 8.4's Cognos Configuration tool under the Environment section. It is the "Gateway URI" entry under the "Gateway Settings" section. 7) You will need to ensure the domain name (* in this example) associated with the <hostname> used above is added to the Security->IBM Cognos Application Firewall's "Valid domains or hosts" property in the IBM Cognos 10's Configuration tool. Then restart the IBM Cognos 10 service. In your IBM Cognos 8.4 portal: 1) Go to the Launch->IBM Cognos Administration page 2) Under the Status tab, click the System link 3) In the scorecard pane, click the triangle next to the System entry and choose Set Properties 4) Click on the Settings tab. 5) Click the Edit link under the Environment->Advanced Settings row 6) Add the following advanced variable and the corresponding value: Variable: MVC_gateway Value: Prensenter name here.ppt 10

11 The Boeing upgrade Video Business challenges Resource Timelines
1111 BA Cognos 10 Template 4/23/2017 The Boeing upgrade Video Business challenges Resource Timelines BI content Upgrade method share some of the things that Boeing did very well that insured success Prensenter name here.ppt 11

12 Boeing Cognos 10 upgrade plan and resources
1212 BA Cognos 10 Template 4/23/2017 Boeing Cognos 10 upgrade plan and resources Personnel: 2 Cognos 3 Boeing (IT) 10 Boeing (different application groups) Cognos versions: Cognos 8.4.1 Cognos 10 Reports: Visual validation Lifecycle Manager Upgrade plan test environment: 1 week 2 Cognos resources, 3 Boeing and about 10 users that were required at different times to test different things. ersions and 10. validated using life cycle Manager The test plan was executed in one week Prensenter name here.ppt 12

13 The upgrade plan 1313 BA Cognos 10 Template 4/23/2017
detailed upgrade plan, there were milestones, start and finish dates Prensenter name here.ppt 13

14 Boeing How we did the Cognos 10.1 Upgrade
1414 BA Cognos 10 Template 4/23/2017 Boeing How we did the Cognos 10.1 Upgrade Test environment is completed Content Store upgrade: Report upgrade tasks Side by side installations: Different ports & directories / Same hardware Moved all customizations: Well-documented by Boeing Cognos configuration: Not exported Once development was completed: Approximately 10 users Lifecycle Manager Tuning: Released to users Production after the test environment was validated completely installed Cognos 10 side by side w/ Cognos so that both could run on different ports and different directories but on all the same hardware. did development and production in 6 days including testing. Prensenter name here.ppt 14

15 BA Cognos 10 Template 4/23/2017 Boeing LIVE on Cognos 10 Boeing was LIVE with Cognos 10 on October 18th 2010 which was before we launched on Oct 25th 2010 Some statistics: They migrated their entire production platform: moved 13 applications upgrading 40,000 BI Content objects and deployed to 3,500 users in 6 days This all happened before we launched Cognos 10 – Here are some of the statistics, t here were report objects, 13 applications, 3500 users Prensenter name here.ppt 15

16 Cognos Lifecycle Manager Demo
BA Cognos 10 Template 4/23/2017 Cognos Lifecycle Manager Demo Video Prensenter name here.ppt

17 BA Cognos 10 Template 4/23/2017 Summary Upgrading to Cognos 10 is much more seamless than any previous upgrade Customers are already having success upgrading There are many tools and resources to help you in the upgrade process Cognos 10 provides many new user capabilities once you have upgraded Prensenter name here.ppt 17

18 Business Analytics software services
BA Cognos 10 Template 4/23/2017 5:18 AM 4/23/2017 Business Analytics software services Maximize your software investment and drive better business outcomes with Business Analytics Software Services. Take the right training at the right time: Engage a technical product expert: Find knowledge and resources at your finger tips center 18 Prensenter name here.ppt 18

19 Join our community! @IBMCognos and @IBMSPSS on Twitter
BA Cognos 10 Template 4/23/2017 Join our community! @IBMCognos on Twitter On the web: Prensenter name here.ppt

20 BA Cognos 10 Template 4/23/2017 IBM Cognos Lifecycle Manager is an application that performs automated testing of IBM Cognos Business Intelligence report content making it the perfect application to help you get your Cognos 8 applications upgraded to Cognos 10.1 quickly and seamlessly. In this demo you will see how Lifecycle Manager quickly helps validate report content between Cognos 8 and Cognos 10.1. Multi-Version Coexistence provides customers with the ability to stage the upgrade process by allowing two versions of the software to be accessed through a single portal. This can help provide the business with a more seamless experience through the upgrade process. Multi Version Coexistence provides IT with the ability to address business demands for functionality in a new version while providing the flexibility to plan an entire application upgrade to IT capacity Prensenter name here.ppt

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