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1 “ Understanding the Local Role of Improving Water Quality” Virginia Association of Counties November 14, 2011 Virginia Association of Counties November.

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Presentation on theme: "1 “ Understanding the Local Role of Improving Water Quality” Virginia Association of Counties November 14, 2011 Virginia Association of Counties November."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 “ Understanding the Local Role of Improving Water Quality” Virginia Association of Counties November 14, 2011 Virginia Association of Counties November 14, 2011

2 2 Chesapeake Bay TMDL - Overview  What is the Chesapeake Bay TMDL? A regulation governing the discharge of nitrogen, phosphorous and sediment into the Chesapeake Bay and all rivers that enter the Bay. Governs:  Agriculture & Forestry  New Development  Storm Water  Existing Development  Wastewater Treatment Plants

3 3 Chesapeake Bay TMDL – Overview  What is the Virginia Watershed Implementation Plan? ~ A set of implementation strategies for point and nonpoint source controls which are needed to meet the water quality requirements of the TMDL ~Phase I WIP developed by State – 11/2010 ~Phase II WIP to be developed by the State incorporating local strategies by 3/2012 State has requested that local governments develop Community Conservation Information regarding land use, BMP’s and Strategies to meet goals.

4 4 Watershed Segments / LULC 303,000 acres 3 watershed segments Town of Ashland 4500 acres MS-4 Area 23,000 acres

5 5 Source: tmdllocgoalstate.xls DCR June 2011

6 6 Source: EPA Chesapeake Bay TMDL, Appendix Q

7 7 Source: Va. Ches. TMDL WIP December 2010

8 8 MS4 Comparison Bay model overestimates developed by ~5%? Source: Clifton Bell - Arcadis

9 9 Urban Reductions-Retrofits of Existing- filtering practices, ponds, etc.

10 10 Source: Va. Ches. TMDL WIP December 2010

11 11 State WIP – BMP Proposal – via RRPDC Exceed Goals Septic Pump outs Urban Stream Restoration Wet Ponds

12 12 2009 Progress BMPs Much more discrepancy with local databases Source: Clifton Bell - Arcadis

13 13 Waste Water Treatment Plan Reductions

14 14 Stormwater from New Development Virginia’s position is that the recently adopted Stormwater Management Regulations address nutrient pollution from stormwater associated with new development in accordance with the TMDL. If wastewater treatment capacity is not available, new development and redevelopment will be hindered.

15 15 Local Government Consequences  Withhold Construction permits under VSMP  Impose treatment plant limits at limit of technology and existing flows, precluding new connections  Mandatory Urban Retrofits of existing urban lands (MS4 Permits)  Financial penalties for noncompliance with MS4 and other permits  Expanded regulated urban area under residual designation authority  Stricter limits/requirements on Confined and non-confined Animal Feeding Operations

16 16 Chesapeake Bay TMDL Questions:

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