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 Materials Needed:  Signed Syllabus  Who am I –if you didn’t complete in class  Pencil  Task Sheet  Notebook  Any shout outs??

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Presentation on theme: " Materials Needed:  Signed Syllabus  Who am I –if you didn’t complete in class  Pencil  Task Sheet  Notebook  Any shout outs??"— Presentation transcript:

1  Materials Needed:  Signed Syllabus  Who am I –if you didn’t complete in class  Pencil  Task Sheet  Notebook  Any shout outs??

2  Learning Target  I will identify and describe the 7 dimensions of wellness and the importance each plays on my health.  I will recognize the impact that behaviors and choices have on my health and wellness.  Success Criteria  7 Dimension of Health and Wellness notes  Name and explain the 7 dimensions  Wellness Wheel  Exit Slip

3 7 Dimensions

4  Write: Healthy OR Not Healthy  I am a plumber who lives by himself. Every morning before work, I grab a double Mcgriddle from McDonalds with a 24oz Mocha Frappuccino. I work 12 hour days and meet up with my friends after work. I keep a diary every night before I go to bed.

5  I am a marathon runner. I try to run 2 marathons a month. I run everyday and nothing but running. I am a vegetarian. I have 3 kids and volunteer at their school. I keep everything, it’s really hard for me to get rid of things. I am considered a hoarder by many. It makes me really upset, but who cares.

6  I am a 15 year old boy. I love video games, Cheetos and Coca-Cola. I have 3-5 cans a day. I do online school. I am not in sports. I go to church every Sunday. I write blogs on how to keep the environment healthy. Recycling is my jam!

7 What is Health? Combination of 7 dimensions:  Physical  Emotiontal  Spiritual  Social  Intellectual  Occupational  Environmental

8 What is Wellness?  Overall state of well-being  “Whole Person”  Balance of the 7 dimensions  More than just not being sick  More then just exercising You control your level of wellness!!!

9 Note Taking time!  Will the person with the pink sticky note please grab the handouts for your table.

10 Physical  Ability to carry out tasks, develop cardio respiratory and muscular fitness, maintain nutrition and body composition, avoid abusing tobacco, alcohol, and drugs.  What you put in your body and what you do with your body!

11 Emotional  Ability to control stress and express emotions appropriately  Able to recognize and accept their feelings  How you feel about yourself

12 Social  Ability to interact successfully with others and build/maintain relationships  Positive/respectful relationships with others

13 Intellectual/ Mental  Ability to learn and use information effectively  Person strives for continued growth and knowledge

14 Spiritual  Belief in a source that nurtures the self  Dimension provides meaning and direction  Provides sense of values, morals, and ethics  Person is able to stand up for what they believe in!

15 Environmental  Aspects of wellness that improve the life of in the community  Ex) Law agencies, things protecting the environment, etc

16 Occupational  Ability to balance work and leisure time  Both are important!


18  Scenario 1: Plumber  Scenario 2: Marathon runner  Scenario 3: Video Gamer

19  Exercise regularly  Eat nutritiously  Avoid tobacco/ alcohol/drugs  Wear sun block  Wear your seatbelt  Get proper amount of sleep  Eat breakfast daily  Get regular medical check-ups Ways to improve wellness …

20  Longer life  Fewer health problems  Positive lifestyle  Live life to its’ fullest Benefits of Wellness:


22 o Listen to each statement; o Fill in the corresponding pie-shaped section of the wheel to the degree you are achieving this; o For example, question #1 is: o “I eat a balanced nutritional diet”; o If you feel you are doing this 100% of the time, color in all of section 1. If you do this 60% of the time, color 60% of the section. o Complete this for all 36 sections of the wheel.

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