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Comparing Foreign Governments Recall the different forms and systems of government Unitary – where the Central government is in control. States have limited.

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Presentation on theme: "Comparing Foreign Governments Recall the different forms and systems of government Unitary – where the Central government is in control. States have limited."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comparing Foreign Governments Recall the different forms and systems of government Unitary – where the Central government is in control. States have limited political power Federal – where BOTH Central and State government have political power Confederal – where the State government is strong and Central government is weak Parliamentary System – where the legislative and executive branches are COMBINED – same people make and enforce laws Presidential System – The legislative and executive branches are SEPARATE from each other


3 Great Britain A democracy –people Unitary Parliamentary system Constitutional Monarch - King/ Queen is a Figurehead

4 Parliament Two House Parliament House of Lords – appointed by Queen/King No real authority – review laws House of Commons – Elected by the people

5 House of Lords hereditary or lifetime appointments from the queen/king 682 members Limited power Law Lords serve as final courts of appeals

6 House of Commons 659 members they are elected from districts with equal populations More powerful – passes most of the legislation

7 Prime Minister Appointed by the Queen/King Must be chosen from within the House of Commons Current Prime Minister – David Cameron

8 Court system Most civil cases are tried in county courts More serious cases are tried in The Crown Court The House Of Lords is the last Appeals Court.

9 Japan Since WWII – Japan has had a Democracy where they elect their reps Parliamentary Democracy (like Britain) Constitutional Monarch - Emperor Unitary

10 Japan Japan’s Constitution 1947—created under American supervision Article 9 of Japan’s Constitution is the most unique - ( DO NOT WRITE THE FOLLOWING QUOTE- IT IS SUMMARIZED IN THE 4 TH BULLET) Japan’s people “forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation….land, sea, and air forces, as well as other potential, will never be maintained.” Meaning they can NEVER have an offensive military

11 Japan Japan’s Parliament – known as the “National Diet” Two House Parliament“ House of Councillors” and “House of Representatives” which contains greater power.

12 House of Councillors Very prestige but lacks much power 232 elected members that sit for six years Serve to provide as a forum of ideas

13 House of Representatives More power of the two houses Power to make treaties, raise funds, spend money 480 members which are elected from 300 districts

14 Prime Minister The Prime Minister and his Cabinet must be members of the Diet – Chosen from within the elected body Current Prime Minister - Shinzō Abe

15 Mexico Government influenced by America, but contains a rich Spanish influence Federal form of government Presidential system

16 Mexico Cortez defeated the Aztec in 1521 giving reign to many centuries of Spanish rule. Spain controlled Mexico 1521 - 1821 before gaining their independence

17 Mexico Constitution of 1917 was created after a revolt against harsh governing in 1910 The Constitution established three branches of government – Legislative, Executive and Judicial – VERY SIMILAR TO OURS!!!!!

18 Mexico President- elected to one six year term. Popular PRI party has won every election since 1929 Of the countries mentioned today – Mexico is most similar to ours – President = Enrique Peña Nieto

19 Mexico General Congress –bicameral consist of Senate and Chamber of Deputies * Senate has 64 members – 2 from each state * 500 members in the Chamber of Deputies.

20 Government in transition to Democracy – only free of Soviet Rule since 1993 Previously the U.S.S.R aka Soviet Union USSR Collapses in 1991. Russia

21 Constitution of 1993 – guaranteed freedoms and set up a democratic federal form of government Political parties still include the Communist party as well as a Democratic and Liberal party

22 Russia Separation of Powers between the Executive and Legislative powers But they have BOTH a President and Prime Minister

23 Russia Federal system Executive – consist of a President (elected by the people) who appoints a Prime Minister Current President – Vladimir Putin Prime Minister – Dmitry Medvedev

24 Russia Bicameral Legislature Council of the Federation with 178 members – State Duma with 450 members called deputies. The Duma is more powerful !


26 Russia Courts – a 19 member Constitutional Court along with Regional and Local courts

27 China Three branches of government Unitary Presidential system, but primarily ran by the communist party Current President – Xi Jinping

28 China The People’s Republic of China China currently operates under the Communist system, but seem to be moving towards socialism

29 China National government consist of TWO major bodies 1. National People’s Congress 2. State Council

30 China National People’s Congress – 3,000 deputies elected to 5 yr terms – have the highest government authority according to the Constitution, but in reality has very little power.

31 China The State Council- main body in the executive branch. It is head by a Premier chosen by the Communist party

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