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Unit 3 (the first period) Is it modern architecture or classical architecture? Do you know what it is? (Tian’an men) Classical Chinese architecture.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 3 (the first period) Is it modern architecture or classical architecture? Do you know what it is? (Tian’an men) Classical Chinese architecture."— Presentation transcript:


2 Unit 3 (the first period)

3 Is it modern architecture or classical architecture? Do you know what it is? (Tian’an men) Classical Chinese architecture

4 Is it modern architecture or classical architecture? What is it,do you know? The Opera House in Sydney Modern architecture

5 Read the text as fast as you can, and then answer the following questions.

6 1.What’s modernism? 2.What are the materials of modern architecture? 3.What do the modern buildings look like? 4.Who are the two architects mentioned in the text whose work was inspired by nature? 5.What does the 2008 Olympic Stadium in Beijing look like?

7 1.What’s modernism? 2.What are the materials of modern architecture? 2.What are the materials of modern architecture? Modernism is a kind of architecture style invented in the 1920s by a group of architects who wanted to change society with buildings that went against people’s feeling of beauty. Steel,glass and concrete.

8 3.What do the modern buildings look like? 4.Who are the two architects mentioned in the text whose work was inspired by nature? They look like boxes with flat roofs,sharp corners and glass walls that act as mirrors. Antonio Gaudi and Frank Lloyd Wright 5.What does the 2008 Olympic Stadium in Beijing look like? It looks like a bird’s nest made of tree branches.

9 Find out the key words or topic sentences in each paragraph.

10 1,Architecture looks at the man-made living environment. 2, Modernism 3,Modern architecture 4,Though modern buildings impress us, they seem hard and unfriendly. 5,Ancient architecture shows us many beautiful buildings. 6,Antonio Gaudi was an architect inspired by nature. 7,There are other modern architecture inspired from nature. 8,The new Olympic Stadium. Summary :the key words or main sentence in each paragraph

11 Modern architecture

12 萨伏伊别墅 (the Villa Savoye) 萨伏伊别墅是现代主义建筑的经典作品之一,位 于巴黎郊区的普瓦西,由现代建筑大师勒 · 柯布西 耶于 1928 年设计,并于 1930 年建成。宅基为矩形, 长约 22 . 5 米,宽为 20 米,共三层。设计上与以往 的欧洲住宅大异其趣。轮廓简单,像一个白色的方 盒子被细柱支起。水平长窗平阔舒展,外墙光洁, 无任何装饰,但光影变化丰富。别墅虽然外形简单, 但内部空间复杂,如同一个内部精巧镂空的几何体, 又好像一架复杂的机器。采用了钢筋混凝土框架结 构,平面和空间布局自由,空间相互穿插,内外彼 此贯通,它外观轻巧,空间通透,装修简洁,与造 型沉重、空间封闭、装修繁琐的古典豪宅形成了强 烈对比。 Modern architecture

13 The buildings look like boxes with flat roofs, sharp corners and glass walls that act as mirrors. Modern architecture

14 Taihe Dian Paragraph 5 traditional architecture The temple of Heaven Cathedrals 北京四合院

15 Paragraph 3 While in traditional architecture materials such as earth, stone,brick and wood are used, the materials of modern architecture are steel,glass, and concrete. To many people, modern architecture equals progress. Developing countries want to build the most modern-looking buildings as the first step towards becoming a modern country.

16 Paragraph 3 Traditional architecture materials steel glassconcrete stone brick wood modern architecture materials

17 paragraph 4 Modern buildings impress us because they are huge, but many people do not find them beautiful. The buildings look like boxes with flat roofs, sharp corners and glass walls that act as mirrors. You do not feel invited to enter them. Everything about these buildings seems hard and unfriendly. Though modern buildings impress us, they seem hard and unfriendly. Now, read the passage quickly again. You'll find the word “them” in bold. Try to find out what it refer to. It refers to “modern buildings”.

18 Paragraph 6 Nature doesn't have any straight lines. Antonio Gaudi, a Spanish architect, was the first to understand that. There aren't any corners or straight lines in any of his designs. He only wanted natural materials, such as stones, brick and wood to be used and many parts of his buildings look like things we find in nature. In some of his architecture,balconies look like eyes, other parts look like bones, the walls seem to be covered with the skin of a fish, while the roof looks like the back of a dragon. Most of Gaudi's works were constructed in and around Barcelona. Looking at the architecture by Gaudi is like a dream, full of fantastic colours and shapes. Now, read this passage quickly again. You'll find the word “that” in bold. Try to find out what it refer to. It refers to the sentence: Nature doesn't have any straight lines.

19 Paragraph 6 Antonio Gaudi and his works Antonio Gaudi and his works (1852-1926) the innovative( 创新 ) leader of the Spanish Art Nouveau movement.

20 Casa Battle( 巴特罗公寓 )(1904-1906) 高迪的代表作

21 Paragraph 6 Balconies look like _________. Other parts look like ________. Walls seem to be covered with the _____ of a _____. The roof looks like the ____ of a _______. eyes bones skin fish back dragon

22 高迪的代表作 ------ 米拉公寓 ( Casa Mila ) , 外形如水平的波纹,铁 铸阳台像枝叶,天台上则有很多趣怪的烟囱,公寓里 的天井是光线的来源。

23 神圣家族教堂 ( Sagrada Familia ) 始建于 1898 年, 是世界上造型 最怪异的教堂, 长 90 米,宽 60 米,最高塔高 达 125 米。教堂 有三扇大门, 每扇门上有 4 个 像玉蜀的尖塔, 共有 12 个,代 表耶稣的 12 个 弟子。

24 Paragraph 7 Despite the fact that he used traditional materials, Gaudi was a modern architect. In fact, there are other modern architects who use designs from nature when they create their buildings. Frank Lloyd Wright, who built an art museum in New York, found himself inspired by Japanese seashells. Another famous building that makes people think of seashells is the Opera House in Sydney, though it makes other people think of ship sails.

25 (1867-1959) 一代建筑宗 师,他在建筑界的贡献卓 著与.Le Corbusier 、 Lludwing Mies van der Rohe 及 Walter Gropius 等 人,并称现代建筑四大师。 一生设计了两万多件作品, 著名的建筑作品有:流水 别墅、纽约美术馆等。 Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) An famous American architect Frank Lloyd Wright

26 纽约古根汗姆博物馆 Guggenhenm Museum Paragraph 7

27 日本东京帝国饭店 纽约古根汉姆美术馆 流水别墅 (Fallingwater)

28 The Opera House in Sydney Paragraph 7

29 Sydney Opera House is a famous building in Sydney,Australia. It is a major performing arts center on the harbor in Sydney,Australia, regarded as the finest modern building in the country. Its two sail-like roofs, made of overlapping shells,and its remarkable engineering have made it world famous. It was designed by Danish architect Jorn Utzon,who won an international competition for the project in 1956.Work began on the building in 1959,and was completed in 1973.

30 Paragraph 8 The2008 Olympic Stadium in Beijing is another design that makes us think about nature. Seen from the top, it looks as if the stadium is covered by a gray net of steel, and it looks just like a bird's nest made of tree branches. Birds fill up the spaces between the branches of their nests with soft materials.Just so, the spaces in the structure of the stadium will be filled with huge plastic hags full of air. Although the stadium will be male of concrete and steel, the flowing lines and round shapes make the building look warm and friendly.

31 Paragraph 8 The new Olympic Stadium in Beijing The 2008 Olympic Stadium is designed by Swiss architects Jacques Herzog( 赫尔佐格 ) and Pierre de Mellron. (德梅 隆 ). Seen from the top,it looks as if the stadium is covered by a gray net of steel, and it looks just like a bird`s nest made of tree branches.

32 鸟瞰图夜景 Describe your feelings about the design of the 2008 Olympic Stadium in Beijing. What idea do you think the architect wants to express? It shows that China is a strong and modern country and theat the sports people and the audience are tied close together in a warm home.I think the architect wants to express the idea that the people in the stadium are community that is bound close together.

33 The text can be divided into 4 parts,can you ?

34 Get the main idea of each part. Part 1(1 para.) Part 2(2-4 para.) Part 3(5 para.) Part 4(6-8 para.) A. Ancient architecture B. Architecture looks at the man-made living environment. C. Some modern architecture takes examples from nature. D. Modernism and modern buildings

35 1, Modernism was invented in the 1930s. 3,Traditional architecture materials are mostly earth, stone, concrete and wood. 2,Antonio Gaudi was a Spanish architect who doesn’t like straight lines. 4,Modern buildings are more beautiful than ancient ones. 5,Ancient architecture stands much closer to nature. 6,Wright was inspired by Japanese seashells when designing a museum.

36 7.To many people modern architecture equals progress. 8.Many people find modern buildings unfriendly and ugly. 9.Modern architecture stands closer to nature than ancient architecture. 10.Gaudi was a Spanish ancient architect. 11.There are a few sharp corners and straight lines in Gaudi ’ s designs. 12.Gaudi only used natural materials, such as stone, brick and wood. 13.Opera House in Sydney makes many people think of seashells. 14.The 2008 Olympic Stadium in Beijing will be made of stones and bricks. T T F F F T T F

37 1, In the text there are two architects mentioned whose works were inspired by looking at nature. Do you know what inspired them? A, Both the two architects mentioned are inspired by Japanese seashells fish, dragons and so on. B, Frank Lloyd Wright was inspired by fish, dragons and Antonio Gaudi was inspired by Japanese seashells. C, Frank Lloyd Wright was inspired by Japanese seashells and Antonio Gaudi was inspired by fish, dragons and so on. D, They are inspired by Chinese ancient architecture.

38 2, According to the 4 th and 5 th paragraph,we can infer that the writer’s attitude to traditional and modern architecture is _______. A,the same B,to prefer traditional architecture C,to prefer modern architecture D,not clear

39 3,The 8th passage talks about the new Olympic Stadium in Beijing.People call it “The Bird's Nest”. Do you know why? A, Because seen from the top,it is just made of many birds’ nests. B, Because viewed from the top, it looks as if the stadium is covered by a gray net of steel, and it looks just like a bird's nest made of tree branches. C, Because the designer designs so many birds’ nests on the top of it. D, Because viewed from the top, it looks as if the stadium is covered by a gray net of steel, and the designer designs so many real birds’ nests on the top of it.

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