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VAN DE GRAFF Generator By Gary Zhong. What is an ATOM?

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Presentation on theme: "VAN DE GRAFF Generator By Gary Zhong. What is an ATOM?"— Presentation transcript:

1 VAN DE GRAFF Generator By Gary Zhong

2 What is an ATOM?

3 What is an atom made of?  1. Protons: positive charge  2. Electrons: negative charge  3. Neutrons: no charge

4 Bohr Model

5 “Like charges repel, Opposite charges attract”

6  Insulators  Conductors

7 Static Electricity  Visible attraction  Repulsion  Electrical sparks

8 TRIBOELECTRIC SERIES  Hand  Glass  Hair  Nylon  Wool  Fur  Silk  Paper  Cotton  Hard rubber  Polyester  Polyvinylchloride plastic

9 Glass rod and Silk cloth demo

10 This charge imbalance is the origin of “Static Electricity”

11 Hair and comb demo  Combing your hair moves electrons from your hair to the comb  The comb will now have an electric static charge

12 Coulomb’s Law

13 What is a Van de Graff Generator? The basic fundamental principle behind this apparatus is separating opposite charges at both ends of the rubber belt

14 Main apparatus I. Motor II. Upper and lower roller III. Belt IV. Upper and lower brush V. Metal sphere

15 How it works!


17  As the belt keeps running, more charges are deposited on both pulleys

18 Zoom in on our hair

19 Hair raising demo

20 Electric spark demo

21 Factors that affect spark production 1) Materials involved 2) Surface area connecting the materials 3) Humidity

22 Has anyone felt a shock on dry winter days? Static electricity can build up in our bodies and cause a spark to jump from our bodies to pieces of metal or those in our surroundings


24 Thank You

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