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CARBOHYDRATES By: Jason and William. WHAT ARE CARBOHYDRATES?! Carbohydrates are one of three classes of food called macronutrients, the other two are.

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Presentation on theme: "CARBOHYDRATES By: Jason and William. WHAT ARE CARBOHYDRATES?! Carbohydrates are one of three classes of food called macronutrients, the other two are."— Presentation transcript:

1 CARBOHYDRATES By: Jason and William

2 WHAT ARE CARBOHYDRATES?! Carbohydrates are one of three classes of food called macronutrients, the other two are fats and proteins. The body takes everything it needs in order to survive from these 3 classes. Carbohydrates are used to store and transport energy.

3 SIMPLE CARBOHYDRATES Simple Carbohydrates are sugars with chemical structure composed of 1 or 2 sugars. They are very refined and have little nutrition value to the value, consequently, eating amounts of simple sugars should be limited to small qualities. They are also digested faster because it has a very simple chemical structure.

4 COMPLEX CARBOHYDRATES Complex Carbohydrates are sugars with a chemical structure of 3 or more sugars, and take a lot more time to be digested,. An example of complex carbohydrates and starches, which are from pasta, potatoes, etc. But when its overly processed, it become a simple carbohydrates.

5 MAIN CARBOHYDRATES Bad carb foods : Soda, Jam &Jellies, White Rice, White bread, pasta, cakes, cookies, pastries, fruit juices, drinks. Good carb foods : Raw/steamed vegetables, Whole-wheat breads, Fruits, Broccoli, Potatoes, Pasta, Starches.

6 ROLES OF CARBOHYDRATES We Need Carbs because they can Provide energy for working muscles Provide energy for the Central Nervous System Enable fat metabolism Preventing protein from being used as energy

7 Daily 8 th grader Intake

8 Sources carbohydrates.html#b carbohydrates.html#b


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