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Word Recognition in Reading Sara Sereno. collaboration with...reflecting the input & hard work of Graham ScottChristopher Hand Dr. Sébastien Miellet.

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Presentation on theme: "Word Recognition in Reading Sara Sereno. collaboration with...reflecting the input & hard work of Graham ScottChristopher Hand Dr. Sébastien Miellet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Word Recognition in Reading Sara Sereno

2 collaboration with...reflecting the input & hard work of Graham ScottChristopher Hand Dr. Sébastien Miellet (ESRC 1+3) Prof. Paddy O’Donnell ESRC grant (Sereno & O’Donnell)

3 Measurement EMs = best on-line measure of visual word recognition in the context of normal reading ERPs = best real-time measure of brain activity associated with the perceptual and cognitive processing of words

4 (Sereno & Rayner, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2003)

5 Word frequency & lexical access The sore on Tam-Tam’s was swollen. (HF) back (LF) rump Word frequency effect (HF < LF) Differential response to more common, high-frequency (HF) words vs. less common, low-frequency (LF) words. E.g., Used as index of successful lexical access (word recognition). Best estimate of lexical access: 130-190 ms (N1).

6 (Sereno & Rayner, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2003) Sereno, Rayner, & Posner (NeuroReport, 1998). Sereno, Brewer, O’Donnell (Psych Sci, 2003).

7 Factors affecting word recognition Words in isolation Words in context Words across languages

8 Factors affecting word recognition Words in isolation Words in context Words across languages

9 Word variables VariableExampleRT Effect lengthduke - fishermanshort < long frequencystudent - stewardHF < LF spelling-soundfear - bear (HF)HF Reg = HF Exc regularityhint - pint (LF)LF Reg < LF Exc AoArabbit - pepperearly < late concretenessinsect - heavenconcrete < abstract emotionlove - hate - farmPos ? Neg ? Neu

10 HAPPY HALLOWEEN? Also, in collaboration with Dr. Hartmut Leuthold

11 Emotion words Arousal HighLow Valence Positivecash (peace) Negativepain (bored) Neutral (noisy) rock

12 Emotion X Frequency interaction

13 Emotion words in reading Her husband became because he drank too much. aroused violent delayed Positive vs. Negative vs. Neutral X Frequency target word effects post-target effects

14 Factors affecting word recognition Words in isolation Words in context Words across languages


16 Frequency X Contextual Predictability Gillian was on the last mile of the women’s marathon. She grabbed a bottle of water from a spectator and drank it. Although a rugby player, Clive struggled through the crowd at the bar carrying glasses of lager and bags of crisps. HF-Pred LF-Pred

17 Factors affecting word recognition Words in isolation Words in context Words across languages

18 Head-Modifier StructureHeadModifier Verb phrase verbobject Noun phrasenounadjective nounrelative clause prepositionalprepositionobject of prep. phrase

19 Nouns & Adjectives in French & English Comme prévu, le cycliste amateur a perdu la course. As expected, the amateur cyclist has lost the race.

20 Nouns & Adjectives in French & English Robert remarqua la neige jaune près de l’arbre. Robert noticed the yellow snow next to the tree. Vary word frequencies of N-A / A-N: Hi-Hi, Hi-Lo, Lo-Hi, Lo-Lo Vary plausibiltiy:



23 Emotion X Frequency interaction

24 Also, in collaboration with Dr. Hartmut Leuthold


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