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Benefits and Uses of the iPad: An Overview for Teachers Presented by Stephanie Wade.

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Presentation on theme: "Benefits and Uses of the iPad: An Overview for Teachers Presented by Stephanie Wade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Benefits and Uses of the iPad: An Overview for Teachers Presented by Stephanie Wade

2 Teachers and iPads

3 Teachers

4 Questions to Ask O How familiar are you with iPad ? O Are my students familiar with the use of an iPad ? O What can the iPad do that is not possible–or is clunky and cumbersome–without it? O How should your instructional design and lesson planning be revised as a result of the iPad? O Is the learning environment you design and manage technology-centered, standards- centered, data-centered, or student-centered?

5 Metaphors of Teaching Van Brummelen (2009) uses the following metaphors: Teacher as… O Artist and Technician O Facilitator O Storyteller O Craftsperson O Steward O Priest

6 iPad Word Cloud

7 The Implementation Process DistrictiPad SetupTeacher UseClassroom Implementation (Gliksman, 2013)

8 The iPad in Education Can it replace textbooks? Can it replace worksheets? Can it replace the teacher? Is it a toy or a tool?

9 Can it replace textbooks? iPad Constantly updated Lighter backpack Access to free and cheap digital content Textbook Less Theft Do not need technology skills Not staring at screen

10 Can it replace worksheets? iPad Paper O Stored Digitally O Easily Edit O Saves Paper O Collaborative O Adapt for Special Needs O Electronic Grading O Hard copy on record O Creativity O Grade and Hand Out O No technology experience needed O Technology mishaps avoided

11 Can it replace the teacher? iPad Teacher O Enhances Lesson O Multiple Devices O Collaborative O Access to unlimited information O Leads Lesson O One identifiable human O Supporter of technology in the classroom O Personal Feedback

12 Is the iPad a Toy or a Tool? It is important for teachers to understand how to effectively use the iPad and integrate into the curriculum (Pegrum, Howitt, & Striepe, 2013).

13 Benefits of the iPad Cost Individualized Learning Versatility

14 Cost Benefit O $399-$850 depending on model O Electronic Textbooks can replace books O Buying apps that can be updated rather than expensive software and textbooks that get outdated O Battery Life

15 Individualized Learning O Accessibility Features O Differentiation O Universal Design for Learning (Cast, 2010) O Representation O Expression O Engagement

16 Versatility O All Subjects O Mobile O Accessibility O Added Tools O Safety (Wilson, Nash, Wissinger, & Leidman, 2013)

17 iPad Uses Technology Integration Classroom Tools Higher Order Thinking

18 Technology Integration O ISTE Standards (ISTE, 2008) O Teachers Teachers O Students Students O 1:1 mobile devices O Integrate with other Technology tools (Heick, 2012)


20 Classroom Tools O App Store containing over 80,000 educational apps (Apple, 2015) O iTunes U educational content O iBooks O Existing Content O Teacher as Author O Accessibility O Guided Access O Siri O Dictation O Safari Reader O Face Time O Voice Over O Closed Captioning

21 Higher Level Thinking Blooms Taxonomy Project Based Learning (Elliott, Livengood & McGlamery, 2012)

22 iPad Apps The iTunes Store

23 “There’s an App for That” Syndrome (Murray & Olcese, 2011) Mistake Searching for an app that addresses specific curriculum content

24 The iTunes Store O Find Content O Each iPad must be associated with an Apple ID O Safety and Security Concerns

25 Case Studies Real Examples of iPad Integration

26 Real Examples Check out stories/ to see examples of using iPads in the classroom.

27 Review Now it’s Your Turn

28 Survey O What grade(s) do you teach? O What subject do you teach? O Rate your familiarity with the iPad. O 1 = Unfamiliar; 2 = Somewhat Familiar; 3 = Familiar; 4 = Very Familiar O How do you feel about integrating technology in your classroom? O 1 = Very apprehensive;2 = Apprehensive; 3 = Comfortable 4 = Very Comfortable O When students use technology in my class, I observe… O Which apps do you use most in your class?

29 Pick an App O Based on your survey answers, pick an app that you could use to integrate the iPad in to the classroom. O Download the App onto your iPad. O Play around with the app and get familiar. O Then think based on this presentation how does this app fit with the standards, blooms taxonomy, and your classroom environment.

30 Real Stories O Watch one of the real examples of using iPads in the classroom from Apple in Education or another source. O Write a blog post on your blog sharing the link and how it inspired you to integrate iPads into your classroom.

31 Lesson Plan Create a one class lesson plan that includes integration of the iPad in the classroom. (Keep in mind what you teach) Include: Objectives, Goals, Required Materials, ISTE Standards, Anticipatory Set, Direct Instruction, Guided Practice, Independent Practice, Closure, and Assessment

32 Goal To effectively integrate the iPad into your classroom Share knowledge with other teachers

33 References O Apple (2015). iPads in education. Retried from O CAST (2010). Perspectives on large-scale assessment, universal design, and universal design for learning. Retrieved from http:// publications/statements/assessment/index.html. O Elliott, C., Livengood, K. & McGlamery, M. (2012). Teaching with technology: iPad use in the classroom. In P. Resta (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2012 (pp. 4084-4086). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). O Gliksman, S. (2013). iPad in Education For Dummies. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. O Heick, T. (2012). 12 characteristics of an iPad ready classroom. Te@chthought. Retrieved from ipad-ready-classroom/ O ISTE. (2008). ISTE standards for teachers. Retrieved from

34 References Continued O Murray, O., & Olcese, N. (2011). Teaching and learning with iPads, ready or not?. Techtrends: Linking Research & Practice to Improve Learning, 55(6), 42-48. doi:10.1007/s11528-011-0540-6 O Pegrum, M., Howitt, C., & Striepe, M. (2013). Learning to take the tablet: How pre-service teachers use iPads to facilitate their learning. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 29(4), 464-479. O Van Brummelin, H. (2009). Walking with god in the classroom: Christian approaches to teaching and learning. Colorado Springs, CO: Purposeful Design Publications. O Wilson, L., Nash, J., Wissinger, C. & Leidman, M.B. (2013). IPads in elementary education: Content mastery and curriculum pacing. In R. McBride & M. Searson (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2013 (pp. 3810-3813). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

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