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Aid. What are the main types of aid? 1. Bi-lateral aid goes directly from one country to another. 2. Multi-lateral aid is given by many countries to an.

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Presentation on theme: "Aid. What are the main types of aid? 1. Bi-lateral aid goes directly from one country to another. 2. Multi-lateral aid is given by many countries to an."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aid

2 What are the main types of aid? 1. Bi-lateral aid goes directly from one country to another. 2. Multi-lateral aid is given by many countries to an organisation like the United Nations or the European Union, which then uses it in many different countries 3. Voluntary Aid is donated freely to charity organisations such as Oxfam, Sciaf, Save the Children etc.

3 In what forms can aid be given? 1. Emergency Aid - e.g. food blankets etc. after a drought, earthquake etc 2. Food Aid- e.g. seeds for planting, food. 3. Financial Aid - e.g. gifts, grants, help to repay debt etc 4. Volunteers and Experts - e.g. British doctors working in Rwanda 5. Military Aid – e.g. helping to defend against attack, sending military equipment etc. 6. Technical Aid e.g. - building a hydro electric power station

4 Why is aid not always helpful? 1. wrong type (Inappropriate aid) - e.g. advanced farm machines instead of hand tools that people know how to use and repair 2. military aid which keeps wars going 3. ‘tied’ aid it may have to be used to buy the donor countries’ goods which might be much dearer than elsewhere 4. spent on ‘showy’ prestige projects like international airports which benefit only a few high - ranking people in the country

5 Why is aid not always helpful? 5. squandered or wasted by corrupt, dishonest people inside the receiving country (The UN reckons this happens to about 30% of aid) 6. it doesn’t always go to the countries most in need, for example many Eastern European countries get more aid per head than African countries 7. can cause aid dependency – e.g. local farmers could go out of business as a result of ‘free’ food given as aid

6 Were you listening? Speed test! 1. Aid going from one country to another? 2. Aid going through an agency like the UN? 3. Aid delivered by charities such as Oxfam? 4. Given after an earthquake or flood etc? 5. Will often consist of plants and seeds. 6. Comes in the form of loans and grants. 7. Could be British doctors of engineers working in Rwanda

7 Speed test (continued) 8. Given in the form of guns, ammunition etc? 9. Sometimes also called “boomerang” aid because it often goes back to the donor country 10. Could be help with building a dam or road system? 11. There were 7 criticisms of aid – how many can your group remember?

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