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War Affects Society Chapter 17, Section 2. Disagreements About The War: *1863 people tired of war! -Confederacy lost a large portion of its army -Southern.

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Presentation on theme: "War Affects Society Chapter 17, Section 2. Disagreements About The War: *1863 people tired of war! -Confederacy lost a large portion of its army -Southern."— Presentation transcript:

1 War Affects Society Chapter 17, Section 2

2 Disagreements About The War: *1863 people tired of war! -Confederacy lost a large portion of its army -Southern & Northern states were disagreeing among themselves over the war effort -North: Copperheads – Northerners who wanted to make peace with the South. *Lincoln had war protesters arrested and the gov’t. could hold citizens without a trial.

3 The Draft Laws:1863 *Both sides needed more soldiers! -Passed the draft. -Draft required men serve in the military. *South: Healthy, white men between 18 and 45 had to join army. Wealthy men could hire substitutes and planters with 20 slaves or more could avoid military service. “Rich man’s war but a poor man’s fight.”

4 *North: Offered bounties, or cash payments to men who volunteered. -Small percentage of men in North were drafted. *Draft very unpopular in North and led to New York City draft riots, killing more than 100 (mostly African Americans).

5 Economic Effects of the War; Resistance by Slaves *South: Food shortages, inflation (increased prices), and slave resistance. *Resistance hurt the South’s economy! -slowed pace/stopped working -ruined crops -sabotaged farm machines -few rose in rebellion -more often, fled plantations to fight for the Union *With fewer slaves to do work, economy hurt!

6 War helped North Economy: *War production boosted Northern industry. *Inflation was lower in North *Income tax (tax on people’s earnings) and new paper currency helped pay for the war.

7 Women Aid the War Effort: *Men away at war, women took on new duties: run plantations, plow fields, office jobs, factories. *Helped in war effort: nurses on front lines, washed clothes and cooked for soldiers, and were spies! Union spy: Harriet Tubman! Confederate spy: Belle Boyd

8 Prison Camps *Filthy, horrible conditions. *Soldiers died from exposure to severe weather, starvation, and disease.

9 The North Wins! Chapter 17, section 3

10 The Battle of Gettysburg: *June 1863, Confederate forces crossed into southern Pennsylvania. -Fought Union troops near the town of Gettysburg. *Battle of Gettysburg raged on for 3 days *Confederate General George Pickett attacked the middle of the Union line….deadly mistake.

11 *Called Pickett’s charge, was torn to pieces by Union troops. *Confederates retreated. *Like Antietam, Union troops did NOT follow general Robert E. Lee. Even so, Gettysburg was a turning point in the war.

12 *North losses: 23,000 *South losses: >28,000 *With such a huge Confederate loss, Lee’s hopes for a Confederate victory in the North were gone.

13 Siege of Vicksburg *Last Confederate stronghold on Miss. River *Union general – Ulysses S. Grant *Union troops gained control of Vicksburg May 1863. *Grants victory fulfilled a major part of the Anaconda Plan: Union had complete control of Miss. River. South now split in two.

14 *With victories at Gettysburg and Vicksburg, the war was in favor of the North! General Grant: *General Grant was willing to follow and fight General Lee unlike other Union generals. *Lincoln was impressed by Grant *March 1864 – Lincoln made Grant commander of all Union armies *Grant made a plant to defeat the Confederacy.

15 1. Grant would pursue Lee in Virginia 2. Under William Tecumseh Sherman Union troops would push through deep South and wage total war. -Total war: Against enemy troops, everything that supported the enemy, destroyed railroad lines, destroyed crops, and burned towns

16 *Sherman’s victories important to Lincoln b/c of tough reelection and northerners tired of war! -With Sherman’s success, Northerners could sense victory! *Optimism helped Lincoln win reelection!!

17 Surrender at Appomattox: *June 1864, Grant’s troops reached edge of Richmond, VA. *Two sides battled for 10 months!!! *Lee could not hold out! *Union army marched into Richmond on April 3, 1865.

18 *April 9, 1865: Lee and Grant met at Appomattox Court House in VA. There, the two men arranged a surrender. *Grant offered generous terms: After handing over their weapons, the Confederates were free to return home. After 4 years, the Civil War was over.

19 The Legacy of the War Chapter 17, section 4

20 Costs of the War *Deadliest war in American history *1861-1865: >600,000 soldiers died *Union lost about 360,000 *Confederacy lost about 260,000 *Another 535,000 wounded *About 3 million served = 10% of country’s population!

21 Thirteenth Amendment *As Union army marched through South during and after the war, soldiers released African Americans from slavery. *Freed millions, but African Americans in the border states were still enslaved. *1864, Lincoln approved a constitutional amendment to end slavery throughout the nation – failed to pass Congress.

22 *January 1865: Lincoln tried again!! This time, Congress passed the Thirteenth Amendment. *Officially banned slavery in the U.S. and it became apart of the U.S. Constitution.

23 Lincoln’s Assassination *Did not live to see the end of slavery. ONLY 5 days after the South surrendered, Lincoln was shot in the back of the head by a Confederate supporter and famous actor named John Wilkes Booth during a play at Ford’s Theatre in Washington, D.C.

24 *Lincoln died the next day. *Booth was found several days later and killed by soldiers. *Lincoln first president assassinated. *Murder stunned the nation *Loss of his experience and political skills a huge setback.

25 Consequences of the War *North: People began to think of the U.S. as a single nation rather than a collection of states. -Caused the national government to expand (with demands of war, grew larger and more powerful) -Transformed Northern economy: New industries such as steel, petroleum, food processing, and manufacturing grew rapidly.

26 *South: Economic DISASTER! *Farms/plantations destroyed! -40% livestock killed -Half of farm equipment wrecked -Factories destroyed, thousands of miles of railroad track destroyed. -Slavery, the system that built the Southern economy - was GONE!!!!!

27 Reconstruction Begins RECONSTRUCTION: was the process of bringing the Confederate states back into the Union after the Civil War. Lasted from 1865-1877. *Freedman’s Bureau: *Organization that helped former slaves by setting up schools and hospitals, gave out clothes, food, and fuel.

28 Andrew Johnson *Lincoln assassinated in 1865 – Andrew Johnson became president. -Based Reconstruction plan on Lincoln’s goals: 1. Southern state governments had to forbid slavery. 2. South had to accept the supreme power of the federal government 3. Johnson pardoned white Southerners who pledged loyalty

29 Black Codes: *Laws passed by Southern states that limited the freedom of former slaves. Fourteenth Amendment: *Bill promoting civil rights – rights granted to all citizens. Passed in 1865: declared all people born in the U.S. were citizens and stated all citizens were entitled to equal rights regardless of race.

30 Fifteenth Amendment: *Became law in 1870. Gave African Americans (male) full voting rights.

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