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B c Results from CDF II Satyajit Behari (For the CDF Collab.) Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore,USA 23 rd Jul. 2005 HEP2005 Europhysics Conference, Lisboa,

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1 B c Results from CDF II Satyajit Behari (For the CDF Collab.) Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore,USA 23 rd Jul. 2005 HEP2005 Europhysics Conference, Lisboa, Portugal

2 S.Behari, Bc Results from CDF II, HEP2005 2 23rd July 2005 Contents Introduction Interests in B c Meson Measurements π Mass in fully reconstructed B c  J/Ψ π decay μ Cross-section × BR ratio in B c  J/Ψ μν  decay e Cross-section × BR ratio in B c  J/Ψ eν e decay Summary

3 S.Behari, Bc Results from CDF II, HEP2005 3 23rd July 2005 Heavy Flavor Physics at Tevatron Since  (bb) <<  (pp)  Events have to be selected with specific triggers Trigger requirements: large bandwidth, background suppression, deadtimeless Flavor Creation (annihilation) qb q b Flavor Creation (gluon fusion) b g g b Flavor Excitation q q b g b Gluon Splitting b g g g b Tevatron is a source of all B-hadron species, B d, B u, B c, B s and Λ b  b = 29.4 ± 0.6 ± 6.2  b (|η| < 1) ( CDF ) Huge cross-sections compared to the the B-factories but proportionally large backgrounds as well

4 S.Behari, Bc Results from CDF II, HEP2005 4 23rd July 2005 Di-muon trigger p T >1.5GeV,  p T >2GeV, 0.6<  1  < 2.5 o and Muon ID cuts Yields higher than Run I (low p T threshold, increased acceptance) Triggers for B c Analyses Two track trigger 2 opposite charged displaced tracks p T > 2 GeV, 120  m < |IP| < 1mm D*  D 0 ,   p  For Signal and Control Sample For particle ID studies Single electron trigger A track matched to a central electron cluster p T > 8 GeV   e e

5 S.Behari, Bc Results from CDF II, HEP2005 5 23rd July 2005 The B c is a ground state bc meson, first experimentally observed by CDF I ( PRL 81, 1998 ). The measured mass is less precise than theoretical prediction. Test of lattice QCD and potential models  Test of lattice QCD and potential models Unlike quarkonia it carries flavor Probes heavy quark dynamics in new territories  Probes heavy quark dynamics in new territories Spectroscopy of excited states Possible observation, test of models  Possible observation, test of models What is interesting about B c ‾ Production rate can shed light on fragmentation mechanism Gluon fusion diagram dominant 7.4 nb Recent cross-section calculation 7.4 nb [Saleev et al, Phys. Lett. B605, 311 (2005)] BCBC b g c g

6 S.Behari, Bc Results from CDF II, HEP2005 6 23rd July 2005 Interests in B c Continued.. B S produced from B C decays Estimate B C contribution to B S lifetime and mixing  Estimate B C contribution to B S lifetime and mixing B S mixing B C as a source of (lepton) tagged B S  B S mixing CP asymmetry CP asymmetry measurement in D 0 D S + decay mode ‾ c J/   l  l  b c Bs*Bs* b b c W+W+ No annihilation decay channel for B C  hadrons via gluons  Only weak decays, large lifetime lifetime Long term…

7 S.Behari, Bc Results from CDF II, HEP2005 7 23rd July 2005 Lifetime: (0.46 ± 0.03) ps +0.18 -0.16 CDF Run I B c Measurements 20.4 signal events 10.6 ± 2.3 background events L = 110 pb -1 pT(B c ) > 6 GeV/c, |  | < 0.6 + 6.2 - 5.5 PRL 81 n.12 (1998) Mass: (6.4 ± 0.39 ± 0.13) GeV/c 2

8 S.Behari, Bc Results from CDF II, HEP2005 8 23rd July 2005 B c  J/    Search Pros: Exclusive mode; Precise mass measurement possible Same topology well known normalization mode: B +  J/  K +Cons: B c lifetime is shorter than light b- mesons (charm decay dominates)  Need aggressive secondary vertex resolution Expected signal > 10 times smaller than the signal in the semileptonic decay. Primary vertex    ±,K ± B c,B + Analysis method: Analysis method: Reconstruct     vertex, Constrain     to J/  mass Attach a third track w/ p T threshold Event-by-event primary vertex

9 S.Behari, Bc Results from CDF II, HEP2005 9 23rd July 2005 Cut Optimization Blind analysis: Search range: 6.4 ± 2  = [5.6 to 7.2] GeV/c 2 Use MC for: optimizing cuts, estimate sensitivity, relative to B + Cut optimization: Score function: (for 3  search) Signal from MC and background from data Tight vertex requirements using 3D  2, 2D decay length significance, pointing angle, impact parameter etc.   B+B+ B0B0   Backgrounds (Prompt J/Ψ + track from PV) (bb production from gluon splitting) -

10 S.Behari, Bc Results from CDF II, HEP2005 10 23rd July 2005 Peak Search Criteria 390 390 data events within mass range Expected signal: Use Toy MC to determine criteria for seeing a significant peak: Yellow: Toy MC with no signal, corresponding to 0.1% prob. of background fluctuation Blue: Toy MC for N sig =30 events  Score function threshold: Σ > 3.5

11 S.Behari, Bc Results from CDF II, HEP2005 11 23rd July 2005 Peak Evaluation Σ max = 3.6 A sliding fit is performed in the search region and the score function is estimated. Σ max = 3.6 Probability for the background to give a peak at Σ max = 3.6 is estimated from Toy MC as 0.27%. As a consistency check compare partially reconstructed B c yield with that for B + Study impact parameter of the pion with J/Ψ vertex Yield difference between upper and lower sidebands consistent with B + LSB USB

12 S.Behari, Bc Results from CDF II, HEP2005 12 23rd July 2005 B c Mass Measurement Unbinned likelihood fit w/ width fixed in 6.180 < M < 6.480 Sources of systematics: Background shape 0.8 MeV/c 2 Momentum scale 0.6  /K dE/dx 0.2 Tracking 0.2  p T 0.5 Total 1.1 MeV/c 2 M(B c ) = (6287.0 ± 4.8 stat. ± 1.1 syst. ) MeV/c 2

13 S.Behari, Bc Results from CDF II, HEP2005 13 23rd July 2005 σ×BR Ratio in B c  J/ψ μ Analysed ~360 pb -1 Normalization mode: B +  J/ψ K + Basic cuts: Good muons:    |M(μμ) – M(J/ψ)| < 50 MeV J/ψ mass constrained, Prob(   )> 1%, c  > 60  m Third muon p T > 3 GeV Remove B +  J/ψ K + within M B ± 50 MeVBackgrounds: Fake muons from decay-in-flight of K, ,p Estimated by assigning muon probabilities to the third track, obtained from PID quantities, dE/dx and ToF Predicted background: 16.3±2.9 events

14 S.Behari, Bc Results from CDF II, HEP2005 14 23rd July 2005 Background Predictions From bb fragmentation Estimated relative contribution of QCD processes from a Pythia MC and compared to data Predicted background: 12.7 ± 1.7 ± 5.7 events Fake J/ψ + a third muon Estimated by matching a third muon with events in J/ψ sidebands Predicted background: 19.0 ± 3.0 events ‾

15 S.Behari, Bc Results from CDF II, HEP2005 15 23rd July 2005 σ×BR Ratio Results 60.0 ± 12.6 Signal events: 60.0 ± 12.6 46.0 ± 7.3 Background: 46.0 ± 7.3 5.2σ Significance: 5.2σ For p T (B c ) > 4 GeV, |  (B c )| < 1

16 S.Behari, Bc Results from CDF II, HEP2005 16 23rd July 2005 σ×BR Ratio in B c  J/ψ e 360 pb-1 data, Normalization mode: B +  J/ψ K + Basic cuts: Similar J/ψ selection as muon mode Soft electron identification: Good quality tracks, p T > 1 GeV, matched to central strip chambers and EM calorimeter likelihood ratio P e < 0.7 Cut on a likelihood ratio variable constructed from 10 electromagnetic and tracking variables P e < 0.7 dE/dx Additional cut on specific ionization, dE/dx: Z e /σ z > -1.3

17 S.Behari, Bc Results from CDF II, HEP2005 17 23rd July 2005 Backgrounds Fake electrons from decay-in- flight of K, ,p From bb fragmentation From fake J/ψ Conversion electrons: Removed during J/ψ e sample selection Residual conversion electrons are found by pairing electron candidates with tracks, w/o electron requirement ‾

18 S.Behari, Bc Results from CDF II, HEP2005 18 23rd July 2005 σ×BR Ratio Result 114.9 ± 15.5 ± 13.6 Signal: 114.9 ± 15.5 ± 13.6 63.6 ± 4.9 ± 13.6 Background: 63.6 ± 4.9 ± 13.6 5.9σ Significance: 5.9σ For p T (B c ) > 4 GeV, |  (B c )| < 1

19 S.Behari, Bc Results from CDF II, HEP2005 19 23rd July 2005 Summary A precise B c mass measurement in B c  J/Ψ π decay is in agreement with lattice QCD. σ*BR ratios of B c measured in Bc  J/Ψ μ,e ν decays improve upon CDF Run I measurements. Update of mass and BR ratio measurements using high statistics (~ 1 fb -1 ) are underway. Lifetime and other studies to follow..

20 S.Behari, Bc Results from CDF II, HEP2005 20 23rd July 2005 B c  J/ψ μ ν: 95 ± 12 ± 11 signal events L = 210 pb -1 Lifetime: (0.45  ps Mass: (5.95  GeV/c 2     Backup-1 DØ Run II (ICHEP2004)

21 S.Behari, Bc Results from CDF II, HEP2005 21 23rd July 2005 We know From CDF Run-1 All theoretical uncertainties are in the value of R 2 define R = To evaluate the expected signal we use CDF Run I measurement and one ratio of BR. Ratio of efficiencies Number of events in B +  J/   data “R” in MC Backup-2 Expected B c Signal w.r.t B + data

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