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GRADE SIX Welcome!. Welcome to Grade SIX!  Tonight you will be introduced to grade six at Carbonear Academy.  If you have any questions during the presentation,

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Presentation on theme: "GRADE SIX Welcome!. Welcome to Grade SIX!  Tonight you will be introduced to grade six at Carbonear Academy.  If you have any questions during the presentation,"— Presentation transcript:

1 GRADE SIX Welcome!

2 Welcome to Grade SIX!  Tonight you will be introduced to grade six at Carbonear Academy.  If you have any questions during the presentation, please don’t hesitate to ask.

3 Class Subjects The subjects covered in grade six are: Mrs. Singleton  LA  Math  Religion  Social studies Other Teachers  Art & French (Mrs. Jayne)  Science, Phys. Ed. & Health (Mr. Smith)  Music(Mrs. Power)

4 Language Arts Moving Up with Literacy Place  New grade six program includes: Strategy units Analyzing Sequencing Making Connections Inferring Evaluating ALSO: Guided Reading Book Club

5 Language Arts cont’d  READING  silent reading  reading conferencing  Literacy Profile  comprehension activities/evaluations  Possible novel studies  read alouds (by teacher)(listening)  book reports on novels for independent home reading or in school reading

6 L.A. cont’d Reading Response Log (RRL) Record entire book when complete RRA (reading response activity) - one per week due on Thursdays Book reports - one per month Students should have a book to read for the month (at their level) Books and RRL’s should be in book bags everyday!

7 Language Arts cont’d  WRITING  writing folder ( works in progress, published works, and handbook sheets)  Literacy Profile  Rubric for scoring writing (analytic and holistic)

8 Cont’d  Handwriting - ongoing throughout the year. Handwriting is an important skill for children to develop. Practice makes perfect.  Spelling – Weekly spelling program that connects to the new LA program in grade six “Moving Up with Literacy Place.”  List of words chosen from new resource  Test on Friday  Activities due on Friday  Journal Writing – ongoing throughout the year.

9 Language Arts cont’d  SPEAKING  presentations ( speak clearly, loudly, eye contact, etc. )  classroom discussions, etc.  LISTENING  following instructions and directions  observation  activities for further evaluation

10 LA Assessment  Fountas and Pinnell  Alberta Kit (reading assessment)  Writing pieces – as per new program

11 Math As a parent, your role is critical to helping your child complete the Grade Six Mathematics program successfully. Listed below are some suggestions that will guide you along the way:  Same student resource as in grades 4 & 5.  Along with the Math Focus 6 textbook, a blue duo tang, blue exercise book and brainbook will be used throughout the year.  Check the homework site nightly for homework  Nelson mathematics website is also a great resource

12 Math  Be careful that you do not let your child know about your own fear and/or dislike of math. If you cannot help your child with a math problem, say so.  Each unit in math will consist of in-class activities and follow-up work in the form of homework, assignments, and /or quizzes  Each unit will introduce new concepts, which are often built upon previously learned skills; therefore practice and repetition are needed to help your child feel confident and successful  Working on assignments and reviewing regularly will help avoid ‘the -night -before - its due-panic -and blowout!’ Enough said!  Test reviews will be in the form of the mid and/or end chapter reviews of each unit. These will be graded and if possible, I will conference with students about their work.

13 Math  I CANNOT STRESS THE IMPORTANCE OF KNOWING THE MULTIPLICAITON FACTS ENOUGH!  In grade six students are expected to know the facts  In my experience the only way to KNOW the multiplication tables is by memorizing them and being able to “spit” them back…  If this is not worked on at home, then many students WILL NOT master the multiplication tables  Not knowing the tables WILL GREATLY slow your child down in his/her math work and will affect your child for years to come with regard to math.  Students are permitted to use a calculator in certain areas of the grade six math program during class work. They may also use it to check their work when working with large numbers. Students are REQUIRED to show all work when solving a problem.

14 Social Studies Culture Quest – Exploring World Cultures This program examines cultures around the world. There are five units and within each unit there are several chapters. Assessment  Portfolio: (YELLOW FOLDER) of sheets that they will work on throughout the unit.  Assignments/Tests  Group & Individual Work

15 Health Young Canada Health 3 The goals of the health program are to help our students  Understand the relationship between lifestyle and well –being  Acquire a holistic view of health as an integrated, multi-dimensional life discipline  Think independently and make informed decisions based on careful evaluation of relative information.  Choose, practice, and monitor behaviours that are believed to promote well-being.  Appreciate the relationship between healthy, responsible, productive individuals and healthy communities. Assessment  Group Work/Portfolios  Assignments/Tests

16 Religion Horizons Within this program we will study Christianity, Islam, Aboriginal Spirituality, and the Bahai faiths. Assessment  Assignments  Group Work  Projects  Journals

17 Art (Mrs. Jayne) The Grade 6 Art curriculum focuses on three equally important aspects of art: creation, contextualization, and reflection. Art making is as much about process as it is about product. When artwork is produced as a result of a learning process, it is an extension of the important journey students have taken. Assessment will reflect all of the creative processes used and will take into account the following: 1. Work Samples/Performance 2. Art Journal 3. Portfolio 4. Observation 5. Student-Teacher Conference 6. Questioning 7. Peer Response 8. Questionnaires/Surveys

18 Science (Mr. Smith)  Grade 6 Science  The grade 6 Science curriculum is broken up into four units  Variety of Life  Electricity  Space  Flight Assessment techniques will take the form of:  Observation  Journal entries  Paper and pencil (assignment or test)  Presentation  Scientific processes/experiments Email – Website - http://mrsmithpemusic.weebly.comtrevorsmith@esdnl.ca

19 Music (Mrs. Power) Students will be expected to perform/listen to and create:  Rhythm and metre  Melody  Harmony  Form  Contexts Assessments will take the form of:  Observation  Performance  Listening assessments  Composition (digital as well)  Projects/assignments/quizzes Website -

20 PE (Mr. Smith) Physical Education  Preparedness for PE is very important.  Indoor sneakers and loose clothing is required (eg. shorts and t-shirt) Evaluation Breakdown  Moving and doing – 50%  Cooperation and responsibility – 25%  Understanding and applying – 25%

21 Classroom Community  Our classroom is a community. In our community, we have rules to help us get along with each other.  Our class rules are:  Always be safe.  Always be respectful.  Always be prepared

22 Homework  Students are encouraged to complete work as it is assigned and not leave it to the last minute  Amount of homework will vary but should not exceed 50 minutes per night if a student is keeping up with assigned work  If your child is sick or absent from school please make arrangements for homework.  You may call the school at 596-0426 between 8:30 and 3:00.  Homework will not automatically be sent home.

23 Student Responsibility  Students are expected to be punctual arriving to school and for class throughout the day  Be prepared for class with supplies, correct books, etc…  Completion of assigned work  Be organized (desk, locker & bookbag)  BE RESPECTFUL

24 Other  agendas (check daily for homework and teacher communication – if you never see homework, your child may not be writing it down…please ask the teacher)  school supplies (send along more supplies as students run out)  book clubs ( ex. Scholastic)  recess (10:15 to 10:35), lunch (11:55 to 12:45 – eat second half from 12:20 to 12:45 ) 

25 Continued…  healthy living - encourage healthy snacks and daily exercise  class schedules (copy in agenda and copy sent home)  newsletters sent home on a monthly basis (contains valuable information)  memos, Synrevoice

26 Some other things  The Grade Six Website  If your child is absent for any reason, YOU MUST send along a separate note (not in agenda) explaining the absence.  If your child is absent, it is their responsibility to catch up on any missed work.  Students arriving late for school must be signed in by a parent/guardian. Students cannot sign themselves in. Students going home to lunch are also to be signed out and back in by a parent as well.  Please do not assume that everything your child tells you is correct and I will certainly do the same. If ever in doubt, please contact me. I prefer e-mail and will respond as soon as I can. If the message is urgent please call the school.

27 Let’s Have a Great Year!

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