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Published byAnnis Sherman Modified over 9 years ago
CESNET Research Department Introduction to technology testing Stanislav Sima Paris, November 2nd, 2004 (revised November 4th, 2004)
CESNET Research Department Introduction to technology testing Paris November 2th, 2004GN2 JRA4 meeting 2 Goals of GN2-JRA4 (Technology and Service Testing) P romote synergy between research activities performed by individual NRENs and research groups I nterconnect the GN2 test facility with NREN testbeds P erform joint technology testing P rovide effective feedback to the GN2 development process S upport preparation of the successor network to GN2
CESNET Research Department Introduction to technology testing Paris November 2th, 2004GN2 JRA4 meeting 3 Selected goals of Work-Item 1 (Distributed testbed in support for other activities and other FP6 projects) Goals influenced by Work-Item 2 (Technology testing) l Distributed testbed to serve as a platform for testing technology relevant to GN2 l Enhanced with technology that reflects the likely evolution of GN2 and NGN l Testbed will be strongly influenced by the findings of the Work Item 2 l Interconnecting the NREN local testbeds or NRENs l Provisioning of optical connectivity infrastructure where this is possible and economically feasible
CESNET Research Department Introduction to technology testing Paris November 2th, 2004GN2 JRA4 meeting 4 Goals of GN2-JRA4 Work-Item 2 (Technology testing) P romote synergy in technology testing between research activities performed by individual NRENs and research groups I nterconnect the GN2 test facility with NREN testbeds by dark fibres, if suitable for long distance transmission technology testing P erform joint technology testing P rovide effective feedback about technology to the GN2 development process S upport preparation of the successor network to GN2
CESNET Research Department Introduction to technology testing Paris November 2th, 2004GN2 JRA4 meeting 5 WI2 goals cont. To bring related European network research activities together and continue them on a pan-European level I ncreasing the testbed range to a pan- European dimension E ach participating NREN will participate in technology testing according to its expertise
CESNET Research Department Introduction to technology testing Paris November 2th, 2004GN2 JRA4 meeting 6 WI2 goal: to gain experience with emerging networking concepts not currently used in production research networks. Examples given in GN2 TA include: D ark fibre provisioning and operations l Long Haul and Ultra Long Haul transmission over dark fibre M ulti-colour (multi-lambda) transmission P assive optical transmission A ll-optical networking l Generic Frame Procedure (GFP) O ther advanced networking technology
CESNET Research Department Introduction to technology testing Paris November 2th, 2004GN2 JRA4 meeting 7 JRA4 technology stages from ideas to deployment 1. Recording of idea and reasons of their importance 2. Specification of requested device/network function 3. Prototype implementation/offer selection 4. Device/technology testing in laboratory 5. Deployment and testing in local testbed 6. Deployment and testing in GN2 testbed 7. Pilot deployment and testing in NRENs or GN2 8. Production-wide deployment in NREN or GN2 (+return and correction if any step is not successfull) Outside GN2: Deployment in commercial networks
CESNET Research Department Introduction to technology testing Paris November 2th, 2004GN2 JRA4 meeting 8 WI2 entry situation: Technology testing map 2004 Technology/deviceParticipantsStage in 2004 NIL transmission technology 1GCESNET+?7 NIL transmission technology 10 GCESNET+?4 PC Light 2in1 one side amplifierCESNET5 Transmission equipment 10 x 10GDANTE+?3, 4? SDH/Ethernet 10 G switchDANTE+?3, 4? Others…. To be completed by participants before 10th November 2004 with attachement shortly describing technology/device, actual results and costs paid by participant and requested from GN2.
CESNET Research Department Introduction to technology testing Paris November 2th, 2004GN2 JRA4 meeting 9 Technology testing map 2005 -example TaskTechnologyParticipantsStageReached in 1Hut-skipping DWDMCESNET43/2005 CESNET+PSNC68/2005 2… others DANTE to specify budget rules for WI2 with examples before 10th November 2004. To be completed by participants before 1th December 2004 with attachement shortly describing technology/device and promised results.
CESNET Research Department Introduction to technology testing Paris November 2th, 2004GN2 JRA4 meeting 10 Ideas about technology testing update (2005-2007) l Optical lambda switching, pure optical networking l Transmission and switching equipment for transmission rate 40G, 100G, 160G l Soliton transmission technology l Photonic Integrated Circuits (PIC) l Low cost Optical Amplification and OEO conversion l Others l Preliminary map proposals for year 2006 and 2007 before 1 st November 2005
CESNET Research Department Introduction to technology testing Paris November 2th, 2004GN2 JRA4 meeting 11 Importance of Analysis l Deliverables should satisfy contract on GN2 project l Concurrently, results should be at world leading edge (from research and deployment point of view) l Analysis of current and expected leading edge in new technology deployment in research networking is important: first step follows
CESNET Research Department Introduction to technology testing Paris November 2th, 2004GN2 JRA4 meeting 12 National LambdaRail in USA The first National LambdaRail link was lit in 2003 l Last month, NLR completed the first full East- West phase of deployment, which included links between Denver and Chicago, Atlanta and Jacksonville, and Seattle and Denver. l Phase two, which is expected to be complete by May or June 2005, will cover the southern region of the United States. l Cisco (Pirelli) 15808 transmission equipment, 4x10Gbps, expandable
CESNET Research Department Introduction to technology testing Paris November 2th, 2004GN2 JRA4 meeting 13 Crucial Importance l Experts say NLR is the most ambitious networking initiative since two efforts considered crucial to the development and commercialization of the Internet: –the U.S. Department of Defense commissioned the ARPAnet in 1969U.S. Department of DefenseARPAnet –the National Science Foundation worked on NSFnet in the late 1980sNSFnet
CESNET Research Department Introduction to technology testing Paris November 2th, 2004GN2 JRA4 meeting 14 NLR Topology
CESNET Research Department Introduction to technology testing Paris November 2th, 2004GN2 JRA4 meeting 15 Dark fibre connection of NLR users There is still a serious last-mile problem. It's great we have this nationwide infrastructure, but it can only be used if you have the fiber to connect to it. l Internet2 has established the National Research and Education Fiber Company (FiberCo) to help these groups acquire regional fiber.National Research and Education Fiber Company
CESNET Research Department Introduction to technology testing Paris November 2th, 2004GN2 JRA4 meeting 16 Lengths of dark fibres in RENs l More than 20 000 km in Europe (plus some fibres for GN2 and GN2 testbed) l About 33 920 km in USA (including National LambdaRail) l About 6 700 km in Canada l NFF contracted in Australia ….
CESNET Research Department Introduction to technology testing Paris November 2th, 2004GN2 JRA4 meeting 17 GN2 starting position against NLR l Weak: GN2 are late and has one low budget for production network and research l Strong: –More advanced transmission technology? –More Fibre miles than NLR ? –Ability to further replace leased services by dark fibre lines each year? –Transition of NRENs and academic MANs to dark fibres with GN2 support? –DF testbed for GN2 upgrade preparation?
CESNET Research Department Introduction to technology testing Paris November 2th, 2004GN2 JRA4 meeting 18
CESNET Research Department Introduction to technology testing Paris November 2th, 2004GN2 JRA4 meeting 19 GN2 topology l Near over Border (NoB) connections of CEF Networks are mostly technically simple, cheap, natural and advantageous (low cost international traffic, local peering,….) l GN2 will be overlaying (the second) dark fibre infrastructure l Should GN2 copy GEANT old IP topology? –Some traditional GN2 lines will be redundant –Delivering of long E2E lambdas will be crucial for NRENs from GN2, not neighbour country connection (Nordunet, SEEnet,…. )
CESNET Research Department Introduction to technology testing Paris November 2th, 2004GN2 JRA4 meeting 20
CESNET Research Department Introduction to technology testing Paris November 2th, 2004GN2 JRA4 meeting 21 Pionier fibre network Installed fiber PIONIER nodes Fibers+pipes started in 2003 Fibers+pipes planned in 2004/2005 PIONIER nodes planned in 2004/2005
CESNET Research Department Introduction to technology testing Paris November 2th, 2004GN2 JRA4 meeting 22 GN2 testbed preparation l Continent-wide by using GN2 lambdas l Partly based on dark fibres l Prefered connection based on JRA4 WI2 participants dealing with dark fibre lighting l Continent-wide dark fibre testbed needed before deployment of new technology in GN2 production network for risk decreasing
CESNET Research Department Introduction to technology testing Paris November 2th, 2004GN2 JRA4 meeting 23 Continent-wide DF testbed in 2007? (first proposal) l Ultra Long Hall DF testbed Line I: Poznan – Prague – Milano – Madrid l Ultra Long Hall DF testbed Line II: London - Prague – Budapest – Bucharest (-Athena) l DF connection to local DF testbeds: UKLight fibres (Cambridge, University of Essex), CzechLight fibres (Prague, Brno, Plzen), Pionier fibres (Poznan, Krakow), …..
CESNET Research Department Introduction to technology testing Paris November 2th, 2004GN2 JRA4 meeting 24 Cost constraints (costs are not from any tender, preliminary offers are used) l Such about 5000 km testbed could be too expensive (2.5 mil. Euro/year) l Testing of ULH technology (about 3000 – 4000 km) are important. l We should take into account: 1.DF offers for research support 2.Special possibilities that will result from GN2 procurement 3.Support of interested NRENs over 50% cost sharing
CESNET Research Department Introduction to technology testing Paris November 2th, 2004GN2 JRA4 meeting 25 Preliminary status of DF testbed lines l Poznan-Prague: 413 km, available, low cost/km l Prague-Budapest: 535 km, available, low cost/km l London-Prague: 1150 km,available, high cost/km l Prague-Milano: 875 km, available, high cost/km l Milano-Madrid: 1576 km, available, high cost/km l Budapest-Bucharest: 796 km, available, high cost/km l Bucharest-Athena: 1227 km, availability not sure (Route distances, you could use 50% more as the first apoximation of fibre lenght) High cost: about 500 Euro/km/year (fibre pair)
CESNET Research Department Introduction to technology testing Paris November 2th, 2004GN2 JRA4 meeting 26 Steps to continent-wide DF testbed (if JRA4-WI2 relevant partners will be interesting) l Poznan-Prague: 2Q 2005 l Prague-Budapest: 4Q 2005 l London-Prague: 2Q 2006 l Prague-Milano: 4Q 2006 l Milano-Madrid: 2Q 2007 l Budapest-Bucharest: 4Q 2007 l Bucharest-Athena: 2Q 2008? l To start negotiation about costs?
CESNET Research Department Introduction to technology testing Paris November 2th, 2004GN2 JRA4 meeting 27 GN2 connection to local testbed (example in Czech Rep.)
CESNET Research Department Introduction to technology testing Paris November 2th, 2004GN2 JRA4 meeting 28 City dark fibre lines to the of CzechLight node in Prague
CESNET Research Department Introduction to technology testing Paris November 2th, 2004GN2 JRA4 meeting 29 Connected and tested in the first week of November 2004 l Institut of Physics Academy of Sciences of CR l Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University l Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engeneering of Czech Technical University
CESNET Research Department Introduction to technology testing Paris November 2th, 2004GN2 JRA4 meeting 30 1310 1470 1490 1510 1530 1550 1570 1590 1610 AV Florenc VŠE Žižkov JM AV Spořilov Podolí UK Karlín ČVUT Horská ČVUT Karlovo n. Dejvice UK Troja AV ÚTIA UK 1LF 1+8 MUX 4+1 MUX 1ab+4ab A/D 2x 1+4 MUX 1+1 A/D 1310 A/D1+4 MUX 1310 A/D 1550 A/D 8 MUX 1+4 MUX 8 MUX 1+8 MUX (3)2x 4+1 MUX Pasnet lambdas will be used for CzechLight a b ČVUT Břehová Aktivní spliter 1350 nm Pasivní spliter 1310 nm Lambdas used for CzechLight
CESNET Research Department Introduction to technology testing Paris November 2th, 2004GN2 JRA4 meeting 31 Acknowledgement l Lada Altmanova, Jan Radil and Josef Vojtech from CESNET for dark fibre acquiring, lighting and CzechLight development l Comment: presented ideas and opinions are result of our ongoing R&D activities and are opened to improvement
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