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Socio-economic gradients in the occurrence of stroke and 30 days in- hospital mortality after a stroke in Canada 2014 Canadian Population Health Association.

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Presentation on theme: "Socio-economic gradients in the occurrence of stroke and 30 days in- hospital mortality after a stroke in Canada 2014 Canadian Population Health Association."— Presentation transcript:

1 Socio-economic gradients in the occurrence of stroke and 30 days in- hospital mortality after a stroke in Canada 2014 Canadian Population Health Association Conference Toronto, Canada Z. Chaudhary, K. Nguyen, L. Yin, C. Tosevski, Y. Gurevich Canadian Institute for Health Information

2 Overview Introduction –Why Stroke? –Indicators (Stroke Event and 30-Day Stroke In-hospital Mortality) SES lens Results Concluding remarks Resources 2

3 Why Stroke? 3 Stroke Among top 10 causes of in-hospital mortality Common cause of hospitalization Cost

4 Stroke Indicators Stroke Event Rate Age-standardized rate of new stroke events admitted to an acute care hospital, per 100,000 population age 20 and older 30-Day Stroke In-Hospital Mortality The risk-adjusted rate of all-cause in-hospital deaths occurring within 30 days of first admission to an acute care hospital with a diagnosis of stroke 4

5 General Methodology Data Source - Discharge Abstract Database (DAD) Acute care hospitalization data from all provinces/territories except Quebec Rates for Quebec are not available due to differences in data collection Level of Reporting - based on patient postal code of residence Canada Provinces/territories Regions 5

6 SES Lens  Social stratification and income distribution have an impact on population health and safety  Measuring and reporting health disparities are important because some of them may be reduced or prevented  Understanding Stroke in the socio-economic context could help to focus on areas where interventions are more needed 6

7 SES Lens (cont’d) Neighbourhood Income Quintile - used as a proxy for SES (Quintile 1 – least affluent, Quintile 5 - most affluent) Disparity Rate Ratio Ratio of the rate of a health indicator for the least affluent neighbourhood income quintile to the rate for the most affluent neighbourhood income quintile Potential Rate Reduction Potential reduction in a health indicator rate that would occur in the hypothetical scenario that each socio-economic group in the jurisdiction experienced the rate of the most affluent socio- economic group 7

8 Hospitalized Stroke Events Rate - National Trend 8 *Age-Standardized Rates exclude Quebec ↓ 9% ↓ 11%

9 Hospitalized Stroke Event Rate - Provincial Variation FY2007-2008 & FY2012-2013 9 130 118

10 Stroke Event Rate - by SES FY 2007-2008 & FY 2012-2013 10

11 Stroke Event Rate - by SES and Gender FY 2012-2013 11

12 Hospitalized Stroke Rates - by SES & Province FY 2012-2013 12 PRR-11% ↓

13 30-Day Stroke In-hospital Mortality National Trend 13

14 30-day In-hospital Stroke Mortality Provincial Variation, 2009 & 2011 14

15 30-day In-hospital Stroke Mortality - by SES 2009 & 2011 15

16 Concluding Remarks Hospitalizations for stroke present a consistent association with socio-economic status. However once the patients are admitted to hospital difference in stroke mortality rates by socio-economic status are much less Examining trends and variations could help jurisdictions identify areas for improvement Could be used to target efforts needed to close sex and socio-economic gaps 16

17 Resources website –Indicator results at national, provincial/territorial and health region level Health Indicators e-publication –Indicator results at national, provincial /territorial and health region level Indicator Library –http://indicatorlibrary.cihi.ca 17

18 Questions? Zeerak Chaudhary Project Lead, Health Indicators & Client Support, Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) Email:

19 19 Thank You!

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