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Poetry Portfolio Meeting and Exceeding the AP Standards.

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1 Poetry Portfolio Meeting and Exceeding the AP Standards

2 The relevant standards ► Read works from several genres and periods – from the sixteenth to the twenty-first century ► Read deliberately and thoroughly, taking time to understand a work’s complexity, to absorb its richness of meaning, and to analyze how that meaning is embodied in literary form ► Reflect on the social and historical values the literature reflects and embodies ► Understand how both textual detail and historical context provides a foundation for interpretation ► Use a generic method for the approach to close reading that involves the following elements: the experience of literature, the interpretation of literature, and the evaluation of literature ► Use active reading strategies that involve students in learning how to make careful observations of textual detail, establish connections among their observations, and draw from those connections a series of inferences leading to an interpretive conclusion about a piece of writing’s meaning and value

3 The Process ► Select three poets from three different time periods:  Renaissance or before  Restoration/Romantic/Victorian  Modern/Post-modern ► Select three poems for each of your poets, 4 if the poems contain fewer than 15 lines.

4 Sources ► DiYanni Literature, A collection of poems ► Norton Anthology of Poetry ►

5 The Requirements ► For each poet –  A three-five source summary of the poet’s literary life and the period in which he/she wrote; MLA research style  One piece of literary criticism and personal response  One critical essay for ONE POET that supports, refutes, or qualifies the criticism found in the piece of literary criticism and draws on the historical information in the poet’s literary biography; the poems (3) will be used as support for your essay - A 1-2 slide collage of the poet’s life

6 The Requirements ► For each poem –  MLA citation for each poem  An Experience, Interpretation, and Evaluation question from pp.  Completion of an analysis chart for each poem  A poem precis that draws from the other requirements and makes a reasoned statement of meaning  A 1 slide PowerPoint collage of the poem’s imagery, diction, figurative language; visual interpretative aid.

7 Poetry Analysis Chart Poem:Poet: ElementBrief description, notable characteristic, remarkability Textual Evidence/Support Commentary, Interpretation Voice: Speaker and tone Diction Imagery Figurative Language Structure Syntax Sound and rhythm

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