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March 2015 Inter-American Network for the Prevention of Violence and Crime.

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Presentation on theme: "March 2015 Inter-American Network for the Prevention of Violence and Crime."— Presentation transcript:

1 March 2015 Inter-American Network for the Prevention of Violence and Crime

2 Resolution 2866 (GA/OAS) – (Paraguay, 2014): 1.Establishment of the Inter-American Network for the Prevention of Violence and Crime, as a technical entity, under the coordination of the Secretariat for Multidimensional Security to foster hemispheric coordination and cooperation on violence and crime prevention. 2. Creation of the Specific Fund to support activities to prevent violence and crime, including the Inter-American Network for the Prevention of Violence and Crime.

3 Permanent and ongoing dialogue and consultation by the various stakeholders involved in crime and violence prevention. Onsite forums (events) - These will be held in member states based on issues of interest to the countries themselves, or based on suggestions arising from the virtual discussion forum. Permanent virtual forum (OAS website). Technical Committee (experts): group of experts coordinated by the Department of Public Security to advise member states on the formulation and implementation of crime and violence prevention policies, programs, and activities. Inter-American Network for the Prevention of Violence and Crime

4 Overall Objective To create a mechanism for permanent and ongoing dialogue and consultation, and to foster the sharing of experiences, information, best practices, data, and opinions among the various stakeholders involved in promoting, implementing, executing, and evaluating public policies on crime and violence prevention. Inter-American Network for the Prevention of Violence and Crime

5 Specific objectives To promote public participation and community organization in the process of formulating and managing public policies on security; To generate statistics and systematic records for implementing actions, programs, and policies; To provide relevant information for the implementation of actions and public policies related to crime and violence prevention in the Hemisphere; To keep information up-to-date and enhance the flow of information on existing violence and crime prevention practices in the Hemisphere; To collect public security data and statistics and facilitate identification of the main challenges and developments in the countries; To bolster knowledge management and support prevention policies, projects, strategies, and actions based on scientific evidence; To identify best practices and their impact on crime and violence protection and prevention in the Hemisphere, with a view to fostering horizontal cooperation; To generate input for the various high-level dialogue processes (forums such as MISPA), which could contribute to the formulation of national plans.

6 Role of the parties OAS: Coordinate the Inter-American Network for the Prevention of Violence and Crime and its Technical Committee; Facilitate, moderate, and encourage debate and dialogue; Organize onsite forums according to available resources; Create, maintain, and promote the platform to host the permanent virtual forum of the Network on the OAS website; Support efforts of member states by promoting participation of the relevant stakeholders; Keep the member state representatives informed, through quarterly progress reports and consolidated performance reports every two years; Draft and implement strategies to promote the Network; Manage the Fund and submit an annual statement of accounts. Inter-American Network for the Prevention of Violence and Crime

7 Member States: Indicate and promote active participation in the activities of the Network by national representatives; Support promotion and publicity regarding activities of the Network in their countries; To the extent possible, make voluntary contributions to the Fund to support crime and violence prevention activities; Propose topics for the forums to discuss; Have ongoing and permanent access to posts on the permanent virtual forum. Other Actors: Be knowledgeable about the Network and its activities; Take part in virtual forum discussions proposed by the Network; Propose topics for the Network to debate; Have access to the Network's twice-yearly reports. Inter-American Network for the Prevention of Violence and Crime

8 Crime and Violence Prevention Fund Created and coordinated by the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States, through its Department of Public Security (DPS); Specific fund for voluntary contributions; The Fund will be managed at the discretion of the DPS according to the Rules governing the operations of the OAS; Contributions may cover direct and indirect costs; It will generate no interest or refunds. Inter-American Network for the Prevention of Violence and Crime

9 Products of the Network Onsite forums (according to the availability of the Fund); Permanent virtual forum available on the OAS website; Quarterly progress reports; Consolidated performance reports every two years; Annual financial report on the execution of the Fund. Inter-American Network for the Prevention of Violence and Crime

10 Outcomes of the Network Ongoing dialogue involving effective participation by stakeholders engaged in crime and violence prevention. Technical assistance for member states to develop actions, policies, and programs; Ongoing generation of input for the formulation of activities, policies, and programs; Increased horizontal cooperation among member states in the area of crime and violence prevention.

11 Forums Data Trends Progress Challenges Best Practices Reports Public policies (Technical Committee) Identify Generate Subsidize Fund Inter-American Network for the Prevention of Violence and Crime

12 Next steps Draft operating guidelines for the Network; Draft regulations for voluntary contributions for the Crime and Violence Prevention Fund, including the Network; Submit the documents to the Committee on Hemispheric Security for consideration and approval. Inter-American Network for the Prevention of Violence and Crime

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