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2005-09-307 th UN/CEFACT Forum ● TMG Closing Plenary1 7th UN/CEFACT Forum: Lyon, France Techniques & Methodologies Group (TMG) Closing Plenary 30 September.

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1 2005-09-307 th UN/CEFACT Forum ● TMG Closing Plenary1 7th UN/CEFACT Forum: Lyon, France Techniques & Methodologies Group (TMG) Closing Plenary 30 September 2005

2 2005-09-307 th UN/CEFACT Forum ● TMG Closing Plenary2 Opening Plenary Agenda This Week’s TMG Highlights Working Group Reports  Business Process (BPWG)  Core Component Working Group (CCWG)  eBusiness Architecture Working Group (EBAWG) Upcoming Meetings

3 2005-09-307 th UN/CEFACT Forum ● TMG Closing Plenary3 Highlights

4 2005-09-307 th UN/CEFACT Forum ● TMG Closing Plenary4 Highlights Starting closer working relationship with OMG Starting joint project with TBG14 to develop context driver methodology BPSS team completed processing comments on BPSS v1.11 Thank you to University of Vienna for excellent UMM tool Productive MRI session on Sunday Need information for Website

5 2005-09-307 th UN/CEFACT Forum ● TMG Closing Plenary5 Updated Website

6 2005-09-307 th UN/CEFACT Forum ● TMG Closing Plenary6 BPWG Report Jens Dietrich, Chair

7 2005-09-307 th UN/CEFACT Forum ● TMG Closing Plenary7 Activities since last TMG Meeting / planned activities for this week UMM  First Working Draft of UMM Foundation released August 2005  This week: Process comments on UMM Foundation Work on the User Guide for the UMM Foundation

8 2005-09-307 th UN/CEFACT Forum ● TMG Closing Plenary8 Activities since last TMG Meeting / planned activities for this week BCSS  Draft profile released July 2005 Includes meta-model and constraints Missing sample data and context mechanism  Comments received from TMG and also from OAGi OAGi is moving their large library to become CCTS compliant and model based. OAGi have also released a draft UML profile for CCTS and alignment is considered to be a valuable mutual goal.

9 2005-09-307 th UN/CEFACT Forum ● TMG Closing Plenary9 Activities since last TMG Meeting / planned activities for this week BCSS  This week: Incorporate revised CCTS meta-model Align CEFACT and OAGi UML profiles ( Currently the level of alignment is high. Goals are the same and there are only minor differences in approach.) Complete a harmonised BCSS draft ( Including context mechanism) Test XMI interoperability with three different tools ( Enterprise Architect, MagicDraw, Rational Rose.)

10 2005-09-307 th UN/CEFACT Forum ● TMG Closing Plenary10 Activities since last TMG Meeting / planned activities for this week UBAC  Current ODP phase: Requirements and Scoping Introduction document, Requirements and use case document completed  Project inactive pending election of Legal Group officers  This week: Tuesday afternoon: Joint meeting with LG Thursday morning to lunch Realigning the project and process with Legal Group Revisit Introduction and the Requirement documents Revision of timetable Preparation of progress report

11 2005-09-307 th UN/CEFACT Forum ● TMG Closing Plenary11 BPSS After signing the MoU between UN/CEFACT and OASIS, we started a negotiation with the OASIS ebBP This week:  Further progress in negotiation  Define a negotiation plan

12 2005-09-307 th UN/CEFACT Forum ● TMG Closing Plenary12 CCWG Report Mary Kay Blantz, Chair

13 2005-09-307 th UN/CEFACT Forum ● TMG Closing Plenary13 CCWG Report CCTS – Core Components Technical Specification  F2F Meeting 19 – 22 September  Completed review of 205 comments for release 2.x  2.x ready for review 1 November  Decisions:  One list of Representation Terms  Table maintenance transition to ATG  Tables publicly, freely available CCMA – Core Components Message Assembly  Chair: Gait Boxman (TIE), Editor: Serm Kulvatunyou (NIST)  40 members  Developing Requirements  F2F Tuesday, 13:00 to 17:00

14 2005-09-307 th UN/CEFACT Forum ● TMG Closing Plenary14 CCTS Project Received 317 comments on version 2.01 Reviewed all, put in categories 205 determined for next release: 2.x F2F Meeting 19 – 22 September  Completed the review and resolution of the 205  All participants have assignments; due 30 September UN/CEFACT

15 2005-09-307 th UN/CEFACT Forum ● TMG Closing Plenary15 CCTS Project Next Steps  Complete assignments  Editor (Mark Crawford) finalize changes (30 October)  Review by TMG/CCWG  Review by public  Implementation Verification  Publication UN/CEFACT

16 2005-09-307 th UN/CEFACT Forum ● TMG Closing Plenary16 CCTS Project Decisions Current: Primary and Secondary Representation Terms Next release: One list, all terms included Table transition  Transition to ATG after 2.1 publication  Make the tables annexes to the CCTS.  Maintenance goes to ATG.  Develop a transition plan and template(s) The tables must be freely and publicly  available on a web site. UN/CEFACT

17 2005-09-307 th UN/CEFACT Forum ● TMG Closing Plenary17 UN/CEFACT CCMA Project Issued call for participation – 40 members to date Chair: Gait Boxman, TIE Lead Editor: Serm Kulvatunyou, NIST Two conference calls held Developing Requirements Document Submissions of SDMX and CAM Meeting Tuesday afternoon during the Forum

18 2005-09-307 th UN/CEFACT Forum ● TMG Closing Plenary18 EBAWG Report Anders W. Tell, Chair

19 2005-09-307 th UN/CEFACT Forum ● TMG Closing Plenary19 EBAWG Report Architectural process  Planning for the Architectural Process conducted in collaboration with ATG  First startup-meeting in Lyon Architecture project  Activities suspended pending establishment of Architectural Process Glossary project  Planning for publication of glossary on TMG website Activities during the week  Meetings Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday mornings

20 2005-09-307 th UN/CEFACT Forum ● TMG Closing Plenary20 EBAWG Report Architectural process  Planning for the Architectural Process conducted in collaboration with ATG  First startup-meeting in Lyon Architecture project  Activities suspended pending establishment of Architectural Process Glossary project  Planning for publication of glossary on TMG website Activities during the week  Meetings Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday mornings

21 2005-09-307 th UN/CEFACT Forum ● TMG Closing Plenary21 ArchWG Agenda Tuesday morning  Restart of Architecture projects activities  Open discussions on architectural drivers and activities  Introduction of an Architectural Process strawman Wednesday morning  Discussion and elaboration of key Architectural drivers  Glossary project meeting 11.00-12.00 Friday morning  Elaboration on a first draft of the Architectural Process  Elaboration on projects activities and projects proposals

22 2005-09-307 th UN/CEFACT Forum ● TMG Closing Plenary22 Glossary Project Agenda Meets Wednesday, 11.00-12.00 Project management activities  Participation and roles Short term strategy  Concrete representation of glossaries and storage format  Principles and methods of sharing glossaries  Change management process Discussion on current set of UN/CEFACT glossaries  eBusiness Glossary, manager: TMG Glossary project  Harmonization, controlled vocabulary, manager: TBG17 Mid and long term strategy

23 2005-09-307 th UN/CEFACT Forum ● TMG Closing Plenary23 Upcoming Meetings

24 2005-09-307 th UN/CEFACT Forum ● TMG Closing Plenary24 Upcoming Meetings TMG Interim Meeting 09-13 January 2006 in Sydney, Australia (ATG meets in Wollongong, Australia the following week) 8 th UN/CEFACT Forum 13-17 March 2006 in Vancouver, BC, Canada TMG Interim Meeting June 2006 9 th UN/CEFACT Forum September 2006 in New Dehli, India 10 th UN/CEFACT Forum March 2007 in Cairo, Egypt


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