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© 2010 McGraw-Hill Australia The Cell Chapter 2 - Cellular activity.

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1 © 2010 McGraw-Hill Australia The Cell Chapter 2 - Cellular activity

2 A D C B K J I H G E F Click on the letters (in any order) to learn about the parts of the cell. © 2010 McGraw-Hill Australia

3 A D C B K J I H G E F Click on the letters (in any order) to learn about the parts of the cell. © 2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Nucleus The nucleus contains most of the cell’s DNA. DNA molecules in a cell contain a code that is the inherited information, or genes. The role of the genes is to determine the proteins that a cell can make.

4 A D C B K J I H G E F Click on the letters (in any order) to learn about the parts of the cell. © 2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Nucleolus The nucleolus is mainly made up of RNA. RNA is involved in protein synthesis. mRNA reads DNA and carries the message to the ribosomes where the proteins are synthesised. tRNA brings the amino acids to the ribosomes to be joined into protein chains.

5 A D C B K J I H G E F Click on the letters (in any order) to learn about the parts of the cell. © 2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Endoplasmic reticulum The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a series of membranous channels that store and transport materials. They also provide a surface on which chemical reactions occur.

6 A D C B K J I H G E F Click on the letters (in any order) to learn about the parts of the cell. © 2010 McGraw-Hill Australia The cytoplasm is the jelly-like fluid in which the organelles of the cell are suspended. This is also where many chemical reactions occur. Cytoplasm

7 A D C B K J I H G E F Click on the letters (in any order) to learn about the parts of the cell. © 2010 McGraw-Hill Australia The golgi body or golgi apparatus modifies and packages proteins for secretion from the cell. Golgi apparatus

8 A D C B K J I H G E F Click on the letters (in any order) to learn about the parts of the cell. © 2010 McGraw-Hill Australia The ribosomes are the site of protein synthesis. They can be free in the cytoplasm or attached to the surface of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), making it rough ER. Ribosomes Review protein synthesis

9 A D C B K J I H G E F Click on the letters (in any order) to learn about the parts of the cell. © 2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Review protein synthesis from Human Biology 2A-2B. Return to the cell.

10 A D C B K J I H G E F Click on the letters (in any order) to learn about the parts of the cell. © 2010 McGraw-Hill Australia The cell membrane separates the cell contents from the environment. The membrane is semi-permeable and regulates the movement of substances in and out of the cell. Cell membrane

11 A D C B K J I H G E F Click on the letters (in any order) to learn about the parts of the cell. © 2010 McGraw-Hill Australia The mitochondria are the site of aerobic respiration. glucose + oxygen  carbon dioxide + water + energy Mitochondria

12 A D C B K J I H G E F Click on the letters (in any order) to learn about the parts of the cell. © 2010 McGraw-Hill Australia The cytoskeleton consists of micro-filaments and tubules, which support the cell. Cytoskeleton

13 A D C B K J I H G E F Click on the letters (in any order) to learn about the parts of the cell. © 2010 McGraw-Hill Australia The nuclear membrane contains pores, which allow large molecules to pass out of the nucleus. mRNA passes out of the nuclear pores during protein synthesis. Nuclear pore

14 A D C B K J I H G E F Click on the letters (in any order) to learn about the parts of the cell. © 2010 McGraw-Hill Australia The nuclear membrane separates the nucleus from the cell. Nuclear membrane

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