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Lunch & Learn: University Appointments Review Committee (UARC) Ellsworth LeDrew, UARC Chair Marie Armstrong, Associate University Secretary May 24, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Lunch & Learn: University Appointments Review Committee (UARC) Ellsworth LeDrew, UARC Chair Marie Armstrong, Associate University Secretary May 24, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lunch & Learn: University Appointments Review Committee (UARC) Ellsworth LeDrew, UARC Chair Marie Armstrong, Associate University Secretary May 24, 2012

2  What Is UARC?  Approach of Committee ◦ New Chairs ◦ Consistency across Campus in Submissions  Issues  Process  Q & A UARC Overview

3  Chair Ellsworth LeDrew  (AHS) Jack Callaghan  (Arts)Andrew Faulkner Doreen Fraser  (Eng) Catherine Rosenberg Gerry Schneider  (Env) Jennifer Clapp  (Math) Ken Davidson  (Sci) Mario Gauthier UARC, 2012-13

4 - This Committee, appointed by the VPA&P in consultation with Deans' Council and the President of the Faculty Association, shall advise on regular faculty appointments of duration two years or more. -UARC shall review the hiring process and provide advice to the Dean before a hiring recommendation is sent to the VPA&P for approval.

5 -The Chair (through the Dean) shall provide UARC with a brief summary of the recruiting process including efforts to solicit candidates from the underrepresented gender. Documentation (such as CVs, letters of reference) will be provided for the top three candidates. (2010 – letters required only for candidates who were interviewed.) -If all three are of the same gender, documentation will also be provided for the top candidate of the opposite gender.

6  UARC monitors the hiring process to ensure that positions were properly advertised, that both the letter and the spirit of the hiring procedure were followed and that there was a thorough search for candidates, especially candidates of the underrepresented gender.  It provides advice to Chairs, Deans and the VPA&P with respect to faculty hiring, and reports to Senate annually, via the VPA&P, on its activities and operation. Role of UARC

7  There is a wide range in content and quality of the memos submitted to UARC by the Department Chairs.  This is in part due to inconsistent messages being given to the Chairs, as well as lack of understanding of the role of UARC.  We also note that some departments provide excellent reports while there is evidence that other departments ‘ignore’ the process. Observations

8  Hiring process is open  Hiring matches the advertisements  Consensus in department  A thorough review  Consistency in process between departments and faculties What we look for

9  Re-evaluate the qualifications of the candidate – the purview of the Department  We will do a comparison of candidates to identify anomalies and, if there are anomalies, look for explanation in Chair’s discussion, or solicit an explanation What we do NOT do

10  FULL discussion of merits of top three candidates and candidate of opposite gender  Recommendation of Dean  Process that will be followed if first choice does not accept the offer  Reference letters for top three candidates (if interviewed) and candidate of opposite gender (if interviewed)  ALL PARTS OF FORM MUST BE ADDRESSED We Need

11 Designed for efficient processing Includes: ◦ Advance notice that a file is being prepared ◦ Check lists so that the file is complete the first time ◦ Use of SharePoint for quick file delivery Forms Summary of Recruiting Efforts Check List for UARC File Submission The Process

12 Dean’s officeHear from department Advise Secretariat: name, department, when expect file to be ready WhoWhenWhat DepartmentDecision is made to make an offer to a candidate Advise dean’s office: name of candidate, when expect file to be ready SecretariatHear from facultyArrange for review (depends on reviewer availability) DepartmentWhile chair’s memo is being written Prepare file in the order set out in the Check List for UARC File Submission; ensure complete

13 DepartmentFile completeComplete and sign the Check List for UARC File Submission; deliver file to dean’s office Dean’s officeReceipt of fileAdd dean’s memo to file; complete and sign the Check List for UARC File Submission; scan and upload to SharePoint as one document, with check list at the front; advise Secretariat when upload completed

14 SecretariatReceipt of notification that upload completed Advise reviewer and UARC chair that file is ready for review ReviewerWithin three working days of notification that file is ready Review file; complete and upload Check List for UARC Reviewer SecretariatReviewer uploads Check List for UARC Reviewer Advise UARC chair that review has been completed

15 UARC chairCompletion of review Email letter to VPA&P, dean’s office, Secretariat DepartmentReceive response to offer Advise dean’s office whether offer accepted Dean’s officeHear from department Advise Secretariat whether offer accepted

16 To be submitted with each file:  Summary of Recruiting Efforts  Check List for UARC File Submission For information:  University Appointments Review Committee Process  Submission of Files to UARC  Check List for UARC Reviewer Handouts

17 Questions?

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