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Diesel Technology Forum: Promoting Diesel Technology for a Cleaner Tomorrow Dawn Fenton Manager, Technical & Policy Programs Diesel Technology Forum Philadelphia.

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Presentation on theme: "Diesel Technology Forum: Promoting Diesel Technology for a Cleaner Tomorrow Dawn Fenton Manager, Technical & Policy Programs Diesel Technology Forum Philadelphia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diesel Technology Forum: Promoting Diesel Technology for a Cleaner Tomorrow Dawn Fenton Manager, Technical & Policy Programs Diesel Technology Forum Philadelphia Diesel Difference January 9, 2006

2 Vision & Objective Vision: Build a sustainable organization to maintain and enhance the market for diesel power Objective: Promote the value of clean diesel technology and the progress being made to continuously improve the technology by becoming the primary voice of the industry in discussions and debates about power and energy

3 Strategies  ASSEMBLE persuasive facts, perspectives, contributions, improvements, challenges, and industry commitment  CONVEY this information to people and organizations who can and will shape the future of the clean diesel industry  LEVERAGE the information gathering and dissemination through allies and partnerships  CHALLENGE inaccuracies and inconclusive science about diesel

4 Methods Educational Materials  Fact Sheets  Advocacy Ads  Reports  Website/Retrofit Toolkit Outreach Events  3 rd Party Exhibits/Presentations  Educational Forum  Technology Demonstrations  Ride & Drives


6 National Conference of State Legislatures

7 DTF 2005 Core Program & Strategic Initiatives California Continuous Improvemen t Retrofit Legacy Products 2007 Clean Diesel Success Welcome Back Clean Diesel Light Duty Vehicles Core Program Media Outreach Policymaker education Third Party Outreach 2005 Strategic Initiatives

8 2006 DTF Priorities  National arrival of ULSD  2007 Clean Diesel Milestone  Promoting Retrofit  Increase advocacy role at federal and state levels  Build stakeholder relationships  Public and policymaker opinion research

9  Help industry make the public policy case -- preserving all options for diesel engines as primary mobile & stationary power sources.  Unique membership composition – energy companies, engine manufacturers, emissions treatment companies establishes credibility, makes DTF better suited for future policy approaches  Assure industry’s voices are part of the debate over the future of diesel as a power source – and to positively influence the debate!  Promote and position DTF members as leaders in Clean Diesel Technology Value of the Forum

10 Diesel Technology Forum Leaders in Promoting Clean Diesel Technology

11 For More Information: Dawn Fenton Diesel Technology Forum (301) 668-7230

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