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© 2006 Open Grid Forum Geoffrey Fox September 10 2006 OGF eScience Function.

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1 © 2006 Open Grid Forum Geoffrey Fox September 10 2006 OGF eScience Function

2 © 2006 Open Grid Forum 2 Science Function Charter: Work with scientific, engineering and education researchers, developers and users to enable discovery, collaboration, education/training in an interoperable Grid/cyber-infrastructure environment Area NameArea FocusWhat the Area Delivers Applications & Users Lead enhancement of science and engineering by use of Grids/CI Web and Program content, demonstrations, and outreach delivered primarily via NEWORG and partner events, NEWORG website and special outreach programs. Define requirements interacting with other GGF functions Promote development of domain specific best practice and standards. Major Grid Projects Enhancing functionality and interoperability of Grid/cyber- infrastructure among the major grid projects around the world Workshops: Structured workshops between major grid projects around the world to discuss best practices, interoperation, requirements, issues and priorities Exhibits, Interoperability, best practice forums, software user groups Document: Ongoing development of the “Document” to align NEWORG standards roadmap with major grid projects priorities and directions Align with other Science functions Grid Technology Research Research into next generation Grid/CI and distributed computing technologies Structured workshops and a major annual conference on a variety of grid and distributed computing related technologies. Strict refereeing Document (s): NEWORG documents including a refereeing process and publication for NEWORG Individual documents and special issues Science based web site; community tools Education & Training Education and training curricula on and about Grid/CI Encourage the use of Grid/CI to enhance education and training Sponsor and encourage development and holding of summer schools, executive presentations, training, university curricula

3 © 2006 Open Grid Forum 3 Some Successes eScience recognized as part of OGF institutionalizing major Grid projects, research, education etc. Workshops and documents on “Best Practice” in Grid areas recognized as possibly useful But it is not obvious that role of eScience really recognized in OGF processes and the eScience community will continue to participate / increase participation These are issues we must address by making function attractive to all OGF and many in eScience worlwide

4 © 2006 Open Grid Forum 4 People and Terms Allesandrini(*?) (no) Blatecky Catlett(*) (no) De Roure Fox Gentzsch(*) Klingenstein Matsuoka Gannon Jin (no) Kielmann (no) Plale (no) } Term ends May 2007 with extension requested for fall 2007 * = wish to leave May 2007 } Term ends May 2008 (no) = not present at September 10 meeting

5 © 2006 Open Grid Forum 5 NOMCOM Action Items Need to define characteristics and number of new VP and AD’s Previously easier as aimed at “2 per area” although that might not have been what we really needed Could for example ask for interest/expertise in interoperability Suggest possible candidates This was tabled for next (SC) meeting

6 © 2006 Open Grid Forum 6 Relationship to Other Functions Technical Strategy Committee and its roadmap is a way eScience could interact with standards VP eScience on this committee This is roughly OGSA (in particular BES) plus a “process” including “best practice” documents from eScience Possibly produced by workshops Enterprise function has VOC/VAF (Voice of Community, Vendor Adoption Forum) and at OGF18 the Enterprise & Standards Summits Interaction of Enterprise requirements/applications and standards Note that I believe this model incomplete as I think applications want software which is preferably standards compliant; they don’t want standards directly I am sure any eScience person welcome at these meetings which I expect to focus on “utility computing”’ Difficult to do anything as many activities (events, interoperability …) in OGF entangled between functions

7 © 2006 Open Grid Forum 7 Some Issues Can we make OGF meetings more attractive to eScience community Provide the 2 back-to-back workshop centerpiece Can eScience be more useful to other OGF functions Enhance Education and Interoperability (not clear Interoperability part of eScience) Provide snapshots of best practice in Grid topics Not clear if other functions want other forms of interaction? OGF model is “standards and user requirements” are all you need; I don’t believe this model and believe it will fail Can we make better web site Can we make better use of groups Can we organize eScience activities at events more effectively What do we do in December 6-8 F2F in Amsterdam Who will be there? How do we communicate Attendance at telecons very poor; response to emails modest Other possibilities OGF@other meetings doesn’t seem to help OGF much Write proposals involving OGF – Education, Interoperability benefit from global scope of OGF Add “projects” to OGF list Prioritize activities Project Management for Interoperability Why isn’t OGF viewed as place to meet e.g. for federated identity

8 © 2006 Open Grid Forum 8 Issues Contd. Federated Identity Interoperability “workshop” Mechanism to identify and follow through Coordinated activity > 1 month, < timescale/overhead of traditional group  Best practice document Representation of major Grid projects caBIG Evaluate OGF Capability – AD role

9 © 2006 Open Grid Forum 9 eScience Activities Group activities such as those in GIN (Interoperability) Note two new groups in Education and Reliability Groups perform long term activities in focused areas This activity typically does not get much high level visibility except for GIN Timely activities arranged in the three months before meeting and including panels, tutorials and short workshops Current submissions to community program Long lead time single track workshops with invited and contributed presentations in topics of broad interest to OGF. These refereed (or otherwise high quality) activities are documented with reviews contributing to OGF Best Practice series. Individual talks appear on OGF web site and in Journal Special Issues (Other activities including development of federal proposals)

10 © 2006 Open Grid Forum 10 Hot topics Federated Identity ************** OGF19 Data management/virtualization SRB VOSpace Web 2.0 ********************* OGF19 Amazon Utility Computing JSDL for eScience Virtual machines On demand Grids Interoperable Workflow for eScience Using portal technology for eScience Service Discovery for eScience Semantic Grid Autonomic Grids Firewalls VO and Collaboration tools Incentives for eScience Resource provisioning How many (National and Domain Specific) Grids are there and do they want interoperability

11 © 2006 Open Grid Forum 11 Next Steps Chapel Hill OGF19 (Blatecky PC Chair) Federated Identity Satoshi/Ken Web 2.0 and Grids including Amazon Charlie/Geoffrey Manchester OGF20 (Gentzsch PC Chair) Community Resource Aggregation as National and Campus Grids Data Management EuroGIN Meeting at SC not Amsterdam No telecons Modestly responded emails (optimize with pure eScience email list) Poll for day for SC eScience F2F ADs role is to lead activities

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