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Today’s discussion topics Topic 1 (window tables) Topic 2 (centre tables) Topic 3 (corridor tables) How do we make Leeds MOOCs innovative? How do we ensure.

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s discussion topics Topic 1 (window tables) Topic 2 (centre tables) Topic 3 (corridor tables) How do we make Leeds MOOCs innovative? How do we ensure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s discussion topics Topic 1 (window tables) Topic 2 (centre tables) Topic 3 (corridor tables) How do we make Leeds MOOCs innovative? How do we ensure that Leeds MOOCs are pedagogically appropriate? How do we make Leeds MOOCs appeal to a large audience (and ensure access)? Please join a table to sit with colleagues interested in the same discussion topic

2 Staff and Departmental Development Unit 13 June 2013 13 June 2013 University of Leeds MOOC Forum Image – “a new dawn”

3 Twitter: #leedsmoocs

4 MOOCs at Leeds Futurelearn Other MOOC platforms (with permission)

5 Purpose of MOOC forum To share ideas around the development of University of Leeds MOOCs Image: Teach a MOOC – are you crazy?

6 Structure of forum today Feedback on plans for forum meetings Updates - MOOCs at Leeds – Neil Morris - What does a Leeds MOOC look like? – Carol Elston Discussion - ideas for making University of Leeds MOOCs innovative, pedagogically appropriate and appealing to a broad audience.

7 Feedback on Forum Meetings

8 Updates

9 Today’s discussion topics Topic 1 (window tables) Topic 2 (centre tables) Topic 3 (corridor tables) How do we make Leeds MOOCs innovative? How do we ensure that Leeds MOOCs are pedagogically appropriate? How do we make Leeds MOOCs appeal to a large audience (and ensure access)? Please join a table to sit with colleagues interested in the same discussion topic

10 [to be confirmed – propose w/c 29 July] Next meeting

11 Links to further information Background information, visit the University of Leeds FutureLearn and MOOC page on the For Staff website: (including an overview of MOOCs, audio recordings of a presentation to staff about FutureLearn, information about completing Course Enquiry forms and FAQs) To discuss MOOC proposals or ask specific questions contact Dr. Neil Morris (Director of Digital Learning, Chair of BLLTIG and Academic Lead on MOOCs) For further background information about FutureLearn and MOOCs at Leeds, see the following links: University Press Release (December 2012): nline_access_to_education nline_access_to_education University of Leeds For Staff update (February 2013): FutureLearn website:

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