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Unit 2: Astronomy. Opener What do you know about astronomy ?

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 2: Astronomy. Opener What do you know about astronomy ?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 2: Astronomy

2 Opener

3 What do you know about astronomy ?

4 KWL Topic: Astronomy

5 Astronomy KWL Chart KnowWant to Know

6 Astronomy Concept/Question ConceptQuestion Concept 1Question 1 Astronomy

7 Definition of astronomy astro- = star -nomy = a body of knowledge about a specific field of study The study of the stars, Astronomy planets, and outer space.

8 Galileo Name WordArt

9 What do you know about Galilelo ?

10 Galileo Satellite From: NASA launched a satellite named “Galileo” in 1989. Its mission was to take photos of Jupiter.

11 KWL Topic: Galileo

12 How to Come Up With Questions

13 Clues, Problems, Wonderings CluesProblemsWonderings From; From;

14 Clues, Problems, Wonderings CluesProblemsWonderings What clues do we get from the story to tell us who Galileo is and what makes him famous? When reading, what might be a problem for you? Any words you don’t know? After browsing, what are you wondering about?

15 Galileo KWL Chart KnowWant to Know Clues:Wonderings:

16 Galileo Concept/Question ConceptQuestion Concept 1Question 1 Galileo

17  2004 K.Paulus Fom: Fom: Pisa, Italy Born 1564

18 Italy Pisa

19 What is a biography? A biography is written about a real person’s life, by someone else. A biography contains important information about the person’s life. The story includes details about how the person talks, feels, and thinks about things. A biography may span the subject’s life, or it may tell about only an import part of the person’s life. An account that spans the person’s entire life is almost always told in chronological order -- the order in time in which the events occurred. A biography often focuses on the most important events in a person’s life. It usually describes a person’s achievements or talents. A biography is usually written in third person. bio- = life -graphy = writing about a specific subject

20 Vocabulary - Pronunciation ap pa ra tus ex tra or di na ry con stel la tion in ter ro ga tion ce les tial

21 Vocabulary - Definitions a piece of equipment that has a particular use apparatus extraordinary group of stars that form shapes in the sky constellation questioning interrogation relating to the sky celestial unusual or amazing

22 Unit 2: Astronomy Page: 102

23 carriage Photograph from the Utah State Historical Society Copyright © 2004 State of Utah From:

24 Padua, Italy

25 professor From:

26 cylinder

27 lenses From:

28 convex and concave lenses  2004 Lycos, Inc. From: convex concave

29 What is a “Dutch perspective”? What do we know from the story? 1.Makes distant (far away) objects looks close. 2.A man 2 miles away can be seen distinctly (clearly). 3.Described as a “tube” or “cylinder”. 4.Invented by a man from Holland (Dutch) who makes eyeglasses. telescope

30 What is a “Borgo dei Vignali”? What do we know from the story? 1.Galileo’s house is in there. 2.Maybe his house is one of many houses. Town of Vignali

31 quill and ink From: t_Brothers/languagearts.html

32 magnification ©2002 From: magnifier

33 pendulum for pulse  2001 From: Galileo realized the value of pendulum clocks for time keeping. Accurate time keeping helped doctors take correct readings of a person’s pulse. From:

34 Jupiter moons Lawrence Hall of Science | © 2004 | from:

35 Galileo Astronomy Timeline  2001 by The Crimson Bird Book Shoppe, 29 Redmond Way, Stanfordville, NY 12581 USA 1992 - Pope John Paul II acknowledged the Vatican's error in the condemnation of Galileo 1613 - Galileo discovered sunspots 1609 - Galileo built 20X telescope, discovered craters and mountains on the moon 1616 - Galileo called to Rome and ordered to stop supporting the Copernican theory 1638 - Galileo published "Discourses Concerning Two New Sciences", summarizing the principles of mechanics 1633 - The Inquisition denounced Galileo

36 Word Knowledge: C carriage (p. 102) mathematics (p. 102) objects (p. 102) close (p. 102) perspectives (p. 102) convex (p. 102) concave (p. 102) precaution (p. 103) cathedral (p. 104) cut (p. 103) cry (p. 103) circles (p. 103) magnification (p. 103) success (p. 103) clambered (p. 104) cathedral (p. 104) telescope (p. 104) could (p. 104) controlled (p. 104) candle (p. 105) catching (p. 105) incredible (p. 105) comparing (p. 105) cold (p. 105) constellation (p. 106) counting (p. 106) cloudy (p. 107) clear (p. 107) crazy (p. 107) course (p. 107) methodical (p. 108) discovered (p. 108) account (p. 108) discussed (p. 108) rocky (p. 109) crescent (p. 109) reflects (p. 109) fact (p. 109) direction (p. 109) Copernicus (p. 109) declare (p. 109) curb (p. 109) exclaimed (p. 109) Catholic (p. 110) unconvinced (p. 110) conclusive (p. 110) elected (p. 110) continued (p. 110) public (p. 110) received cylinders (p. 102) trance (p. 102) distance (p. 102) circles (p. 103) Venice (p. 103) success (p. 103) circling (p. 105) decided (p. 108) excitement (p. 108) face (p. 109) celestial (p. 109) center (p. 109) certainly (p. 109) once (p. 109) unconvinced (p. 110) received (p. 110) /k/ /s/

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