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Clostridium is a bacteria that is found in the intestines of both healthy and unhealthy people A very dangerous bacteria Most commonly affects people.

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2 Clostridium is a bacteria that is found in the intestines of both healthy and unhealthy people A very dangerous bacteria Most commonly affects people that are in hospitals and nursing homes Can be very fatal Four main categories of Clostridium CLOSTRIDIUM??

3 Clostridium Botulinum an organism producing a toxin in food that causes botulism, a serious illness that can cause loss of muscle control, respiratory control and can also cause death Clostridium Botulinum can be obtained by eating foods that contain the neurotoxin that is formed during growth of the organism. There is usually only about 10 to 30 outbreaks in the US each year. Often due to improperly processed, home-canned foods. It can be found in various parts of nature, and in fish and mammals.

4 Clostridium Difficile a bacterium in the intestines that causes diarrhea and other serious intestinal conditions People can obtain Colitis, Sepsis and other conditions. And in a rare case, death can occur. People in good health typically don’t get Clostridium Difficile. Those who have other illnesess, and take antibiotics regularly, run a higher risk of getting it. It is usually transmitted through feces, and usually because of healthcare workers spreading it from patient to patient.

5 Clostridium Perfringens an organism found in the environment and in the intestines of humans, and also in the intestines of domestic and feral animals There is a type of food poisoning referred to as perfringens poisoning because of the Clostridium Perfringes in the intestines. Necrotic enteritis is also caused by Clostridium Perfringens and this disease is often fatal. It gets into the intestines and becomes fatal because of infection and necrosis. In most cases, the actual cause of the food poisoning is temperature abuse of prepared foods. Some of the organisms are usually still present after cooking and they increase to food poisoning levels when they cool down and when preparing them for storage

6 Clostridium Tetani an organism that colonizes the intestinal tract of humans and animals and is responsible for many cases of tetanus, or “lockjaw” Can be found in fertile soil or feces. Not common in the US, and can be prevented by vaccinations. Clostridium Tetani produces tetanospasmin, which is the potent toxin that causes the central nervous system condition, tetanus, which can be fatal in many cases.

7 SYMPTOMS Clostridium Botulinum (Botulism) double vision blurred vision drooping eyelids slurred speech difficulty swallowing dry mouth muscle weakness Infants with botulism lethargic feed poorly constipation weak cry poor muscle tone Clostridium Difficile watery diarrhea (at least three bowel movements per day for two or more days) foul stool odor fever loss of appetite nausea abdominal pain/tenderness

8 SYMPTOMS cont. Clostridium Perfringens watery diarrhea abdominal cramps sometimes abdominal pain abdominal expansion (distention) from gas severe diarrhea dehydration severe decrease in blood pressure (shock) Symptoms usually last about 24 hours. Clostridium Tetani stiff or locked jaw stiffness in neck and other muscles uncontrollable spasms (shaking). The spasms can become so severe as to cause broken bones irritability restlessness loss of appetite drooling

9 Prevention Most of these diseases can be prevented before they start. Many people receive a tetanus booster to prevent infection from clostridium tetani. And many of these diseases can be treated with antibiotics. There are many treatments that respond to the individual organisms.


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