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P ARTICIPATION O FFICERS S URVEY R ESULTS Summary of results Results are based on responses from 26 out of 34 Comhairle - so 3 out of 4 100% of respondents.

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3 Summary of results Results are based on responses from 26 out of 34 Comhairle - so 3 out of 4 100% of respondents (2 skipped the question) answered “yes” to finding the Participation Officers to be a good source of information in relation to Comhairle na nÓg 100% of respondents (2 skipped the question) answered “yes” to availing of the ongoing support provided by the Participation Officers

4 Summary of the results All respondents gave positive responses in terms of the usefulness of the support with one respondent saying that their Participation Officer: “has helped myself and the group narrow down our action, make it more specific and also achievable. He also has offered many suggestions on ways to try and spread our work out more to decision makers”.

5 Summary of the results 100% of respondents answered “yes” that they feel the Comhairle na nÓg is working on topics that are most important to them 75% feel that the Comhairle na nÓg is seen locally as a Consultative Forum citing a range of examples as evidence: - Presentations to senior County Councils - Being involved in various consultations - Comhairle having a seat on a local task group on suicide and Children Services Committees

6 Summary of the results 30.4% of respondents said that there are additional services that the Participation Officers could provide to support their Comhairle Some of the suggestions for improving the service include: - Linking Comhairle na nÓg together who have worked on similar topics - Regional networking events “more time should be allocated to networking and sharing of good practice between coordinators” - More training programmes on facilitation skills and for adults working with young people on committees

7 Our responses to the survey What you’ve asked for:Our responses: Linking Comhairle na nÓg together who have worked on similar topics  The Coordinator’s corner on the new Comhairle na nÓg website – in particular the forum  New regional networking events Regional networking events  Piloting new regional networking events - beginning with Leinster in July, Connaught/Ulster in September and Munster in September  Events will be informal chat setting where Comhairle Organisers can set the agenda for discussion  This can also be an opportunity to chat in person about progressing the topics amongst other topical issues More training programmes on facilitation skills and for adults working with young people on committees  There will be two days of training in September 2014 covering the usual induction training but also ‘facilitation skills’, ‘running an effective AGM’ and ‘progressing the topic’ – these will be available for all Coordinators and Local Authority organisers of Comhairle to participate  Your PO is available locally to provide trainings for both your Comhairle and the adult organisers – JUST ASK!!!!

8 Comhairle na nÓg 2015 Age range Term of office

9 National Executive updates The National Executive is a two year term The National Executive is for 12 – 17 year olds only The National Executive is now the voice of under 18’s on the Children’s and Young People’s Policy Consortium for the new National Policy Framework For future National Executives the maximum age of new members will be 16 or fourth year/transition year in school

10 Comhairle na nÓg new Data Collection Sheet New Data Collection Sheet on the Pobal Portal Purpose: Collection of key data in Comhairle na nÓg HERE

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