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QLD ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOL REGISTRARS CONFERENCE 2015 1.Introduction & Acknowledgement 2.Cultural Identity 3.Funding 4.Scholarships 5.Q & A.

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Presentation on theme: "QLD ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOL REGISTRARS CONFERENCE 2015 1.Introduction & Acknowledgement 2.Cultural Identity 3.Funding 4.Scholarships 5.Q & A."— Presentation transcript:

1 QLD ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOL REGISTRARS CONFERENCE 2015 1.Introduction & Acknowledgement 2.Cultural Identity 3.Funding 4.Scholarships 5.Q & A

2 QLD ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOL REGISTRARS CONFERENCE 2015 Mr Steven Jeffery Chief Financial Officer QCEC NSW supporter Mrs Yve Rutch Originally Mackay, grew up in Inala Trained Secondary teacher 20 years teaching(State & Independent schools Qld & UK) Executive Officer, QCEC

3 CULTURAL IDENTITY Identity According to the Commonwealth definition “an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander is: a person of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent, who identifies as being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin and who is accepted as such by the community with which the person associates". (

4 IS YOUR SCHOOL … A culturally aware school A community partnership school A RAP school

5 Funding is now very different

6 We were once funded in buckets BaseSWDISA National Partnerships ESL

7 We now receive ONE bucket of funding Base ESL School Location School Size Indigenous SWD





12 Entitled to or Eligible for? School Funding or System Funding?

13 Australian Government Funding

14 14 What does the future look like? Reviews of: Low SES English Language Proficiency SWD Loading Indexation Indigenous Boarding Years 5 and 6 of Gonski Model will not materialise – the majority of funding increases



17 SCHOLARSHIPS QATSIF ( YALARI – specific schools ( Aspiration Initiative University scholarships Aspiring teacher grants Pearl Duncan teaching scholarships Step into Teaching scholarship Lambert McBride Perpetual Bursary T J Ryan Memorial medal


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