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Pyramid Analysis Activity Follow the directions in this slide show to help you complete the Pyramid Analysis Activity.

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Presentation on theme: "Pyramid Analysis Activity Follow the directions in this slide show to help you complete the Pyramid Analysis Activity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pyramid Analysis Activity Follow the directions in this slide show to help you complete the Pyramid Analysis Activity.

2 Worksheet #1 The next few slides will provide the instructions needed to complete the worksheet pictured on the left.

3 Identify each of the food groups and write the correct name in the box provided. You should be labeling the boxes that say “What food group is this?” It will be helpful to go to if you are having difficulty remembering the six food groups and where they belong on the food guide pyramid.

4 123 4 56 Outline each of the food groups on the Food Guide Pyramid in the correct color. For example, what color is the grains food group on the food guide pyramid? Once you know, simply outline the triangle on the pyramid that represents the grains food group. I have numbered each of the 6 food groups that you are responsible for coloring. Again, if you are having difficulty recalling the food guide pyramid you can see a picture of it at:

5 Worksheet #2 The next few slides will provide the instructions needed to complete the worksheet pictured on the left.

6 DIRECTIONS Write out the foods that you ate yesterday. Include all meals, snacks and drinks. For each food that you ate, determine what food group it belongs in. SEE THE NEXT SLIDE FOR HOW TO SET UP YOUR PAPER TO COMPLETE THIS PART OF THE ASSIGNMENT.

7 GRAINS VEGETABLES FRUIT FATS & OILS DAIRY MEAT cereal spaghetti sauce apple butter milk meatballs pasta ice cream cheese eggs bread (2) jelly yogurt peanut butter soda (2)

8 Add up the total number of foods that you ate from each food group at the bottom of your list. Using the example from the previous slide, my tally would look like this…. GRAINS VEGETABLES FRUIT FATS & OILS DAIRY MEAT cereal spaghetti sauce apple butter milk meatballs pasta ice cream cheese eggs bread (2) jelly yogurt peanut butter soda (2) 4 1 1 5 3 3 Now you can see what food groups most of your foods come from and which food groups you may be missing in your diet. Now, you are going to draw YOUR DIET out in the food guide pyramid. In this example, FATS & OILS will be the largest section of my pyramid, with fruit and vegetables being the smallest. SEE THE NEXT SLIDE FOR A PICTURE



11 You should now have a visual idea of what your diet looks like and how it is different from what the actual food guide pyramid looks like. Using the picture you have created, you need to list 3 changes that you could make to your diet to make your pyramid look more like the actual food guide pyramid. (Example: eat more fruit and less fats and oils). Those changes go under the MODIFICATIONS part of the worksheet.

12 CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE DONE! Put your work in your binder/health folder and don’t forget to hand it in next class!

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