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Government and History Chapter 5, Section 1. United States and Canada are both representative democracies. United States declared in its constitution.

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1 Government and History Chapter 5, Section 1

2 United States and Canada are both representative democracies. United States declared in its constitution to have a separation of powers, its 3 branches of government are legislative-makes the laws; judicial-makes decisions about the laws, and executive-enforces the laws. U.S. Bill of Rights and Canada’s Charter of Rights protect certain citizens liberties. Federalism: Balance of power is between the states or provinces and the federal government. Example: States control public schools, while the federal government controls trade between states. Government

3 Early People UNITED STATES Descendants of Asian migrates: Native Americans occupy the US. CANADA Vikings arrive around 1000 AD.

4 UNITED STATES European colonies are established. Britain takes over the US colonies. CANADA French and English explorers settle the area Colonization – 1500’s – 1700’s

5 Independence UNITED STATES1776 Wins independence from Britain and establishes states. CANADA1867 Dominion of Canada is established. Colonies become provinces.

6 Expansion UNITED STATES, 1800-1900’s Economy grows and US becomes world leader. CANADA Population and economy grow, protection of French language and culture in Quebec.

7 Today UNITED STATES Faces the challenges of terrorism since 9/11/2001. CANADA 1982 gains full independence, can change constitution without British approval.

8 Cultures and Lifestyles Chapter 5, Section 2

9 Vocabulary ban – legally blocked suburb – smaller community just outside a large city indigenous – people descended from an area’s first inhabitants bilingual – accepting two official languages; able to speak two languages

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