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Senior Seminar Fall 2008 ISP 4860 Section 003 (Bowen) Class 6, October 8 Course web site:

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1 Senior Seminar Fall 2008 ISP 4860 Section 003 (Bowen) Class 6, October 8 Course web site:

2 10/8/08Senior Seminar F08, Class 62 Agenda Pictures New on course website Late / returned / future assignments Research: MLA, people with same topic Content:  The credit crunch and the Ecosystem are both complex systems  Food / fish Writing  Organizer for Chapter 1  Paragraphs

3 10/8/08Senior Seminar F08, Class 63 New Course resources Internet jack in this room is dead, wiring in wall will need to be replaced  Under “Other sites of interest” – links to: Articles organized on paper topics, although some cross over topics Moodle  Forum topic on searching – place to leave (and get) tips, suggestions, etc.  How to upload your picture in News Forum

4 10/8/08Senior Seminar F08, Class 64 Assignments Coming Up For tonight  List of references In a word processing file, turned in via Moodle  PLUS (new) Paper Planner for Draft of Chapter 1 Copy of Section Planner passed out last week, or go to the course website if you missed this Bring a paper copy of this to class – do not turn in via Moodle October 15: draft of Chapter 1 (overview)  Word processing file turned in via Moodle  Also Section Planner, in class

5 10/8/08Senior Seminar F08, Class 65 Assignments Coming Up October 22: drafts of  Chapter 2 (status in your area of focus)  Chapter 3 (trends in your area of focus)  Both are word processing files turned in via Moodle October 29: revised Chapter 1  I should have it returned with comments by October 22 (grade?)  Further revisions possible up until 12/3

6 10/8/08Senior Seminar F08, Class 66 Research portfolio Self-assessment will be repeated two more times during semester  10/29  12/3

7 10/8/08Senior Seminar F08, Class 67 Late Assignments Still someone without a Moodle account. Only four lists of references turned in at 2:30 today Reminder – a component of the course grade comes for getting assignments in on time

8 10/8/08Senior Seminar F08, Class 68 Credit Crunch Credit crunch spreading to rest of world, including less-developed US credit tightening – states asking for emergency loans Rescue plan will take months to get going Federal Reserve (“Fed”) says it will loan directly into the “commercial paper” market Can the developed countries act together?

9 10/8/08Senior Seminar F08, Class 69 Biodiversity New study of mammals, or at least several thousand mammals for which we have detailed information  “Red List”  25% could become extinct  Full study to be published in Science Advance story on course website

10 10/8/08Senior Seminar F08, Class 610 Complex Systems Two very complex systems:  Ecosystem  World financial system We (humans) are not very good yet at understanding or managing such complex system  Particularly when systems change rapidly  We need to get better at this  “Complex Systems” as a field of study

11 10/8/08Senior Seminar F08, Class 611 Research: MLA Discussion in Moodle Forum Point I want to repeat:  MLA citation style is to minimize disruption to reader  Citation is “in-line” – not a footnote, for example  Minimum length to identify the item in Works Cited E.g. author’s last name and page (Kennedy 35)

12 10/8/08Senior Seminar F08, Class 612 Research: People with same topic DiseaseKimberley, Patricia Ecosystem ServicesAbdullah, Daralene, Androme EnergyMinyon, Scott, Gina FoodMeredith, Chemika, Martha, Louise, Yvonne PopulationJacob, Willie WaterJudith, Michael SustainabilityConnie, Valerie (consumption) Go with group that interests you Cardale People with the same topic discuss and report.

13 10/8/08Senior Seminar F08, Class 613 Research – Planning Chapter 1 You should have a completed “Section Planner” for your draft of your chapter 1 Small groups, everyone reads and discusses each Planner Make notes on Planner for changes you would like to make New forms available if you want to redo yours Turn original in next week

14 10/8/08Senior Seminar F08, Class 614 Content: Food / Fish Fish Pp 29 - 36 Food:  (Security) Pp 108 – 110  (Security) Pp 154 - 159

15 10/8/08Senior Seminar F08, Class 615 Fish Much overfishing around the world  US has relatively good control here  Keep fishing allowances down so that stock is replenished Countries where fish is more important in diet often overfish as population and prosperity grow  Subsidies to fishermen – can make little sense  “Factory” Trawlers – full processing plants

16 10/8/08Senior Seminar F08, Class 616 Fish Coastal fish more numerous but overfished Trend is to have to fish further from shore, deeper waters, for fish that were once rejected (Figure 3 Pg 42)

17 10/8/08Senior Seminar F08, Class 617 Factory Trawlers

18 10/8/08Senior Seminar F08, Class 618 Food Issue today is Food Security – we have enough food, but many people do not have a reliable supply  Pests, spoilage, pilfering However, recent gains are stalling, food no longer rising as fast as population For ~ 10,000 years, farmers selected best of local crop  Much more productive of food for humans than original wild versions

19 10/8/08Senior Seminar F08, Class 619 Green Revolution 1980s “Green Revolution”  Government-financed research centers for major grains  Found best rice genes from around world, put them in one type  Done for all major grains  Done through normal plant breeding, just select the breeds and put them together  Came to require many resources: irrigation, fertilizer, pesticides (monoculture)

20 10/8/08Senior Seminar F08, Class 620 Green Revolution  GMOs 1980s “Green Revolution”  Often too expensive for poor farmers Now, Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)  Private commercial development  Select genes from across species, even between plants and animals  Transfer directly, without breeding  Can decrease need for resources but seed is expensive

21 10/8/08Senior Seminar F08, Class 621 GMOs Genes make proteins, so plant has proteins from different species  Can tailor crops to type of farmland, etc. But proteins are from foods, so known to be safe for human consumption: “Frankenfood”  DB: “like chewing strawberries and hamburger together”  Still, controversial in much of developed world  Because of resource savings, poor farmers have little choice, but still expensive

22 10/8/08Senior Seminar F08, Class 622 Food Supply Biggest need for more food will come from prosperity, if this leads to “eating higher on the food chain/web.”  Factory farms generate large amounts of animal waste, can be an environmental and aesthetic hazard Climate Change can disrupt agriculture HIV/AIDS disrupting populations, killing adults Education needed to apply modern methods

23 10/8/08Senior Seminar F08, Class 623 Food and Trade Policy US subsidizes food exports  US farmers well organized, dependent  US Food aid often requires purchase of food from US Local farmers in poor countries often cannot compete with these subsidized prices

24 10/8/08Senior Seminar F08, Class 624 World Controversy Modern mechanized agriculture Vs improved earlier methods, e.g. less plowing (just make a slit) Arguments:  Ecosystem can’t take increase requirements for water, fertilizer, pesticides, plus do not like GMOs  Earlier methods, even improved, can’t produce enough food

25 10/8/08Senior Seminar F08, Class 625 Writing Paragraphs  A major new topic needs a new paragraph Signal to the reader  Some people like more paragraphs, some fewer  Academic writing usually tends to fewer (appropriate for complex topics)  Be consistent  Often can correspond to outline levels

26 10/8/08Senior Seminar F08, Class 626 Paragraph Handouts  Two original article with paragraphs removed: one long paragraph  Break it into paragraphs at topic changes Small groups, group report on each You can leave when your group turns in its two reports

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