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Creating a Healthy Cookbook This week, students will get to choose which recipe they will work on for our healthy cookbooks. On Monday, they will work.

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2 Creating a Healthy Cookbook This week, students will get to choose which recipe they will work on for our healthy cookbooks. On Monday, they will work with dietician, Cristin McKinley, to select healthy substitutions for their favorite recipes. Then, students will rewrite the “healthier” version of their recipe using sequencing words and knowledge of the food groups.

3 Noise Level 1 1. Monday Read the Apples, cherries, red raspberries book. List 3-5 fruits on the food pyramid. Tuesday Read and discuss Green Beans, Potatoes, and Even Tomatoes. List 3-5 vegetables on the food pyramid. 1. Wednesday Read and discuss Yogurt and Cheeses and Ice Cream that Pleases. List 3-5 dairy foods on the food pyramid. 4. Thursday 4. Read the Black beans and lamb, poached eggs and ham book 5. List 3-5 meats or proteins on your food pyramid. Friday Read and discuss Macaroni and Rice and Bread by the Slice. List 3-5 grains on your food pyramid. Turn it into the reading file. Food Groups: Making Healthy Choices Materials Needed Food Group Books Recipe copy Pencil Home I Can: Comprehend informational text Respond to informational text Know the authors purpose Project Connection Healthy Substitutions for Cookbook Recipes

4 Noise Level 1 1. Monday 1. Work with Cristin McKinley, dietician, to select your recipe. 2. Then, write down healthy substitutions you can make to your ingredient list. 2. Tuesday 1. Make final adjustments to your recipe choice and substitution plans. 3. Wednesday 1. Begin typing the rough draft to your recipe. 4. Thursday 5. Recipe Rough Draft 6. Friday 1. Recipe Rough Draft I Can: Describe objects. Make observations Use scientific tools Follow 2 step directions Materials Needed Recipe Computer Sequencing Word list Home Project Connection: Healthy Recipes for our Cookbook

5 Noise Level 0 1.Choose a library book or a book of choice that you have not read. 2.Be sure you picked a book that you can read alone. 3.Silently read. 4.After you finish your book, write the name of the book in your Data Binder. 5.Be sure to fill in the information about your book in your binder. 6.If you can answer all the questions in your Data Binder, get your laptop and log on to AR to take your test. 7.Record your AR score in your Data Binder. Materials Needed Data binder Book of choice I Can Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension

6 Noise Level 1 Monday: Start the spelling packet. Tuesday: Finish the spelling packet and turn in to the turn in file. Wednesday: Choose on of the following activities: 1) Flip book 2) Crayon mat 3) Fluency 4) Story Thursday: Spelling City Review Friday: Test! I Can Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds. Distinguish long and short vowels Materials Needed: 1.Spelling Packet 2.Vocab list Home Project Connection: Thinking like a Scientist Challenge words

7 Noise Level 1 Tuesday Pyramids Math Journal pages 126 and 127 Wednesday Line Symmetry Math Journal pages 128 and 129 Thursday Math Journal page 130 and complete any unfinshed pages in Chapter 5 (pages 112-130). I can: Recognize Shapes having specific attributes. Describe, classify and sort geometric shapes. Recognize geometric shapes in the environment. Materials Needed Math Journal Pencil Home Project Connection: Thinking like a scientist, exploring attributes

8 Noise Level 1 Tuesday: Beat the Calculator, Student reference book page 124 Wednesday: Domino Fact Families Thursday: Test I can: Recognize Shapes having specific attributes. Describe, classify and sort geometric shapes. Recognize geometric shapes in the environment. Materials Needed Pencil, Student Reference Book, Math Masters pages, EM cards, dominoes, pattern blocks Home Project Connection: Thinking like a scientist, exploring attributes

9 Noise Level 1 Tuesday Constructing 4 Different Pyramids out of straws, Math Masters, pg. 144 Wednesday Finding Lines of Symmetry, Math Masters pg. 150 and Lines of Symmetry, Your Half, My Half Thursday Endpoints, Line Segments, and Angles I can: Recognize Shapes having specific attributes. Describe, classify and sort geometric shapes. Recognize geometric shapes in the environment. Materials Needed Pencils, Math Masters pages, Pattern blocks Project Connection: Thinking like a scientist, exploring attributes

10 Noise Level 0 Log on to Everyday Math Online using your EM card. 1. Tuesday 1. Number Grid Game 2. Wednesday 1. Go to the abcya website and go to the 2 nd grade page. Go to Shape Construction. 3. Thursday 1. Fact Dash. I can: Recognize Shapes having specific attributes. Describe, classify and sort geometric shapes. Recognize geometric shapes in the environment. Materials Needed Computer EM Computer Card Project Connection: Thinking like a scientist, exploring attributes

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