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ACD A00000 00-01 ITU Working Party 8B Activities Presented By John Mettrop UK Civil Aviation Authority.

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Presentation on theme: "ACD A00000 00-01 ITU Working Party 8B Activities Presented By John Mettrop UK Civil Aviation Authority."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACD A00000 00-01 ITU Working Party 8B Activities Presented By John Mettrop UK Civil Aviation Authority

2 ACD A00000 00-01 Introduction ITU-R Study Group Structure Working Party 8B Responsibilities Working Structure Radiodetermination Issues Under Study Concerns For Aviation Action Required Aeronautical Issues Under Study Concern For Aviation Action Required

3 ACD A00000 00-01 ITU Working Group Structure Radiocommunications Bureau SG 1: Spectrum Management SG3: Radiowave Propagation SG4: Fixed Satellite Service SG 6: Broadcast Service SG 7: Science Services SG8: Mobile, radiodetermination Amateur and related satellite services SG9: Fixed Service

4 ACD A00000 00-01 ITU Working Group Structure SG8: Mobile, radiodetermination Amateur and related satellite services WP 8A: Amateur Service WP 8B: Aeronautical, Radiodetermination & Maritime WP 8D: Satellite services WP 8F: Mobile serivices

5 ACD A00000 00-01 Working Party 8B: Responsibilities (1 of 2) To carry out studies related to the maritime mobile service, including the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System and the management of Maritime Mobile Service Identities, the aeronautical mobile service and the radiodetermination service (radionavigation and radiolocation); To develop and maintain Recommendations that enable protection for distress and safety applications of the above services while permitting sharing of the limited spectrum resources with other services operating within the allocated bands; To study system protection criteria, with particular emphasis on safety-of-life services; and assesses compatibility between the cognizant radiocommunication services of Working Party 8B and other services to determine the feasibility of sharing;

6 ACD A00000 00-01 Working Party 8B: Responsibilities (2 of 2). To studies methods to enhance the effective and efficient use of the spectrum of services cognizant to Working Party 8B. To maintain strong cooperative efforts with other United Nations Specialized Operating Agencies such as the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), International Maritime Organization (IMO) and World Meteorological Organization (WMO). To maintain strong cooperative efforts with other Task Groups and Working Parties having an interest in the frequency bands allocated for the maritime mobile, aeronautical mobile and radiodetermination services

7 ACD A00000 00-01 Working Group 8B: Structure 8B-1: Radiodetermination (Chairman Kim Fisher) 8B-2: Aeronautical (Chairman John Mettrop) 8B-3: Maritime (Chairman: Jon Turban) RCG: Radar Correspondence Group (Convenor: Frank Sanders)

8 ACD A00000 00-01 8B-1: Radiodetermination

9 ACD A00000 00-01 Issues Under Study World Radio Conference 07 Agenda item 1.3 In accordance with Resolution 747 (WRC-03) consider the upgrading of the radiolocation service to primary allocation status in the bands 9000-9200 MHz and 9300-9500 MHz and extending by up to 200 MHz the existing primary allocations to the Earth exploration-satellite service (active) in the band 9500-9800 MHz without placing undue constraints to the services to which the bands are allocated ITU Questions Question 35: Efficient use of the radio spectrum by radar stations in the radiodetermination service Question 202: Unwanted emissions of primary radar systems Question 226: Characteristics of and protection criteria for radars operating in the radiodetermination service Question 234: Compatibility of radionavigation and radiolocation services operating in the bands 9 000 – 9 200 MHz and 9 300 – 9 500 MHz Others Use of probabilistic criteria for protection of Radars

10 ACD A00000 00-01 Upgrade of Radiolocation & Additional allocation to EESS (WRC07 Agenda Item 1.3 & Question 234) Concern for Aviation Protection from interference of Aeronautical Radars (Ground Based & Airborne) Action to be taken Provide input to relevant National, Regional & International Fora Actively participate in the meetings

11 ACD A00000 00-01 Protection of Radar Systems (Questions 35, 202 & 226) Concern for Aviation Protection from: Interference Undue and Impractical Constraints Action to be taken Provide input to relevant National, Regional & International Fora Actively participate in the meetings

12 ACD A00000 00-01 8B-2: Aeronautical

13 ACD A00000 00-01 Issues Under Study World Radio Conference 07 Agenda item 1.5: To consider spectrum requirements and possible additional spectrum allocations for aeronautical telecommand and high-bit rate aeronautical telemetry, in accordance with Resolution 230 (WRC-03) Agenda item 1.6 Resolution 414: To consider allocations for the aeronautical mobile (R) service in parts of the bands between 108 MHz to 6 GHz, in accordance with Resolution 414 Other Issues Resolution 413: Use of the band 108 – 117.975 MHz by aeronautical services

14 ACD A00000 00-01 Telemetry and Telecommand (WRC07 Agenda Item 1.5) Concern for Aviation Telemetry proposal for 5x12MHz in the MLS Band Impact of this item on the use of MLS Impact on aviations requirements for a future communications system under agenda item 1.6 Meeting the requirements for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for flights in un-segregated airspace

15 ACD A00000 00-01 Telemetry and Telecommand (WRC07 Agenda Item 1.5) Action to be Taken Identify the spectrum requirement for Un-manned Aerial Vehicles Participate in the compatibility studies between telemetry and MLS Protect any future requirements for a future aeronautical communications system Provide input to relevant National, Regional & International Fora Actively participate in the meetings

16 ACD A00000 00-01 Future Comms System (WRC07 Agenda Item 1.6, Res 414) Concern for Aviation Potential impact of solution for agenda item 1.5 Defining and identifying spectrum requirement for future aeronautical communications system Action to be Taken Identify the spectrum requirement for future comms system Identify spectrum capacity currently available in aeronautical bands Select preferred band Present case

17 ACD A00000 00-01 Use of the band 108 – 117.975 MHz by aeronautical services (Res 413) Concern for Aviation Introduction of new systems such as VDL mode 4 Protection of aeronautical systems from broadcast systems Action to be Taken Update of ITU-R Recommendation SM.1009-1 or writing of a new Recommendation Participate in the studies

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