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Unit 1. Introduction to means of communication Short Term Goal: To be aware of risks involved in online communication and to assess current online behaviour.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 1. Introduction to means of communication Short Term Goal: To be aware of risks involved in online communication and to assess current online behaviour."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 1. Introduction to means of communication Short Term Goal: To be aware of risks involved in online communication and to assess current online behaviour.

2 Can you understand this message? hwhw mnE diFrent wAz of comunic8N cn u tnk of? Put yr h& ^ wen u undRst& dis msg.mnEdiFrentwAz comunic8Ncnutnkyrh&^wenu undRst&dismsg

3 Starter-website translating English to txt

4 How do we communicate? Pupils to reflect on their own everyday means of communication e.g. speaking, texting, IM, writing, phoning, web cams, videoconferencing, e-mail

5 How do we communicate?

6 What reasons do we have to communicate? Explore the reasons for communication using a mind map

7 Advantages and disadvantages AdvantagesDisadvantages Speaking Telephone Letter Fax Email IMS Txt Webcam

8 Are some means of communication more risky than others? Put these in order of risk, with highest risk at the top Most risky Least risky

9 How do you measure risk?

10 Evaluation: Have you successfully identified why & how we communicate and the potential pitfalls? Could you improve your measures of risk?

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