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Welcome! Overview of the session 1. To find out about our routines and procedures ready for your child starting in Reception. 2. Time to read the information.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Overview of the session 1. To find out about our routines and procedures ready for your child starting in Reception. 2. Time to read the information."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Overview of the session 1. To find out about our routines and procedures ready for your child starting in Reception. 2. Time to read the information in your pack. Complete and return all YELLOW forms.

2 An Introduction to Reception at Sandhurst Infant and Nursery School June 2014.

3 The Reception Team Reception is part of the Early Years Foundation Stage, led by Mrs Akinkugbe (due back from maternity leave in July). 3 classes of 30 children We are just in the process of finalising staffing so you will find out your child’s class and teacher by 16 th June.

4 Other key people Ms. Osbaldeston – Executive Headteacher Ms. Carroll – Head of School Ms. Miller– Chair of Governors Mrs. Fairman – SENCO Mrs. Simpson – EMAS / EAL Mrs. Akkara- Admin Assistant Ms. Arnold- School Business Manager SandALLs, SanDads, SandTots

5 Before September …. Children who come to Sandhurst Nursery will spend regular time in Reception each week so they become used to the space and the adults. Children who do not come to our Nursery are invited to come along after school between 3:45pm-4:15pm for a ‘Stay and Play’ session (dates in your pack) The idea is for you and your child together to get used to the space – toilets, coats, etc and for school to become familiar. You will meet some of the staff as well. Take photos!

6 The first few days Staggered intake – only a few new children starting each day – check your pack to see your starting day. On your child’s first day ONLY, come to the external classroom door for 9:15am – this is so we can get children already with us settled to activities. After the first day, arrive for 8:55am and line up on the playground. Collect children from the outside classroom door at 1:30pm.

7 The first few days (cont.) ALL children are entitled to a FREE school meal. The overwhelming majority of parents have requested this. If you wish your child to have a packed lunch, let us know. (NB: packed lunches should not contain nut products or chocolate/fizzy drinks / sweets) If you believe you are entitled to free school meals for your child, please fill in these forms EVEN IF your child is having a packed lunch as it impacts on school funding - £1300 per child for 6 years after initial registration even if your circumstances change. Milk is provided for ALL children until they reach the age of 5. After that, if you want your child to receive milk, you need to order using forms from the office.

8 Beliefs and Values Children are at the heart of all we do We believe: that children should be children that children should be treated fairly and as individuals that EVERY child can succeed

9 Beliefs and Values cont. We value: Respect Fairness Honesty Responsibility High Expectations

10 Expectations at Sandhurst Infant and Nursery School Home-School agreement – you should support ALL our expectations, not just the ones you like / agree with! School uniform – ALL children should wear uniform Good attendance Punctuality at beginning AND end of every day Good behaviour – supported by parents / carers

11 What happens in Reception? Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum – 7 areas of learning. 3 prime areas: Communication and Language; Physical Development; Personal, Social and Emotional Development. 4 other areas: Literacy, Maths, Creative and Expressive Arts, Knowledge of the World Indoor and outdoor classroom – in ALL weathers! PE – regular hall time LOTS of listening and speaking LOTS of practical experience (which can be messy!) Learning through play

12 A Typical Session Children come straight in, register themselves and get busy with activities. Children will do some group learning on the carpet – numbers, phonics, writing, stories, etc. Children access all areas of the classroom – some activities are set out for them to promote particular areas of learning, other areas are empty for children to select what they would like to do and use. Adults might spend time observing individuals / groups during their learning or they may select individuals for planned, focus activities.

13 How can you help at home? Read with and to your child as often as you can. Sing songs / nursery rhymes Play games Ask about school – activities, friends, adults, lunchtimes.

14 Things you can do to help your child prepare. Read stories about schools to build up familiarity with the setting and the adults. Talk about the adults your child will meet in school so that they feel familiar before your child even starts with us. Encourage children to stick to rules – ‘Do as you are asked the first time’. Encourage responsibility and independence as far as possible – dressing, toilets (especially boys using urinals), eating, tidying up, etc.

15 Things you can do to help your child prepare – continued … At school children need: Communication Ability to take instructions Understanding how a class works Concentration Not being aggressive, loud or over-boisterous Ability to react positively to teacher and other children At home you need to make sure your child is READY for this. If they struggle with any of the above, they are likely to react badly in school and, if not nipped in the bud QUICKLY (within 3 weeks) can become a long-term issue. See for more

16 Urgent Please let us know if ……. -Your child has ANY medical condition, disability and / or allergy -Your contact details change -You are going to be late collecting your child -Somebody new is collecting your child.

17 What if there is a problem? Please speak to us as soon as possible. The first port of call should be the class teacher or assistant. If the class teacher is not available or you need to discuss the matter further, please make an appointment to see any member of the Senior Leadership Team – Ms. Osbaldeston, Ms. Carroll

18 And finally …. Any questions? Thank you!

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