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Nutrition. Nutrients Are substances used in the body which must be taken in from other places/sources.

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1 Nutrition

2 Nutrients Are substances used in the body which must be taken in from other places/sources.

3 Each nutrient has a specific job and meets a need that your body has.

4 6 nutrients are: 1. Water. It regulates body heat and carries nutrients to cells. 2. Carbohydrates. They provide your body with energy. 3. Protein. Is the building blocks for your body. 4. Fats. They store energy. 5. Vitamins. They help our body function. 6. Minerals. They are compounds that combine to form structures of your body.

5 Carbohydrates A. Simple carbs are sugar. They enter & exit your blood quickly for instance a sugar high after eating candy. B. Complex carbs are whole grains. They enter and are processed/used more slowly. C. One gram of carbohydrate has 4 calories.

6 Protein Examples are meats, cheese, peanut butter and eggs. One gram of protein has 4 calories.

7 Fats A. Saturated fats come from animals (meat, butter and lard). They are unhealthy leading to heart disease and cancer. B. Unsaturated fats come from vegetables and are less harmful. C. One gram of fat has 9 calories. Some types of fats (omega-3 fatty acids found in some fish) have been proven to prevent some cancers and heart disease.

8 Calories Your body needs them for energy. Eating too many calories and not burning enough of them off through activity can lead to weight gain. Leftover calories are converted to fat. You don’t have to burn off ALL the calories you eat. Your body needs some calories just to operate.

9 The recommended calorie range for school-age kids is between 1600- 2500. Most kids don’t have to worry about getting enough. The body and feelings of hunger remind a person to eat.

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