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Bloodworth Russia Economics and Culture. Bloodworth Economic Characteristics Russia’s economy is transitioning from a command economy under communism.

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Presentation on theme: "Bloodworth Russia Economics and Culture. Bloodworth Economic Characteristics Russia’s economy is transitioning from a command economy under communism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bloodworth Russia Economics and Culture

2 Bloodworth Economic Characteristics Russia’s economy is transitioning from a command economy under communism to free market economy.

3 Bloodworth Transitioning Economy Political and economic difficulties after the breakup of the Soviet Union

4 Bloodworth Russia’s New Market Economy

5 Bloodworth Industry and Agriculture The majority of the farming and industry in Russia is concentrated in the “Fertile Triangle” where there is rich chernozem soil and wheat farming.

6 Bloodworth Infrastructure Trans-Siberian Railroad which connects Moscow to Vladivostok on the Pacific coast system or rivers and canals railroads

7 Bloodworth Energy Resources Russia has abundant hydroelectric power, oil, and natural gas.

8 Bloodworth Use of Natural Resources Russia’s natural resources are not fully developed due to its climate and limited transportation links, and the vastness of the country.

9 Bloodworth Competition for Resources Foreign competition for investment in the region – oil pipelines

10 Bloodworth Irrigation for cotton production in Central Asia has contributed to the shrinking of the Aral Sea. Aral Sea

11 Bloodworth Pollution Widespread pollution

12 Bloodworth Chernobyl Nuclear Accident April 26, 1986 A series of human errors resulted in several fires and a core meltdown at the nuclear reactor at Chernobyl. A huge explosion covered the Northern Hemisphere with radioactive dust.

13 Bloodworth Long Term Effects The area around the disaster site was evacuated. 25,000 to 100,000 people who were in the area may die from radiation related diseases.

14 Bloodworth Could This Happen Again? Many poorly designed and maintained nuclear power plants remain in operation today.

15 Bloodworth Russian Culture Russian culture is characterized by diverse ethnic groups, customs and traditions. Many people are of Turkic and Mongol heritage.

16 Bloodworth Ballet

17 Bloodworth Music Peter Tchaikovsky Igor Stravinsky

18 Bloodworth Icons

19 Bloodworth Matroishka Dolls

20 Bloodworth Oriental Carpets

21 Bloodworth Faberge Eggs

22 Bloodworth Samovars

23 Bloodworth Russian Orthodox Churches

24 Bloodworth St. Basil’s Church

25 Bloodworth Red Square

26 Bloodworth Kremlin

27 Bloodworth Mosques, minarets

28 Bloodworth Siberian Village

29 Bloodworth Soviet-style Apartment Blocks

30 Bloodworth Onion Domes St Basil’s Church in Moscow Russia

31 Bloodworth Red Square

32 Bloodworth Kremlin

33 Bloodworth Kremlin Interior

34 Bloodworth Matroishka dolls

35 Bloodworth Moscow

36 Bloodworth St. Petersburg

37 Bloodworth Novosibirsk

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