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The Leverhulme Trust Dr Anne Dean Assistant Director.

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1 The Leverhulme Trust Dr Anne Dean Assistant Director

2 William Hesketh Lever ……from 1922 Lord Leverhulme of the Western Isles (1851-1925 ) The Leverhulme Trust

3 Established in 1925 A proportion of Lord Leverhulme’s interest in Lever Brothers (later to become Unilever plc) left in Trust for specific beneficiaries : CCCCertain trade charities SSSScholarships for the purposes of research and education

4 Scholarships for the purposes of research and education:  support for the gifted individual  postgraduate level  all subjects *

5 The Leverhulme Trust The Trustees  Diverse backgrounds  Drawn from senior management of Unilever plc  Generalist experience  Appraisal experience  Resistant to fashion

6 The Leverhulme Trust Inclinations of the Trustees …the suitability of the research for support by the Trust…  emphasis on opinion of various peer reviewers (both those nominated by the applicant and independent reviewers appointed by the Trust)  mixture of disciplines (blurring boundaries/lateral impact)  courageous research (avoidance of the incremental)  individual exploration (hesitation with data banks/cataloguing)

7 The Leverhulme Trust ……….as well as:  originality of the proposed work  impact of the research outcome on other fields of study and within the immediate field of research  the applicant’s ability to judge and take appropriate risk – promising ‘blue skies’ research  the extent to which the research design transcends traditional boundaries  the extent to which a proposal represents a refreshing departure from the established working patterns either of the individual or of the discipline

8 The Leverhulme Trust *The Trust tends to avoid those specific disciplines which other Trusts or agencies are disposed to support. These include: medicine general school education

9 With c. £30M available each year, the Leverhulme Trust cannot act as funder of last resort for a government system with £1,500M p.a.

10 Under the terms of the Founder’s Will, the Trust is unable to engage in FULL ECONOMIC COSTING. FULL ECONOMIC COSTING. Therefore, overheads and similar costs cannot be supported.

11 The Leverhulme Trust The majority of awards given by the Trust are made (via a 2-stage process at Outline and Full Application stage) to institutions mostly under our Research Project Grant scheme ….but we offer numerous other awards, including :

12 The Leverhulme Trust  Programme Grants (up to £1.75M for selected themes) – for 2007, the topics are: Ceremony and Ritual and The Uses of Higher Education.  Various Fellowships (Visiting, Early Career, Emeritus) and Study Abroad  Major Research Fellowships in the Humanities and Social Sciences  Academic Collaboration – International Networks, Visiting Professorships  Philip Leverhulme Prizes and…

13 The Leverhulme Trust …T raining and Professional Development in the Fine and Performing Arts…

14 The Leverhulme Trust Training and Professional Development Scheme based upon a combination of talent and need These awards are mainly to permit (normally young) people to obtain training or professional development and are based upon a combination of talent and need. Awards are made directly to institutions for provision of bursaries or scholarships for the maintenance of selected groups of students. Applications from individual students are not eligible. The Trust also supports innovative teaching activity, and research into various aspects of the Arts.

15 The Leverhulme Trust ………..Among the organisations we support are………………


17 We also offer residencies under our Artist in Residence Scheme FFFFor artists of any kind, including musicians UUUUsually for one academic year UUUUp to £12,500 CCCContrasting disciplines – i.e. a poet in a university chemistry department, a playwright in a museum, a fine artist in a hospital environment….

18 Distribution of funds between schemes

19 The Leverhulme Trust

20 Research Project Grants TTo enable established scholars at eligible institutions to obtain support for a research assistant(s); support for a postgraduate student(s); replacement teaching costs for applicant; associated costs to meet modest direct support costs for project. It is not normally possible for applicants to bid for their own salary. TThe maximum grant available is normally £500,000 but such bids are very rare. The great majority of bids received are up to £150,000, with a smaller number up to £250,000. EEligibility criteria: originality; significance and added value; significance for work for other subject areas; merits of proposed methodology, researchers and institution for intended work. TThe Trust is unlikely to support pilot schemes.

21  Each year, the Trust receives c. 1,500 Outline proposals for Research Project Grants  A small proportion are deemed ineligible i.e. they fall within those areas generally not supported by the Trust, or are received from ineligible institutions  The great majority go forward for peer review - the Leverhulme Advisory Panel.

22 The Leverhulme Trust Outline Application Form There are no closing dates for the submission of Outline Applications to the Trust Outline Application undergoes initial review Outline Application rejected on grounds of eligibility or quality Recommendation that applicant be invited to make a Full Application Applicant submits Full Application with two named referees. Closing dates for Full Applications: 21 March, 1 September, 1 December Up to 12 weeks – average 6 weeks Independent referees and the applicant’s named referees are consulted by the Trust The proposal and the comments of referees are submitted to the Trustees for decision Application RejectedApplication Approved Three deadlines each year: 21 March, 1 September and 1 December

23 The Leverhulme Trust Some current Research Project Grant subjects  Voting power in practice  Migration, race and population dynamics: explaining Britain’s ethnic geography  Life on the move through deep time: has a universal search rule evolved in animals?  The e-MERLIN radio astronomy revolution; developing the science support tool  Transforming borders: a comparative anthropology of post-Yugoslav ‘home’  Bloomsbury and reform in the nineteenth century  Neuro-economic analyses of herding in economics and finance  The life, thought and politics of Cambodian Buddhist monk Khieu Chum (1907-1975)  Human tooth wear in relation to recent hunter-gatherer and Palaeolithic toolkits  Where quantum meets classical: foundational structures and their ramifications  The psychological attribution of essences to objects  Evolution the tinkerer – finding a new use for an old protein  Reorganisation of river systems and climate change as controls on the Harappan  Renaissance cultural crossroads: an analytical and annotated catalogue of translations  Towards non-destructive analysis in archaeological and conservation science  Turbulent entrainment in plumes with internal generation of buoyancy  Genesis of the cortical endoplasmic reticulum in plants  A simple explanation of illusory motion experience in op art paintings  Boethius’s De Consolatione Philosophiae and early medieval commentary  The cognitive basis of nest building  Adult ageing and the decoding of subtle social cues to mental state  Reconstructing the national income of Britain and Holland c.1270/1500 to 1850

24 The Leverhulme Trust Research Fellowships  To support experienced researchers to complete a programme of original research (particularly those prevented from so doing by pressure of routine duties)  Approximately 100 awards offered in 2006  Fellowships between 3 and 24 months  Eligible costs – research expenses/contribution towards replacement teaching costs or loss of earnings – Maximum value is £35K. AApplicants normally over 30 and resident in the UK

25 The Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowships TTo provide career development opportunities for those with a proven record of research who do not hold/have not held a full-time established academic post in a UK university. AApplicants should normally be under 35 and have a PhD or equivalent research experience. The applicant’s PhD thesis should have been submitted by the closing date. TThe Trust will contribute 50% of each Fellow’s total salary costs to a max of £22K, the balance being paid by the institution. Research expenses of up to £5K per annum may also be awarded. FFellowships are held for 24 months and should be taken up between the beginning of the next academic year and 1 May of that year. FFellowships can be held at universities or at other higher education institutions in the UK.

26 Full details of all schemes can be found on our website or (in hard copy) in our Guide for Applicants, available upon request to: The Leverhulme Trust 1 Pemberton Row London EC4A 3BG Tel: 020 7822 5220

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