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10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School1 Nutrients Jazz 2012 CarbohydratesProteinsVitaminsMineralsFatsWater 100 200 300 400 500 Intro.

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2 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School1 Nutrients Jazz 2012 CarbohydratesProteinsVitaminsMineralsFatsWater 100 200 300 400 500 Intro

3 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School2 Carbohydrates 100 1. Carbs, the body’s major source of… Carbs, the body’s major source of… Carbs, the body’s major source of… 2. These carbs provide instant/temporary energy These carbs provide instant/temporary energy These carbs provide instant/temporary energy timer

4 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School3 Carbohydrates 200 1. Carbohydrates that provide fiber for the digestive system Carbohydrates that provide fiber for the digestive system Carbohydrates that provide fiber for the digestive system 2. An important fuel for the brain An important fuel for the brain An important fuel for the brain

5 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School4 Carbohydrates 300 1. Serve starchy carbohydrates with high fat meats to aide in… Serve starchy carbohydrates with high fat meats to aide in… Serve starchy carbohydrates with high fat meats to aide in… 2. A casserole that includes corn, broccoli, onions, brown rice, and chicken stock is high in… A casserole that includes corn, broccoli, onions, brown rice, and chicken stock is high in… A casserole that includes corn, broccoli, onions, brown rice, and chicken stock is high in…

6 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School5 Carbohydrates 400 1. Potatoes, beans, peas, bread, cereal are important sources of this type of carbohydrate. Potatoes, beans, peas, bread, cereal are important sources of this type of carbohydrate Potatoes, beans, peas, bread, cereal are important sources of this type of carbohydrate 2. Jelly, honey, molasses, soft drinks are rich sources of this type of carbohydrate. Jelly, honey, molasses, soft drinks are rich sources of this type of carbohydrate. Jelly, honey, molasses, soft drinks are rich sources of this type of carbohydrate.

7 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School6 Carbohydrates 500 1. Distance running draws from the reserves of a starchy meal of this complex carbohydrate. Distance running draws from the reserves of a starchy meal of this complex carbohydrate. Distance running draws from the reserves of a starchy meal of this complex carbohydrate. 2. The number of calories in one gram of carbohydrates. The number of calories in one gram of carbohydrates The number of calories in one gram of carbohydrates 3. Control weight through a balanced diet and this activity. Control weight through a balanced diet and this activity. Control weight through a balanced diet and this activity.

8 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School7 What is protein?

9 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School8 What are carbohydrates?

10 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School9 What are complex carbohydrates?

11 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School10 What are simple carbohydrates?

12 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School11 What is digestion?

13 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School12 What is pasta?

14 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School13 What is fiber?

15 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School14 What is four?

16 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School15 What is exercise?

17 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School16 Proteins 100 1. This legume sometimes causes a serious allergy problem among some people his legume sometimes causes a serious allergy problem among some peoplehis legume sometimes causes a serious allergy problem among some people 2. A carbohydrate that supplies energy when fats are depleted. A carbohydrate that supplies energy when fats are depleted. A carbohydrate that supplies energy when fats are depleted.

18 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School17 Proteins 200 1. The combination of beans and grains in a meal will give a vegetarian their essential… The combination of beans and grains in a meal will give a vegetarian their essential… The combination of beans and grains in a meal will give a vegetarian their essential… 2. A type of protein that contains 9 essential amino acids A type of protein that contains 9 essential amino acids A type of protein that contains 9 essential amino acids

19 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School18 Proteins 300 1. Builds repairs and helps to maintain the body Builds repairs and helps to maintain the body Builds repairs and helps to maintain the body 2. Meats, fish-liver oil, beans, nuts, eggs, milk, peanut butter and lentils are important sources of this nutrient. Meats, fish-liver oil, beans, nuts, eggs, milk, peanut butter and lentils are important sources of this nutrient. Meats, fish-liver oil, beans, nuts, eggs, milk, peanut butter and lentils are important sources of this nutrient.

20 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School19 Proteins 400 1. A natural tenderizer found in meat A natural tenderizer found in meat A natural tenderizer found in meat 2. Number of calories in one gram of protein Number of calories in one gram of protein Number of calories in one gram of protein

21 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School20 Proteins 500 1. Proteins are made up of small units called Proteins are made up of small units called Proteins are made up of small units called 2. Helps the body’s cells make enzymes, hormones and antibodies. Helps the body’s cells make enzymes, hormones and antibodies. Helps the body’s cells make enzymes, hormones and antibodies.

22 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School21 What is marbling?

23 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School22 What is a complete protein?

24 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School23 What is protein?

25 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School24 What are amino acids?

26 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School25 What are peanuts?

27 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School26 What is nine?

28 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School27 Vitamins 100 These vitamins are not stored in the body These vitamins are not stored in the body These vitamins are not stored in the body These vitamins are not stored in the body Nutrient group that helps regulate chemical reactions Nutrient group that helps regulate chemical reactions Nutrient group that helps regulate chemical reactions Nutrient group that helps regulate chemical reactions

29 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School28 Vitamins 200 Seek the advice of physician or dietitian before taking.. Seek the advice of physician or dietitian before taking.. Seek the advice of physician or dietitian before taking.. Seek the advice of physician or dietitian before taking.. Avoid large doses of any single… Avoid large doses of any single… Avoid large doses of any single… Avoid large doses of any single…

30 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School29 Vitamins 300 One serving of chopped, cooked, or canned fruit. One serving of chopped, cooked, or canned fruit. One serving of chopped, cooked, or canned fruit. One serving of chopped, cooked, or canned fruit. Acts as an antioxidant to protect blood and lung cells. Acts as an antioxidant to protect blood and lung cells. Acts as an antioxidant to protect blood and lung cells. Acts as an antioxidant to protect blood and lung cells.

31 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School30 Vitamins 400 1. Organ meats, dark leafy green vegetables, eggs oils, and liver are rich sources of this vitamin. Organ meats, dark leafy green vegetables, eggs oils, and liver are rich sources of this vitamin. Organ meats, dark leafy green vegetables, eggs oils, and liver are rich sources of this vitamin. 2. It promotes healthy gums and teeth and helps fight infection. It promotes healthy gums and teeth and helps fight infection. It promotes healthy gums and teeth and helps fight infection.

32 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School31 Vitamins 500 1. A supplement that should be added to a woman’s diet if she is planning to become pregnant A supplement that should be added to a woman’s diet if she is planning to become pregnant A supplement that should be added to a woman’s diet if she is planning to become pregnant 2. We break down protein, fat and carbohydrate and help the body use calcium and phosphorus We break down protein, fat and carbohydrate and help the body use calcium and phosphorus We break down protein, fat and carbohydrate and help the body use calcium and phosphorus

33 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School32 What are supplements?

34 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School33 What is a nutrient?

35 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School34 What are water soluble vitamins?

36 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School35 What is ½ cup?

37 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School36 What is Vitamin A ?

38 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School37 What is Vitamin E ?

39 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School38 What is vitamin D?

40 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School39 What is Vitamin K?

41 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School40 What are the B- Complex vitamins?

42 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School41 What is Vitamin C or Ascorbic Acid?

43 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School42 What is folic acid?

44 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School43 What are vitamins?

45 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School44 Minerals 100 1. A nutrient found in baby formula A nutrient found in baby formula A nutrient found in baby formula 2. Promotes normal functioning of the thyroid gland Promotes normal functioning of the thyroid gland Promotes normal functioning of the thyroid gland

46 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School45 Minerals 200 1. Nutrient group that keeps the body running smoothly Nutrient group that keeps the body running smoothly Nutrient group that keeps the body running smoothly 2. This mineral combines with protein to make hemoglobin. This mineral combines with protein to make hemoglobin. This mineral combines with protein to make hemoglobin.

47 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School46 Minerals 300 1. Number of servings needed by teens from the milk group Number of servings needed by teens from the milk group Number of servings needed by teens from the milk group 2. Improves acid, alkali balance in the body and found in milk, yogurt, cheese, salmon and spinach Improves acid, alkali balance in the body and found in milk, yogurt, cheese, salmon and spinach Improves acid, alkali balance in the body and found in milk, yogurt, cheese, salmon and spinach

48 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School47 Minerals 400 A disease of the bone caused by a lack of calcium in the diet A disease of the bone caused by a lack of calcium in the diet A disease of the bone caused by a lack of calcium in the diet A disease of the bone caused by a lack of calcium in the diet A disease risk that is REDUCED by limiting the amount of salt and sodium in the diet. A disease risk that is REDUCED by limiting the amount of salt and sodium in the diet. A disease risk that is REDUCED by limiting the amount of salt and sodium in the diet. A disease risk that is REDUCED by limiting the amount of salt and sodium in the diet.

49 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School48 Minerals 500 1. Minerals found in the greatest amount in the body Minerals found in the greatest amount in the body Minerals found in the greatest amount in the body 2. Help builds bones and teeth and blood to clot. Help builds bones and teeth and blood to clot. Help builds bones and teeth and blood to clot.

50 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School49 What is osteoporosis?

51 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School50 What is calcium?

52 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School51 What is iron?

53 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School52 What are minerals?

54 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School53 What are three servings?

55 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School54 What is hypertension or high blood pressure?

56 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School55 What is Iodine?

57 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School56 Fats 100 Provides concentrated energy and calories Provides concentrated energy and calories Provides concentrated energy and calories Provides concentrated energy and calories Adds flavor and satisfying quality to breads Adds flavor and satisfying quality to breads Adds flavor and satisfying quality to breads Adds flavor and satisfying quality to breads Total calories from fat should not exceed Total calories from fat should not exceed Total calories from fat should not exceed Total calories from fat should not exceed

58 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School57 Fats 200 Transports fat- soluble vitamins Transports fat- soluble vitamins Transports fat- soluble vitamins Transports fat- soluble vitamins Dietary guidelines recommend these nutrients in moderation Dietary guidelines recommend these nutrients in moderation Dietary guidelines recommend these nutrients in moderation Dietary guidelines recommend these nutrients in moderation Fats maintain healthy skin and… Fats maintain healthy skin and… Fats maintain healthy skin and… Fats maintain healthy skin and… A fat found in meat is this type of fat. A fat found in meat is this type of fat. A fat found in meat is this type of fat. A fat found in meat is this type of fat.

59 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School58 Fats 300 Insulates the body from shock and temperature changes. Insulates the body from shock and temperature changes. Insulates the body from shock and temperature changes Insulates the body from shock and temperature changes High concentrations of this nutrient are found in bacon, salad dressings, butter and marbling in meat. High concentrations of this nutrient are found in bacon, salad dressings, butter and marbling in meat. High concentrations of this nutrient are found in bacon, salad dressings, butter and marbling in meat. High concentrations of this nutrient are found in bacon, salad dressings, butter and marbling in meat.

60 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School59 Fats 400 Another name for Fat Another name for Fat Another name for Fat Another name for Fat Number of calories in one gram of fat Number of calories in one gram of fat Number of calories in one gram of fat Number of calories in one gram of fat Vegetable oil contains this type of fat. Vegetable oil contains this type of fat. Vegetable oil contains this type of fat. Vegetable oil contains this type of fat.

61 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School60 Fats 500 Heart healthy diets are low in … Heart healthy diets are low in … Heart healthy diets are low in … Heart healthy diets are low in … Saturated and unsaturated Saturated and unsaturated Saturated and unsaturated Saturated and unsaturated

62 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School61 What is energy?

63 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School62 What is butter?

64 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School63 Lipid

65 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School64 What is hair?

66 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School65 Saturated fats, cholesterol, and salt

67 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School66 What are fats?

68 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School67 What is 10%?

69 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School68 What are fats and simple carbohydrates (sugars)?

70 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School69 What are saturated fats?

71 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School70 What is unsaturated fat?

72 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School71 Water 100 1. Recommended daily consumption Recommended daily consumption Recommended daily consumption 2. Maintain good health by drinking Maintain good health by drinking Maintain good health by drinking

73 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School72 Water 200 1. Helps regulate body temperature and breathing Helps regulate body temperature and breathing Helps regulate body temperature and breathing 2. Water plays a vital role in the transportation of these and other substances in throughout the body. Water plays a vital role in the transportation of these and other substances in throughout the body. Water plays a vital role in the transportation of these and other substances in throughout the body.

74 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School73 Water 300 1. Name foods high in water Name foods high in water Name foods high in water 2. Water has been removed from products that labeled evaporated or… Water has been removed from products that labeled evaporated or… Water has been removed from products that labeled evaporated or…

75 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School74 Water 400 1. Water lubricates … Water lubricates Water lubricates 2. Water transports… Water transports Water transports

76 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School75 Water 500 1. Water removes it from the body Water removes it from the body Water removes it from the body 2. Helps facilitate chemical_____ Helps facilitate chemical_____ Helps facilitate chemical_____

77 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School76 What is 8 glasses?

78 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School77 What is water?

79 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School78 What are beverages, fruits, vegetables and soups?

80 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School79 What are joints and cells?

81 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School80 What is waste?

82 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School81 What are nutrients?

83 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School82 What are reactions?

84 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School83 concentrated

85 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School84 References Beryl Jackson, Teacher, Lake Norman High School, Mooresville, NC Beryl Jackson, Teacher, Lake Norman High School, Mooresville, NC Microsoft ClipArt and Sound Microsoft ClipArt and Sound NCDPI Foods I Curriculum (2010) NCDPI Foods I Curriculum (2010) Eat Eat

86 10/7/2015Beryl Jackson Lake Norman High School85 Eat Fats “ADA supports the focus on type of fat instead of the focus on the overall amount with an emphasis on reducing saturated fatty acids and trans-fatty acids and increasing in n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.3 However, further research is needed on how to communicate this information and committee recommendations on solid fat to consumers. Solid fats are listed on the food labels as saturated fat and trans fat. Additionally, saturated and trans fats are typically consumed as part of foods, not as separate, solid fats. There may be some challenges in reaching 7 percent saturated fat intake for some populations or programs without further guidance to consumers and program planners about how to achieve these saturated fat levels. Additional efforts may be needed to ensure that saturated fat is not replaced with a higher carbohydrate intake, particularly refined carbohydrate, can exacerbate the atherogenic dyslipidemia.4” –Letter to Dietary Guidelines Committee from ADA July 15, 2010

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