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Cheyanne Atwood and Helen Zhang Sugars-provide body with energy Provides half of body’s energy Sources: –Grains, pasta, candy, fruits etc. 2 types –Simple(sugar)

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Presentation on theme: "Cheyanne Atwood and Helen Zhang Sugars-provide body with energy Provides half of body’s energy Sources: –Grains, pasta, candy, fruits etc. 2 types –Simple(sugar)"— Presentation transcript:


2 Cheyanne Atwood and Helen Zhang

3 Sugars-provide body with energy Provides half of body’s energy Sources: –Grains, pasta, candy, fruits etc. 2 types –Simple(sugar) –Complex(starches)

4 Body stores extra in liver and muscles 60% of body’s calories 4 calories in one gram

5 Fuel for the body Building blocks (fatty acids) for hormones Sources –nuts, oils, butter, and meats 3 types –Unsaturated fats (good fat) –Saturated fats (bad fat) –Trans fat (really bad fat)

6 30% of calories 9 calories per gram Too many fats can cause problems: –Heart problems –Obesity

7 Builds up and replaces tissues Make hemoglobin that carries oxygen Help with movements and immune system Sources –beef, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, nuts, seeds, and beans 2 types –Complete (meat and animal products) –Incomplete (beans, nuts, peas etc.)

8 The basic structure is amino acids Makes cells-important for growth 10-15% of diet 4 calories per gram Cause of allergies

9 Keeps digestive system healthy Non digestible Sources –grains, vegetables, fruit, beans etc. 2 types –Insoluble(grains and veggies) –Soluble(oats, barley etc.)

10 Too much may make absorbing minerals difficult Foods with fibre are low in fat and calories Daily intake: –Males 38 g females 25 g

11 Removes dangerous toxins from the body Keeps metabolism working properly Sources: air, anything edible Cushion joints Regulates body temperature Carries oxygen and nutrients to cells 1.9 litres needed daily

12 Carries oxygen and nutrients to cells 1.9 litres needed daily Regulates body temperature Carries oxygen and nutrients to cells 1.9 litres needed daily

13 Support normal growth/development Help cells/organs do their jobs Sources: all foods Boost immune system Two types: –Fat soluble (dissolved by fat) –Water soluble (dissolved by water) Organic substance (made by plant or animal)

14 Boost immune system Support growth/development Help cells/ organs do their job Types: –Trace minerals (minerals you need very little of. Ex. Copper & iodine) –minerals you need large amounts daily (ex. Calcium) Sources: vegetables, fruits, meat

15 ealt_rive.htm ealt_rive.htm tion/vitamins_minerals. tion/vitamins_minerals. ml ml

16 protein.html protein.html rticle/002467.htm rticle/002467.htm rticle/002467.htm rticle/002467.htm information/dietary-fibre.html information/dietary-fibre.html

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