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XML for Interoperability Robin Burke ECT 360. Outline Schemas Survey: last week The Semantic Web Web services SOAP RDF.

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Presentation on theme: "XML for Interoperability Robin Burke ECT 360. Outline Schemas Survey: last week The Semantic Web Web services SOAP RDF."— Presentation transcript:

1 XML for Interoperability Robin Burke ECT 360

2 Outline Schemas Survey: last week The Semantic Web Web services SOAP RDF

3 Schemas Some schemas not very detailed to be expected in a draft Some schemas missing a multi-value property John Doe Jane Doe

4 Survey Current syllabus for week 10 Media SMIL Synchronized Media Integration Language WML Wireless Markup Language Alternative XSLT 2.0 XPath 2.0

5 What the web is good at Presenting information to people Allowing people access to a wide range of information services

6 What the web is not good at Application integration Must build site-specific client “screen scraping” Must deal with site-to-site heterogeneity Classic example FedEx site offers package tracking What if you have 100 packages? What if you have 10 different shippers?

7 Semantic Web “The web for softbots” do for applications what the web does for people

8 Requirements What do we need we need to be able to find and invoke applications we need to understand the results of such invocations

9 Solutions How to find and invoke distributed services web services How to understand results intelligible meta-data shared ontologies

10 Web services

11 Family of standards UDDI Universal Description, Discovery and Integration how do I create a catalog where services can be found? WSDL Web Services Definition Language how do I describe a service to its users? SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol how do I communicate with the service

12 WSDL message(s) accepted and emitted: abstract description (XML Schema) network protocol(s) and message format(s) operation: exchange of messages port type: collection of operations port: implementation of a port type service: collection of ports

13 UDDI registry system business entities, business services, specifications, service types standard taxonomies to describe businesses, services, and service types

14 SOAP message construction (envelope, header, body) message exchange patterns (MEP) and how to define more processing model for messaging: originator, intermediaries, destination extensibility mechanism fault system bindings to transport protocols (HTTP, SMTP,...)

15 Operation patterns portType element one-way service receives a message; single input element request-response service receives a message and sends a response; one input and one output element solicit-response service sends a message and receives a response; one output and one input element notification service sends a message; single output element

16 Example Google WSDL

17 SOAP Messaging

18 Envelope Embedded Information Namespaces Encoding information Header Optional Can be handled by intermediaries Body Mandatory Handled only by ultimate receiver

19 Header Used for extension Context Authentication Transaction Management Made of Header blocks

20 Body Made of Body blocks Carry main end-to-end information Application data that will be consumed by Ultimate SOAP receiver RPC method and parameters SOAP fault

21 Example SOAP message Google query

22 Example Google response

23 Running code import*; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { try { GoogleSearch search = new GoogleSearch(); search.setKey (“1234123412341234" ); search.setQueryString(args[0]); search.setSafeSearch(true); GoogleSearchResult result = search.doSearch(); System.out.println(result.toString()); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace();} }}

24 Where’s the XML? XML is under the hood It permits the interoperation but the programmer can forget about it Tools do the work VB.Net JAXB

25 Break

26 Semantic Web Layers RDF Resource Description Framework RDF Schema OWL Web Ontology Language

27 Differences RDF Assert facts The ECT 360 homepage is... RDF Schema Create vocabularies and use them ECT 360 is a CTICourse OWL Describe relationships between vocabularies CTICourse in CTISchema is the same as Class in UICSchema

28 Semantic Web Idea Question What courses at UIC cover the same material as ECT 360 at DePaul CTI? With the Semantic Web Get description of ECT 360 Crawl UIC site for descriptions of courses Match UIC descriptions against ECT 360 descriptions

29 Metadata Information about other data: web page Author, timestamp, content-type. photograph Photographer, subject, timestamp, camera model, film used. astronomical observation date/time, coordinates, instrument, part of the instrument.

30 RDF RDF is a specification that defines a model for representing the world, and a syntax for serializing and exchanging that model.

31 Example: Book reviews Some web pages are reviews of something else: a book, a recording, another web page. The item being reviewed has various properties: a title, an author, an ISBN (for books, at least). Possibility create an XML document with this information link somehow from web page

32 Problem What schema do we use? our own? create a consortium of reviewers? This is a general problem of metadata better to have a general solution

33 The metadata idea Let authors make assertions about their documents Standardize the format but not the content Should build on web technologies

34 RDF Building Blocks Resource Something with a URI Property Special type of resource With a name Can also have properties Statement Resource / Property / Value triple Statements may refer to the same resource

35 Example Statements this review is about a book isbn 01930110111 this book is published by Manning this book is titled “XSLT Quickly” this book was written by a person that person has first name Bob that person has last name DuCharme that person has a homepage

36 Example

37 Resources

38 Defined by URI Not necessarily a URL Like namespaces

39 Literals

40 Properties

41 Can be a literal or a resources Multiple values allowed Properties can have properties Sam owns shares in Enron The quantity of this ownership relation is 1000 Properties also have URIs Typically a base URI with associated prefix like namespaces

42 Example: Dublin core Metadata for “published things” Created by a library science consortium Defines elements creator publisher isbn date format

43 Dublin Core Refer to the Dublin Core namespace in RDF document dc: typical prefix

44 Triples SubjectPropertyObject dc:titleXSLT Quickly urn:isbn:1930110111dc:creator foaf:surnameDuCharme

45 XML Serialization <rdf:RDF xmlns:foaf="“ xmlns:dc="“ xmlns:rdf="“ xmlns:rev=""> <rdf:Description rdf:about=”urn:isbn:1930110111” XSLT Quickly Manning Bob DuCharme

46 With RDF We create assertions triples Vocabulary creation based on namespaces Verbose Low-level

47 RDF Application: RSS RSS RDF Site Summary used to propagate web content IE Channels Netscape My Navigator blogs Example

48 Semantic Web Important vision for the future Some tools available now

49 Next week

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