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Presentation on theme: " Schools and the Carbon Reduction Commitment Energy Efficiency Scheme Karen Walter Carbon Reduction Officer, HCC School Clerks Network."— Presentation transcript:

1 Schools and the Carbon Reduction Commitment Energy Efficiency Scheme Karen Walter Carbon Reduction Officer, HCC School Clerks Network Forum: 22 nd November 2010

2 Introduction This presentation will cover: Introduction to the CRC Scheme Implications for HCC and Schools Actions for Schools Relevance to Clerks and Governors Energy reduction initiatives at HCC Further Information

3 1. Record 2. Report 3. Purchase 4. Surrender What is the CRC? Mandatory emissions scheme Aims: Improve energy efficiency & reduce CO 2 Qualification: Half hourly electricity use in 2008 Emission liability Key steps CO 2 = £

4 Implications of CRC for HCC Financial  Allowance Costs  Rising Energy Prices £12 per tonne CO 2 circa £1.6 - £1.7million pa approx 8% of energy costs Reporting & Recording  Annual reporting Penalties  Incorrect Information: min £5000  Incorrect Reporting: £40 per tonne CO 2  Failure to keep adequate records: £40 per tonne CO 2

5 CRC and schools issues Schools  Liability for school emissions & allowance costs  Cannot charge School’s Budget  How to incentivise schools  Data Schools will account for 60-70% of HCC CRC emissions & allowance costs

6 Actions for schools? 1. Provide HCC with relevant energy use information:  School’s Not on HCC Energy Contract - Energy Use (kWh) for 1 April – 31 March - Meter numbers and meter readings - Copies of Energy bills  All Schools - Information on renewable technologies - Information on energy saving activities

7 Actions for schools? 2. Reduce Energy Consumption –Draw up an energy reduction policy/plan –Set targets –Identify problem areas –Start with the easy wins –Contact HCC for support

8 What is HCC doing? Communication with schools/governors/clerks Energy Reduction Advisors AMRs – installation in all schools by March 2011 10:10 and Switch-off campaign

9 How can clerks help? Clerks role : –Give advice and guidance to governing body on CRC –Be informed of the scheme and what schools and governors are required to do –Be a point of reference at Governor meetings –Be aware of examples of good practice of successful energy reduction plans –Be able to signpost Governors to relevant information, organisations and individuals that can help support schools with the CRC scheme

10 What does it mean for school Governors? Governors need to Be aware of the CRC scheme Support SLT Put energy reduction on the agenda Appoint an energy reduction champion Set energy reduction targets Help schools to develop an energy action plan: –implement the plan –get the whole school on board –meet targets

11 How can schools reduce energy use? Set energy reduction targets Identify key areas that need attention Create an energy policy and plan for change Make it a key agenda item at premises committee meetings Nominate energy reduction champions; governors and pupils Instigate an Energy Council Engage with pupils and community

12 Further Information For more information on the scheme, relevant forms and case studies please see: Contact:

13 thank you


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