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Response to Intervention 2013-2014 Administrator Institute August 7, 2013 Michelle Coconate & Kristen McElligatt.

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Presentation on theme: "Response to Intervention 2013-2014 Administrator Institute August 7, 2013 Michelle Coconate & Kristen McElligatt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Response to Intervention 2013-2014 Administrator Institute August 7, 2013 Michelle Coconate & Kristen McElligatt

2 Topics Academic RtI  Checklist  Documentation  Procedures  Team Processes: Grade Level PBIS  Recognition  4 Misunderstandings  Tier 2 Implementation  Importance of Tier 1  2013-14 Focus  Year at a Glance Professional Development  Coaching during PBIS Tier 1 and 2 Meetings/Grade Level Teams  Calendar  Teaching and Learning Sessions Resources Discipline Data  Codes  Data Entry & Accountability

3 Academic RtI Tier 2 Academic RtI Checklist for Interventionists

4 Professional Dialogue: RtI Checklist Find a partner Review the checklist focusing on the Beginning of the Year – Prior to Fall Benchmarking section Consider these questions: 1. What planning needs to be done to ensure that the items on the checklist can be completed? 2. How will you support your Interventionist and grade level teams in their work? How will you determine the efficacy of the process? 3. What support do you or your staff need?

5 Documentation of Intervention or Enrichment Tier 2  Tier 2 Intervention Worksheet for each intervention group  Intervention Integrity Form or other approved documentation of attendance (Corrective Reading attendance)  Progress monitoring data Tier 3  Tier 3 Intervention Worksheet for each individual student  Intervention Integrity Form or other approved documentation of attendance (Corrective Reading attendance)  Progress monitoring data

6 Procedures Big Idea Follow procedures in the RtI Procedural Handbook (  Orange files should be updated periodically and follow students  Parents/caregivers participate in the process and receive communication about RtI yearly (brochure at P/T conferences in November)  Each school must have a Problem Solving Team (Tier 3)

7 Team Processes Best Practices  Regularly scheduled meetings  Team norms  Agenda/Minutes  Data  Roles/Responsibilites  Communication  Action planning process  Accountability Tier 1:  Universal Leadership Team  PBIS Tier 1 Team Tier 2:  Grade Level or Department Teams  PBIS Tier 2 Team Tier 3:  Problem Solving Team (Academic & Behavioral)

8 PBIS Tier 1 Team Planning: Year At-A-Glance

9 Recognition Congratulations!!! START-UP Peoria High School EMERGING Calvin Coolidge Hines Jamieson Kellar Manual Academy Sterling Valeska Hinton ECEC Whittier Woodrow Wilson IMPLEMENTING Franklin Northmoor Thomas Jefferson 2013-2014 Recognition Application Deadline: May 2014

10 4 Misunderstandings that Can Block PBIS Implementation 1. Lack of Clarity about the purpose 2. Beliefs about positive reinforcement 3. Positive reinforcement is unnatural 4. Reinforcers irisEd Focus ™ June 2013

11 1.Lack of clarity about the purpose Is your staff doubting or asking why? Here's why... Punishment-oriented programs create a negative environment that affects success. Clarity of purpose…  Creates a positive culture,  Decrease disruption,  Increases academic engagement time & learning. 4 Misunderstandings that Can Block PBIS Implementation irisEd Focus ™ June 2013

12 2. Beliefs about positive reinforcement Some feel positive reinforcement is manipulative and/or damaging. The emotion-laden 'Good Job' praise is particularly concerning to them. > Use 'descriptive noticing’/neutral feedback. It's more effective at increasing desired behavior. Emotion-laden praise example: "John, I love the way you are paying attention." Descriptive noticing example: "John, I notice you are looking at the speaker." 4 Misunderstandings that Can Block PBIS Implementation irisEd Focus ™ June 2013

13 3. Positive reinforcement is unnatural  We are trying to increase desirable behavior by noticing desired behavior and ignoring minor inappropriate behavior. It's a challenging concept. For many staff members it will take sustained modeling and coaching to be successful. 4 Misunderstandings that Can Block PBIS Implementation irisEd Focus ™ June 2013

14 4. Reinforcers > You don't need costly prizes as reinforcers. Dump the junk from the prize box. Reinforcers should be activities. Quick and as close to free as possible. Go to recess 5 minutes early. Give a ticket to be first in line or eat lunch at a special table. 4 Misunderstandings that Can Block PBIS Implementation irisEd Focus ™ June 2013

15 Activity: Promote PBIS Implementation at Your School 1.Brainstorm ways to promote PBIS implementation with your table partners. 2.Write your ideas on the provided paper. 3.Share

16 Tier 2 PD & Support All schools will receive Tier 2 training and support this year. Tiered Intervention  Check-In Check-Out (CICO)  Social Academic Instructional Groups (SAIG)  Groups with Individualized Features (GWIF)  Brief Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA)/Behavior Intervention Planning (BIP)

17 Tier 1: Think about It! Most Important Tier  How effectively is your Tier 1/Universal System at preventing inappropriate behavior?  How do you know?  What does this mean for your school?

18 2013 – 2014 Focus Activity 1.Review your school’s 2013-2014 PBIS Focus document 2.Ask yourself these questions:  How effectively is your Tier 1/Universal System at preventing inappropriate behavior?  How do you know?  What does this mean for your school? 3.Set 1-2 short term goals

19 PBIS Year-at-a-Glance  Outlines monthly PBIS activities for the year  Data  Systems  Practices  Communication  Used by teams during PBIS Team Planning Days in May

20 Professional Development 2013-3014 RtI/PBIS PD Calendar

21 What professional development will be provided?  Coaching for PBIS Tier 1 and Tier 2 Coaches and Teams  Coaching for Interventionists and Problem Solving Teams  Coaching of Grade Level Teams  Professional Development with Counselors & PPS Teams  Teaching & Learning Sessions  Professional Development Calendar

22 Resources

23 Building-Based Behavioral/Social Emotional Resource Sets Functional Behavior Assessment Check-In/Check-Out (CICO) Social/Academic Instructional Group Curriculum Resources (SAIG) Groups with Individualized Features (GWIF) Cool Tool Lessons Classroom Management Tier 1 Tier 3 Tier 2

24 Discipline Data Major/Minor/Administrative Action Document

25 Major, Minor, & Administrative Action Codes  Minor Code revisions  Major Code revisions  Additional options for Administrative Actions  Use only codes on the 2013-14 list  Provide PD for your staff on the codes and definitions

26 Data Entry & Accountability Areas for Improvement:  Referrals entered within 24 hours of occurrence  Missing data when all fields of the referral are not completed  Double entry of referrals  Multiple offenses entered for a student at the same time of day on the same date  A.M./P.M.  Saturday/Sunday We’re getting better!!!

27 Codes: Administrative Actions + Loss of Privilege + Detention/Time Out + Conference with Student + Individualized Instruction + Restorative Action

28 Codes: Minors + Property Misuse + Inappropriate Use of Computers + Tardy

29 Codes: Majors  Insubordination change: From: “disobedient to authority” To: “Insubordination/defiance/disrespect/non- compliance  “Documentation of Teacher Intervention” is no longer an offense code  “Tardy” is no longer a major offense code

30 Information Request… List of PBIS team members (including parents) & positions for Tier 1 & Tier 2 List of Problem Solving team members & positions for Tier 3 List of PBIS Team meeting dates and times for Tier 1 & 2 teams for the 2013-14 school year Updated Multi-tiered Action Plan that includes an action item for Culturally Responsive PBIS Please add Kristen and Michelle to email group for weekly announcements (helps us know when meetings change)

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