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Charles Bradley Professional Scrum Trainer Experienced Scrum Coach To download presentation, see “Presentations” section at:

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1 Charles Bradley Professional Scrum Trainer Experienced Scrum Coach To download presentation, see “Presentations” section at: © 2012, Charles Bradley, All Rights Reserved 1

2 About Me… Professional Scrum Trainer, Courses: Professional Scrum Foundations(2 days) Professional Scrum Master (2 days) Started Scrum in 2008, Scrum Team Member (Java), Scrum Coach B.S., Computer Science 2

3 Why should I care about Story Testing Patterns? Increase Productivity and Efficiency Identify Tests up front (ATDD), before development begins Flushes out non-obvious test scenarios Enable more Test Automation! Tests can be automated while code is being written Allows us to move faster without being sloppy, and without comprehensive documentation 3

4 Overview Quick Review of User Stories (15% of our time) Basic Story Testing Patterns (50%) Exercise (15%) Advanced Story Testing Patterns (10%) Special Story Testing Patterns (10%) 4

5 User Stories Card/Title token used for planning and reminder to have conversations Conversations Confirmations aka Story Tests aka Acceptance Tests aka Test Confirmations aka Acceptance Criteria User Stories are not part of Scrum, but they are one good way to represent Product Backlog Items in Scrum 5

6 A User Story Worst Practice “As a, I want, so that ” The Technique is not a worst practice, but thinking this is a User Story IS a worst practice! ^^ This is not a User Story! ^^ This is 1/3 of a User Story ^^ This is the least important 1/3 of the User Story! I argue that Story tests are the most important part, and they are achieved via Conversations 6

7 Warning!! Story Tests and these patterns are NOT: Documentation techniques. Living documents that are maintained. User Stories only convey *new* behavior of a system. Strict contracts. 7

8 What Story Tests Are… Story Tests are: A Communication and testing technique. The results of collaboration and conversation. Defined during backlog grooming, before development begins, at least at a high/conceptual level. Ideally automated to create an Agile Specification. Not all automated Story Tests are at the UI level 8

9 Agile Manifesto Relevance Summation of previous two slides: We value “Working software over comprehensive documentation” “Individuals and interactions over processes and tools” 9

10 Two Story Tests that Always Apply Old behavior still works correctly PO has accepted the story Best Practice: Always get immediate signoff from the PO – Don’t wait until Sprint End. 10

11 How we’re going to proceed For each Pattern Category Advice on Communication Mediums For each Pattern Description Context (Good For/Bad For) An Example or two 11

12 Basic Story Testing Patterns “Test that…” Given/When/Then (aka Gherkin style) Specification By Example – Conceptual Specification By Example – Concrete 12

13 Communication Mediums – Basic Story Testing Patterns Best A wiki or whiteboard is (Best) Hand written (paraphrased) on 5 X 8 cards (2 nd Best) Word Processing Document (last resort) Worst Almost all ALM Tools 13

14 Optimize Your Documentation Q: How much do I document? A: The minimum amount that could possibly work. Q: How will I know if it’s working? A: If your Product Owner often has to point out things not done, that were already mentioned in previous User Story conversations. This is a sign that you might need to document more, and/or add more Story Tests. If this rarely happens, then maybe you should try documenting less! Iterate to the optimum! The optimum amount will vary widely by team. 14

15 Pattern: “Test that…” The technique “Test that ” “Test that ” (less frequent) Conceptual Avoid using specific test data 15

16 Pattern Context: “Test that…” Good For Beginner Story Testers Simple Tests Tests that are hard to describe or understand using the other patterns 16

17 Pattern Context : “Test that…” Bad For Experienced Story Testers who know of a more appropriate pattern to use Tests with a lot of setup logic or behavior logic. Tests where behavior depends on numerous test inputs 17

18 Used in some of the examples… 18

19 Examples: “Test that…” AT-1. Test that, when a user enters an incorrect old password, they get an error message indicating incorrect credentials. AT-2. Test that three incorrect submissions of the old password within 1 hour results in the user being logged out from the system. AT-3. Test that, when a user clicks on the "Continue Shopping" link, it takes them to the home page. AT-4. Test that the order confirmation contains: An order number Estimated arrival date Customer service email address 19

20 Pattern: Given/When/Then The technique Given When Then (or less frequently, Then ) Might use specific test data Use “AND”, “OR” to join statements as necessary 20

21 Pattern Context: Given/When/Then Good For Tests that require a lot of preconditions, setup. Tests that require setup that is important or easily forgotten Tests that have a specific, non obvious, trigger. Tests where there are few expected outputs 21

22 Pattern Context: Given/When/Then Bad For Simple tests Tests that have unimportant/simple/obvious preconditions Tests where there are multiple different inputs and multiple different outputs Tests where a single Given/When/Then only describes one of numerous very similar test scenarios 22

23 Examples: Given/When/Then AT-1. Given A user who has submitted an incorrect old password 2 times in the last hour When The user submits an incorrect password (for the 3rd time) Then The system logs the user out AND The system displays: the customer service phone number. a message telling them to call customer service. 23

24 Examples: Given/When/Then AT-2. Given A user that is logged in AND the user is an admin user OR the user's account has been flagged by Fraud When The user submits an incorrect password (for the 3rd time) Then The system logs the user out AND The system generates an email to the production support team with the following info: user id of the user AND the user's phone number on file 24

25 Pattern: Specification By Example (SBE) The technique Create a table of the most important Examples (testing scenarios) that specify test inputs and expected test outputs. Similar to the "decision table" concept in tools like Fitnesse Be sure to create enough examples to exercise all important logic/test paths 25

26 Pattern Context: SBE Good For Tests that have numerous Inputs that affect output behavior Outputs/expected behaviors Tests where it’s important to test a lot of different data scenarios Tests where the trigger event is somewhat obvious Any test where it seems like a table would be useful to: describe the test better, or help explore all of the possible inputs and outputs for a test. 26

27 Pattern Context: SBE Bad For Simple tests Tests that are more about verifying simple UI behavior For instance – “Test that an error message is displayed when the user enters an incorrect password.” Test where there is really only one input or precondition. 27

28 SBE-Conceptual vs. SBE-Concrete Technique differences For the conceptual form, avoid using specific data, but instead describe the data conceptually. For the concrete form, use actual test data. Choosing Conceptual vs. Concrete Try to at least have the Conceptual form done before development begins on a story. Concrete form is usually better, though it is harder for teams to get done before development begins. 28

29 Example: SBE-Conceptual 29

30 Example: SBE-Concrete 30

31 Exercises 31

32 Example 1 Pat: "For this story, we need to calculate the shipping for orders. Our shipping prices are done by weight. For under 10 pounds, the cost is $25. For under 50 pounds, the cost is $35, and for under 100 pounds, the cost is $75. As you know, we don’t accept orders over 100 pounds." Payton: “Sounds good, that seems pretty easy.” Pat: “I thought so too." 32

33 Characteristics of this story Fairly simple (favors ‘Test That’ pattern) Numerous expected outputs, inputs affect outputs (favors ‘Specification By Example’ patterns) The test setup and trigger events are fairly obvious or unimportant. (‘Given/When/Then’ is not favored) 33

34 Example 1: Possible Story Tests AT-1. Test that orders under 10 lbs are charged $25 for shipping. AT-2. Test that orders that are between 10lbs and under 50lbs are charged $35 for shipping. AT-3. Test that orders 50lbs and over are charged $75 for shipping. 34

35 Example 1: Possible Story Tests Order WeightShipping Cost 0-10lbs$25 10.01lbs-50lbs$35 > 50lbs$75 35 Order WeightShipping Cost 0lbs$25 10.00 lbs$25 10.01 lbs$35 50.00 lbs$35 50.01 lbs$75 99.99lbs$75 Specification By Example - Concrete Specification By Example - Conceptual

36 Example 2 User Story Title: RR154 – Logout goes to home page User Story Conversations: Pat: "For this next story, here is what I want. Right now, when a user clicks on the 'logout’ link in the upper right hand menu, it takes them to a basically blank page that tells them that we've logged them out. In the future, rather than going to basically a blank page, I want the system to take them to the home page with all of our products, and some sort of message up near the top that uses that same message." Payton: "I think it says 'You have successfully logged out.' " Pat: "Yes, that's right, that one. Just make sure that the logout message is highly visible near the top of the page -- I don't want it to get lost in the page." Charles: "On other web sites, I've seen it presented like in a small rectangle with a green background, to make it stand out from a mostly white page." Pat: "That works fine, but I don't want to specify 'The How', right? You folks have taught me that I only get to specify 'The What'" Bailey: "Aahhhhh, right!" 36

37 Characteristics of this story Fairly UI related (favors ‘Test That’ pattern) Fairly simple story tests (favors ‘Test That’ pattern) The test setup and trigger events are important, but probably not hard to remember, either. (moderately favors ‘Given/When/Then’) Input/Output scenarios are not numerous – only a couple (‘Specification By Example’ patterns not favored) 37

38 Example 2: Possible Story Tests Using 'Test That' pattern AT-1 Test that, when a user clicks the logout link, the system navigates the user to the home page. AT-2 Test that, after navigating the user to the home page, the system displays a message like "You have successfully logged out.“ (logout message) AT-3 Test that the logout message is highly visible and near the top of the page. (Ask Pat to approve aesthetics) 38

39 Example 2: Possible Story Tests Using ‘Given/When/Then’ pattern AT-1. Given a user that is logged in, When the user clicks on the "logout link" Then test that the system navigates the user to the home page. AT-2. Given a user that has just logged out When the system navigates the user to the home page Then test that the system displays the existing logout message in a highly visible way, near the top of the page. 39

40 Example 2: Possible Story Tests Mixing ‘Given/When/Then’ and ‘Test That’ patterns AT-1. Given a user that is logged in, When the user clicks on the "logout link" Then test that the system navigates the user to the home page. AT-2 Test that, after a logout navigates the user to the home page, the system displays a message like "You have successfully logged out.“ (logout message) 40

41 Example 3 User Story Title: MKG-44 Limit Product Quantities User Story Conversations: Pat: "For Marketing story 44, here is what I'm looking for. I'd like to limit users to only being able to purchase a maximum quantity of 5 of any one item in any one order." Payton: "Hmmm... That seems weird. I would assume we want to make as many sales as possible?" Pat: "Yes, I know, but what we've found is that we often don't have the inventory to be able to supply that many units. Also, many of the orders for more than 5 items turn out to be fraudulent anyway. So, for now, we just want to limit the quantity to be 5 items." Charles: "Pat, do you have any vision for how we do this?" Pat: "I don't really care -- just something that looks nice. Maybe show me what you come up with and we can collaborate from there." Charles: "Ok." 41

42 Example 3: Possible Story Tests AT-1. Test that a user is unable to purchase more than 5 of the same item in any one order. AT-2. Test that, when a user attempts to purchase more than 5, the system displays a message indicating no more than 5 of any item can be purchased. 42

43 Test Automation Pyramid/Tools JMeter Fitnesse Cucumber GreenPepper xUnit, TestNG SoapUI Sellenium QTP Watir Telerik JMeter xUnit, TestNG

44 Advanced Story Testing Patterns Bullet Points “Test with…” Work best with: Teams that are highly co-located with PO Stories that are very small (2-3 days) Tests that are very simple. Tests with fairly obvious expected behavior 44

45 Communication Mediums – Advanced Story Testing Patterns Best Hand written (paraphrased) on 5 X 8 cards (Best) A wiki or whiteboard (2 nd Best) ALM tool (Last resort) 45

46 Example – Bullet Points 46

47 Example “Test with…” 47

48 Special Story Testing Patterns Flowcharts State Diagrams 48

49 Communication Mediums – Special Story Testing Patterns Best Picture of handwritten diagram from a whiteboard (Best) Diagram in drawing tool, but only if the logic is complex enough to warrant something more fancy than a hand written diagram (2 nd Best) Worst Fancy diagram in some fancy drawing tool that takes way more time than it should. 49

50 Example 1– Flow Charts 50

51 Example 2– Flow Charts 51

52 Example – State Diagrams 52

53 Summary Don’t be afraid to mix and match, even within the same story! Story Tests are the most important part of any User Story, and they are the result of conversations. Tip for Beginners: Start with “Test that…” and work your way up from there. Tip for Intermediates: Start working in new patterns, where they fit nicely. Try to get as many Story Tests automated as you can. Test automation is essential to superior Agility. Closing Tip: Story tests are often a great way to slice User Stories! 53

54 Resources One Page PDF Chart with all Story Testing Patterns Article: User Story Basics +What+is+a+User+Story%3F +What+is+a+User+Story%3F Article: The Bradley User Story Maturity Model rity+Model rity+Model To contact me: To download presentation: Click on “Presentations” 54

55 55 Questions? Hemant Elhence 469.322.0349

56 Synerzip in a Nut-shell 1. Software product development partner for small/mid-sized technology companies Exclusive focus on small/mid-sized technology companies, typically venture-backed companies in growth phase By definition, all Synerzip work is the IP of its respective clients Deep experience in full SDLC – design, dev, QA/testing, deployment 2. Dedicated team of high caliber software professionals for each client Seamlessly extends client’s local team, offering full transparency Stable teams with very low turn-over NOT just “staff augmentation”, but provide full mgmt support 3. Actually reduces risk of development/delivery Experienced team - uses appropriate level of engineering discipline Practices Agile development – responsive, yet disciplined 4. Reduces cost – dual-shore team, 50% cost advantage 5. Offers long term flexibility – allows (facilitates) taking offshore team captive – aka “BOT” option

57 Our Clients Our Clients

58 58 Call Us for a Free Consultation! Thanks! Hemant Elhence 469.322.0349

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