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Final Year Project Progress Presentation Shane McMorrow.

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Presentation on theme: "Final Year Project Progress Presentation Shane McMorrow."— Presentation transcript:

1 Final Year Project Progress Presentation Shane McMorrow

2 Provisional System 72 cell solar panel (Isc 5.57A, Voc 50.9V, Pmax 210W ) Buck Converter with 7 ohm load (Provisional)

3 Simulating Solar Panel In order to implement MPPT, the internal resistance of the solar panel had to calculated The internal resistance of a solar panel varies for different light levels and temperature An accurate simulation of a solar panel is needed to calculate it’s variable internal resistance

4 Solar Panel Calculation Equations

5 Plots

6 Power Plots

7 Variation of Internal Resistance

8 Calculating Lmin/Lc

9 Inductance Characteristics

10 Variable Inductance for Solar Power Applications A SAG inductor should provide the best match the L-I characteristics for the varying power supply

11 Variable Inductance for Solar Power Applications Progress – Research Buck Converters SAG inductor characteristics. Impedance matching using duty cycle for Buck Converters – Simulations PV solar panel plots have been created using Matlab Pspice simulations of solar cells have been created Initial L-I characteristics have been created using Matlab

12 Pspice Solar Cell simulation The student version of Pspice orCad only allows 64 nodes, therefore a PV solar panel can’t be simulated by connecting the cells in series Can still be used to simulate the Buck converter though

13 To do Confirm initial figures calculated Use figures to design SAG inductor Design and build buck converter and test I have decided initially to use a toothpic microcontroller to implement MPPT Learn how to program the toothpic and implement a MPPT algorithm

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