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MERIT analysis - Beam spot size Goran Skoro More details: UKNF Meeting, Oxford, 16 September 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "MERIT analysis - Beam spot size Goran Skoro More details: UKNF Meeting, Oxford, 16 September 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 MERIT analysis - Beam spot size Goran Skoro More details: UKNF Meeting, Oxford, 16 September 2008

2 MERcury Intense Target Purpose: To provide a proof-of- principle for the NF/MC 4- MW target concept. To study the effects of high-magnetic fields on the beam/jet interaction. 1 2 3 4 Syringe Pump Secondary Containment Jet Chamber Proton Beam Solenoid “Each beam pulse is a separate experiment” Estimate of energy density is based on the beam optics calculations Beam size has to be measured for each pulse The MERIT Experiment

3 Beam monitoring MERITCamera 484Camera 454Camera 414

4 Beam monitoring (example) CERN software for online (and offline) beam monitoring X, Y projections At the beginning (May, 2008), the goals of this analysis were: To make a better fitting algorithm To find x,y positions of the beam To find ratios of the x,y sigmas Problem: saturation For most shots the light intensity is saturated Find a shadow Fit a tail 2 nd approach: Devils Tower Wyoming Distribution looks like this To extract ASCII from SDDS

5 How to extract a beam size? z(x,y) distribution is in a saturation here 1 st approach: To fit projections* Mean = 0.31(7) mmSigma = 6.42(12) mm XYXY 2 nd approach: To fit shadows** Mean = -4.64(3) mmMean = 0.16(4) mmMean = -4.71(3) mmSigma = 2.21(3) mmSigma = 2.22(4) mmSigma = 4.82(5) mm We have 3 beam ‘cameras’ -> 3 images for each beam pulse Shot from Camera 484 * Projection for X is similarly for Y.,** Shadow for X is similarly for Y., Fitting: Procedure

6 Simple fitting function: Gaussian + ‘background’ Fitting algorithm (how to avoid gaps; how to choose initial value of the ‘background’ term, etc…) was based on the analysis of the 15-20 randomly selected images (after this, completely ‘blind’ analysis -> no parameters tuning) In total: 520 beam pulses* x 3 cameras x 2 projections = 3120 distributions have been fitted Result: Table – ntuple (part of it shown below) Fitting: Procedure Camera 414 Camera 454 Camera 484 TARGET BEAM Camera 414 Camera 454 Camera 484 Date (ddmmyyyy) Time (hhmmss) X mean (mm) X mean (mm) Y mean (mm) Y mean (mm) Sigma x (mm) Sigma x (mm) Sigma y (mm) ………… This will be used to reconstruct the Run number and to attach this table to the ‘global’ table with experimental results. This will be used to recognize a shot with the ‘suspicious’ fitting result and to fit it ‘manually’. * Period: 23 Oct 2007 – 11 Nov 2007

7 X mean (mm) Y mean (mm) Relative intensity Camera 414 Camera 414 Camera 484 Camera 454 Camera 454 Camera 484 454 484 TARGET BEAM 414 Results: ShadowsDistributions of the Gaussian means

8 Distributions of the Gaussian sigmas  x (mm) Relative intensity Camera 414 Camera 414 Camera 484 Camera 454 Camera 454 Camera 484  x (mm)  y (mm) (empty shots, beam on the edge of the ‘visible field’, etc…) -Suspicious results Find the corresponding event in the table (Slide 6) and fit it manually (if possible) 454 484 TARGET BEAM 414 Results: Projections

9 X mean (shadow)/X mean (projection) Relative intensity Camera 414 Camera 414 Camera 484 Camera 454 Camera 454 Camera 484 454 484 TARGET BEAM 414 Cross-checking: Projections vs Shadows Distributions of the ratios (shadow/projection) of the Gaussian means X mean (shadow)/X mean (projection) Y mean (shadow)/Y mean (projection) Everything is (more or less) symmetrical around 1. As expected, both approaches return similar values of x/y means.

10 Relative intensity Camera 414 Camera 414 Camera 484 Camera 454 Camera 454 Camera 484  x (shadow)/  x (projection) 454 484 TARGET BEAM 414  y (shadow)/  y (projection) Distributions of the ratios (shadow/projection) of the Gaussian sigmas Distributions are not symmetrical around 1 (shifted towards left). It means that sigmas for projections are, in general, bigger than sigmas for shadows. Cross-checking: Projections vs Shadows

11 Distributions of the ratios of the Gaussian sigmas Relative intensity 454 484 TARGET BEAM 414 Nice agreement with ‘Beam Optics’ values Results: Shadows BO ~ 1 BO ~ 1.33

12 Relative intensity 454 484 TARGET BEAM 414 Distributions of the ratios of the Gaussian sigmasResults: Shadows ‘Beam Optics’ value = 1.3‘Beam Optics’ value = 1.7

13 Beam position on target * From ‘Beam Spot Information’ talk, I. Efthymiopoulos, VRVS Meeting, November 30, 2007 454 484 TARGET -5.77 m-4.17 m0.0 454 484 TARGET BEAM 414 EXP Taken online (estimated by the eye from the screen data) FIT Calculated by using: 1) the fitted beam positions for Camera454 and Camera484 (see Slide 4, for example); 2) the Camera454, Camera484 and target positions* EXP FIT EXP FIT

14 454 484 TARGET BEAM 414 Relative intensity Distributions of the ratios of the Gaussian sigmas Mean = 1.07 Mean = 1.41 Mean = 1.80 ‘Beam optics’ ~ 1 ‘Beam optics’ ~ 1.33 ‘Beam optics’ = 1.7 Beam position on target So far, everything (sigmas ratios, beam positions) looks nice… … except the absolute values of the beam widths!!! Beam optics calculations: beam sigmas are much smaller

15 Projections If we assume that the ‘light intensity’ (from the screens) is proportional to beam intensity (before we reach a ‘saturation intensity’) we can, at least, estimate the correction factor when fitting the projections. Similar results have been obtained by fitting of shadows. Objections: 1) Saturation is a problem (‘we could have many sigmas hidden here’) 2) Shadows approach looks problematic for the highest beam intensities (only a few points left to fit tails) This is not a problem (intensity is below the saturation level) and a projection approach will give us correct value of beam width(s) This is a problem (intensity is 10x higher than the saturation level) Results: Beam size vs beam intensity

16 Simulation: Saturation effects (1) (2) (3) Intensity = 10x ‘saturation intensity’ Intensity = 100x ‘saturation intensity’ Intensity <= ‘saturation intensity’  x =  y = 2 mm It is obvious that an extraction of projections from (2) and (3) will not give us gaussians Projections X, Y (mm) (1)  x,y = 2.00 (2) (2)  x,y = 2.97 (3) (3)  x,y = 3.78 (4) Intensity But, what will happen if we try to fit corresponding projections by using gaussian(s)?

17 Simulation: Saturation effects Intensity = 10x ‘saturation intensity’ Intensity = 100x ‘saturation intensity’ Intensity <= ‘saturation intensity’  x = 3 mm  y = 1.5 mm  x = 3 mm  y = 1.5 mm  x = 3 mm  y = 1.5 mm - In our case, expected value of sigma_x/sigma_y ~ 2 ‘Symmetry’ between x and y is broken Sigma_fit/sigma_input Intensity / ’Saturation intensity’ - Previous slide is for sigma_x = sigma_y - By plotting sigma_output/sigma_input as a function of intensity we can estimate a correction function Next step: To find a value of ‘saturation intensity’ in our case x y

18 Results: Beam intensity below 0.2 Tp 454 484 TARGET BEAM 414 There are 10 -15 shots (23 Oct 2007) where beam intensity is below 0.2 Tp. The distributions (few examples are shown below) look like perfect double-Gaussians for all shots. Camera 484 No saturation here BUT sigmas are ~2x bigger than expected from BO calculations!!!

19 Results of fitting of the shadows X (mm) Y (mm) (1)  x = 2.93 (2) (2)  x = 3.26 (2) (3)  x = 3.22 (3) (1)  y = 1.90 (1) (2)  y = 2.05 (2) (3)  y = 1.66 (2) 454 484 TARGET BEAM 414 For low beam intensity shots, in around 50% of the cases the situation is similar to (1) and (2). Even when we have a beam shot similar to case (3) the x/y widths ratio is close to 2. The plot above shows the results of the fitting of these 3 distributions. (1) (2) (3) Saturation Saturation (but not so clear) ‘Proper’ Gaussian Camera 484 It looks that saturation starts somewhere here Relative intensity Results: Beam intensity around 0.3 Tp

20 Results: ‘Correction’ function Sigma_fit/sigma_input Intensity / ’Saturation intensity’ ~ 0.3 Tp ’Saturation intensity’ ~ 0.3 Tp 0.3 Tp30 Tp We can use these ‘functions’ to correct the data xy ~ 30 Tp

21 454 484 TARGET BEAM 414 Beam size vs beam intensity (after correction) Dots: from beam monitors data Lines: from beam optics calculations Summary Analysis of the MERIT beam monitors data has been completed Two approaches: cross-checked Measurements vs. calculations: controversy remains More details:

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