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TSMAD 20 Management of encoding bulletins The story after EB 27...

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1 TSMAD 20 Management of encoding bulletins The story after EB 27...

2 TSMAD 20 EB 27 Encoders are advised … to use caution when considering the population of EXPSOU=2.. for sounding objects … Where it is considered that a sounding that is shoaler than the range of depth of the surrounding depth area may be a hazard to navigation, encoders should preferably conduct further investigation of source material in order to encode additional depth contour and depth area information more relevant to the sounding. Alternatively, encoders may consider using an alternate object class (e.g. OBSTRN) to encode the depth.

3 TSMAD 20 Questions Was an encoding bulletin the good way to solve the problem ? Are we sure that all ENC producers are aware of the publication of a new EB ? Which IHO body is entitled to approve an EB ? Are there other existing Ebs Which must be applied to existing ENCs ?

4 TSMAD 20 The good way ? The problem is that EXPSOU is not used by ECDIS to include soundings in the base display and to trigger alarms. It's easy to change ENCs by an ER and it's not easy to change the PL and ECDIS softwares. There is no need to change the S57 PS (perfect !). A clarification given to the encoder is enough.

5 TSMAD 20 Who knows the encoding bulletins ? When a new EB is approved by TSMAD : It appears in TSMAD minutes It is published on the IHO website Are the ENC producers aware of that ?

6 TSMAD 20 Is it important for safety of navigation ? Generally, nothing in the presentation or the wording of the EB draws the attention of the ENC producer on the importance of this EB in front of the safety of navigation. They are all at the same level.

7 TSMAD 20 An encoding bulletin is never compulsory Introduction about Ebs on IHO website : It should be noted that the procedures described in these Bulletins are not compulsory...

8 TSMAD 20 Proposals for an improvement To make an announcement about a new encoding bulletin through an IHO circular letter : any HO producing ENCs will be aware of the « clarification ». To state clearly if the EB solves a problem having an impact on safety of navigation, making it compulsory, and stating that existing ENCs must be reviewed.

9 TSMAD 20 Approval of encoding bulletins Approval of an EB (clarification) by the TSMAD is conforming to resolution A1.21 but … … when an EB does more than a clarification is it legitimate ? Approval of an EB by the higher body, HSSC, will slow the process but could improve the communication and the wording. But is it a good solution to slow the process for the most important EBs ?

10 TSMAD 20 Other EB having an impact on safety of navigation See annex : 32 Ebs published 3 canceled 10 having an impact on safety of navigation existing ENCs must be reviewed.

11 TSMAD 20 Questions & answers Was an encoding bulletin the good way to solve the problem ? Yes, because we have nothing else. Are we sure that all ENC producers are aware of the publication of a new EB ? No IHO circular letter Which IHO body is entitled to approve an EB ? HSSC for the most important ones ? Are there other existing Ebs Which must be applied to existing ENCs ? YES : see the list in annex

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